1. Introduction
The mixing height (MH) is a crucial value for numerical weather prediction (NWP) modeling and air quality monitoring. Interpretation of in situ measurements of trace gases requires knowledge of the depth through which the trace gases are well mixed (Lin et al. 2003; Locatelli et al. 2015). Quantification of emissions using mesoscale inversions is particularly sensitive to accurate representation of the MH (Lauvaux and Davis 2014). The MH also affects the profiles of temperature, moisture, and momentum in the lower atmosphere, which are imperative for accurate forecasts from NWP output. The parameterization of planetary boundary layer (PBL) processes and the vertical extent of mixing in NWP models affects predictions of severe storms (Cohen et al. 2015); cloud cover, which is important for solar power production (Cintineo et al. 2014); and the mean wind through entrainment at the top of the mixed layer (Tennekes and Driedonks 1981). Additionally, a small daytime MH may lead to strong heating over a shallow depth and have been observed during heat waves (Kunkel et al. 1996). Thus, accurate measurements of the MH are necessary for air quality studies and validation of NWP output.
However, measuring the MH both continuously and accurately is difficult. Radiosondes provide an instantaneous snapshot of the temperature, moisture, and wind profile, which can be used to estimate the MH using various parcel methods (Seibert et al. 2000); however, the vertical profile may not be representative of the mean MH in general, especially if the radiosonde ascends through a pronounced updraft or downdraft. Radar wind profilers have been shown to accurately measure the MH during convective conditions (Angevine et al. 1994), but they are generally unable to measure the MH at night. Similarly, ceilometers and other backscatter lidars have shown promise in continuously measuring the MH during the day (Münkel et al. 2007; Haeffelin et al. 2012), but they have difficulty distinguishing the nocturnal mixing layer (ML) from the residual layer at night and during morning and evening transition periods (Schween et al. 2014).
Doppler lidar observations have been used to estimate the MH, most often using either backscatter or turbulence information from vertical stares (e.g., Hogan et al. 2009; Barlow et al. 2011; Huang et al. 2017). Tucker et al. (2009) evaluates the accuracy of various techniques and finds that vertical velocity variance generally provides the most accurate measure of the MH. However, because of minimum range issues and the presence of nonturbulent motions (e.g., gravity waves), vertical velocity variance profiles alone are insufficient to identify the MH. Vakkari et al. (2015) shows that using the variability along a low-angle conical scan reduces the minimum range, so the MH may be identified when it is below the minimum range of a vertical stare; these MH estimates from conical scans generally agreed with MH estimates from vertical measurements when there was overlapping coverage. Pichugina et al. (2008) uses vertical-slice scans to measure the horizontal velocity variance, which may be used to quantify mixing all the way down to the surface to detect a shallow MH (Pichugina and Banta 2010). However, the shallow conical and vertical-slice scans alone may not be able to measure turbulence through a deep enough layer to penetrate the top of the mixed layer. To overcome the challenges and limitations of each individual scan strategy, a composite approach leveraging the advantages of each scanning strategy is necessary to provide continuous measurements of the MH.
To take advantage of all measured quantities from different scan types, a fuzzy logic approach is introduced here. This technique blends all the data together from multiple scans to determine a unified measurement of the MH and the uncertainty of the estimate. Bianco and Wilczak (2002) used a similar approach to combine several variables measured by wind profiling radar to find the top of the convective PBL. The algorithm presented here has been initially developed to determine the MH for the Indianapolis Flux Experiment (INFLUX), which is a multi-institution collaborative project to measure the greenhouse gas emissions from the metropolitan area of Indianapolis, Indiana (Davis et al. 2017). For INFLUX, a Halo Photonics Stream Line Doppler lidar has been deployed to suburban Indianapolis to measure the mean horizontal winds, turbulence, and the MH.
The paper is organized in the following manner. The distinction between the PBL and MH, as well as measurement of each, is discussed in section 2. The experiment, instrument, scanning strategies, and measurements are described in section 3. The operation of the algorithm itself is thoroughly described in section 4. An intercomparison between the Doppler lidar MH and in situ measurements is shown in section 5. A brief climatology of the MH over Indianapolis in 2016, demonstrating the utility of these measurements, is provided in section 6. The strengths and limitations of this algorithm, along with areas for further research and improvement, are discussed in section 7, and a summary of the algorithm and results is proved in section 8.
2. Definition and measurement of the mixing height
While the PBL and the mixing layer are closely related, the two are not always identical or interchangeable with each other. According to the American Meteorological Society (2017), the PBL is defined as “the bottom layer of the troposphere that is in contact with the surface of the earth.” Thus, the PBL is the layer of the air directly influenced and responsive to surface forcings (Stull 1988). The mixing layer is the depth of air near the ground where pollutants or other passive tracers are vertically dispersed by convection or mechanical turbulence within about an hour (Seibert et al. 2000), where the MH is the top of this layer. During vigorously convective conditions in the unstable PBL, the mixing layer can be characterized as “well mixed,” in which passive tracers are quickly mixed and relatively constant with height throughout the entire mixing layer. During well-mixed time periods, the mixing layer and PBL are often considered identical. Conversely, the PBL height is often ill-defined during the morning or evening transition periods and stable conditions, as the depth to which surface forcings influence the atmosphere is ambiguous and has been identified in multiple ways that are not always in agreement (see Vickers and Mahrt 2004).
Various definitions for the PBL height are largely the result of different ways in which the PBL is measured depending on the type of instrument used. The PBL height can be determined in different ways from radiosonde vertical profiles of temperature, humidity, and wind (Seidel et al. 2010), such as the use of a parcel method during strong convection (Holzworth 1964) or analysis of surface inversions and the wind profile during stable conditions (Joffre et al. 2001). Sodar measurements of the PBL are largely based on the backscatter, which is proportional to the temperature structure function parameter
Since the PBL is often poorly defined, especially under stable conditions, it is a difficult quantity to measure continuously. However, the MH is a clearly defined quantity that can be quantified continuously with the appropriate measurements. Herein, the presented algorithm is designed to measure the MH as defined by Seibert et al. (2000, p. 1002): “The mixing height is the height of the layer adjacent to the ground over which pollutants or any constituents emitted within this layer or entrained into it become vertically dispersed by convection or mechanical turbulence within a time scale of about an hour.” Since these MH measurements are primarily used for air quality applications, this definition is refined during well-mixed convective time periods to be the mean height that pollutants are dispersed. Using this definition, Doppler lidar measurements of turbulent quantities and other contextual information can be used to directly determine the MH.
3. Doppler lidar deployment and measurements
The INFLUX began in 2010 with the primary goal of measuring citywide greenhouse gas emissions at a high spatial (1 km) and temporal (weekly or finer) resolution. To make these measurements, a suite of instrumentation has been installed in and around the Indianapolis metropolitan area to measure trace gas quantities, sensible and latent heat fluxes, and meteorological quantities, in addition to other episodic measurements, such as research aircraft observations. To complement these measurements, a Halo Photonics Stream Line Doppler lidar was deployed in Indianapolis in 2013 primarily to provide the mean wind profile in the lower part of the atmosphere and turbulence information, including the MH. A more thorough overview of the INFLUX project in general is provided by Davis et al. (2017).
For INFLUX, the lidar has been installed on the roof of a building four stories (
System specifications for the Halo Photonics Stream Line XR.
The lidar has been operating in a scan sequence that repeats every 20 min continuously. The scan pattern consists of conical [plan position indicator (PPI)] scans at elevation angles ϕ (above the horizon) of 3°, 10°, 35.3°, and 60°; vertical-slice [range–height indicator (RHI)] scans to the south and east; a zenith stare (lasting 10 min during the day, 4 min at night); and quasi-horizontal stares at
The 20-min scan sequence used in INFLUX after the redeployment in January 2016 that repeats continuously. For the height range, the lower number indicates the minimum height, which is a function of the scan geometry. The larger number is the typical height where the SNR is greater than −23 dB; this height varies considerably depending on conditions, such as aerosol loading and cloudiness. Duration and number of beams are approximate quantities, and vary slightly with each repetition of the scan.
The measurements taken by the various scans are used to produce vertical profiles of the mean wind, turbulence, and signal intensity. Profiles of the mean zonal u, meridional υ, and vertical w winds are produced by applying the velocity–azimuthal display (VAD) technique (Browning and Wexler 1968) using radial velocity
Each of the scans used in INFLUX provides some information on the amount of turbulent mixing in the atmosphere. From the PPI scans, the variance of the residuals of the VAD fit (
4. Algorithm description
a. Fuzzy logic overview
To take advantage of all the measured quantities from the different scanning strategies, all of the observations need to be combined together in some manner for a unified determination of the MH. Fuzzy logic is naturally suitable for combining different measured variables together for determining the physical properties of a sample. Additionally, fuzzy logic avoids depending on a single threshold that is valid for all conditions, which results in large sensitivity to the MH estimate (Schween et al. 2014). Within the field of atmospheric science and remote sensing, fuzzy logic has been used extensively, especially within the radar community. For polarimetric weather radar, fuzzy logic has been used for hydrometeor classification (Vivekanandan et al. 1999; Liu and Chandrasekar 2000), identification of nonprecipitation echoes and radar artifacts (Gourley et al. 2007; Mahale et al. 2014), and discrimination between stratiform and convective precipitation (Yang et al. 2013), to name a few uses. Additionally, fuzzy logic has been used to measure the convective PBL depth using quantities measured by a radar wind profiler (Bianco and Wilczak 2002). While fuzzy logic has been used extensively in the atmospheric sciences with radar measurements, this is the first time to the authors’ knowledge that fuzzy logic has been applied to Doppler lidar.
Fuzzy logic is essentially the mapping of multiple input variables to determine the quality or characteristic of a measurement (Mendel 1995). The input variables are related to an output characteristic through membership functions, which vary from zero to one. A membership value of one indicates that a measurement is a member of a certain classification. Membership values from different inputs are aggregated together through a weighted mean, after which the aggregate is defuzzified to infer a characteristic of the measurement. While fuzzy logic can be used to determine many different possible classifications (e.g., as in hydrometeor identification; Vivekanandan et al. 1999), herein we use it to determine whether turbulent mixing is present in a measurement. The vertical extent of turbulent mixing is used to identify the MH. Since the scan pattern described in section 3 takes 20 min to complete and all of the data from these scans are used together, the MH measurement is intrinsically a 20-min average.
b. Nonturbulent motion detection
Before the MH can be determined, it is imperative to identify and separate nonturbulent fluctuations in the mean wind (
For purposes here it is not necessary to parse out the exact velocity variance from atmospheric turbulence from wave motions, which would require wavelet analysis or multispectral resolution techniques (Vickers and Mahrt 2003; Viana et al. 2010). Instead, it is only necessary to determine whether turbulent mixing is occurring within a layer. Within the PBL turbulent energy is apparent across a wide range of frequencies as it cascades from larger scales to smaller scales, as is reflected in the velocity spectrum (Kaimal et al. 1976). Energy from pure wave motions is confined to the frequencies of the waves in the packet. Since observed lower-atmospheric waves have periods on the order of minutes to tens of minutes (e.g., Finnigan et al. 1984; Viana et al. 2009; Toms et al. 2017), simply evaluating the w variance at high frequencies or applying a high-pass filter removes effects from waves alone, while some variance from turbulent motions existing within the inertial subrange remains.
For each range gate in the zenith stare, values of
c. Turbulent layer identification
After submeso motions have been detected using vertical stares, data from all the scans can be combined. To make all of the turbulence quantities comparable, the measurements are fuzzified, or transformed into values that vary between zero and one, according to their membership function. A membership value of one indicates that the measurement is part of a turbulently mixed classification, while zero indicates that a measurement is not. An example of the half-trapezoidal-shaped membership functions that are used here is shown in Fig. 3. The membership functions have two parameters—
Membership function values of
Since measurement heights from different scan types vary depending on the geometry, the fuzzified values are linearly interpolated to a common 5-m-height grid. These values are aggregated by taking the mean of the fuzzified values. While some versions of fuzzy logic use weighted means, all inputs are weighted equally here. This aggregate is then used to identify a first guess for the MH
Examples of the different measures of turbulence and the aggregate produced by combining these measurements are shown in Fig. 4 for data collected on 17 October 2016. This day was chosen to demonstrate the utility of combining and using measurements from the different scans for a complete representation of the entire PBL, with zenith stares measuring to the top of the PBL and low elevation scans filling in the measurement gap below the minimum range of the zenith stares. Additionally, nonturbulent motions above the MH, such as shown in Fig. 2, are apparent on this day and flagged as such so that they are not misconstrued as turbulent motions when incorporated into the fuzzy aggregate. These waves are apparent in Fig. 4a from 1400 to 2300 UTC between
d. Use of other indicators for MH
During well-mixed periods, vertical profiles of other measured quantities that are well mixed themselves (i.e., roughly constant with height above the surface layer and below the MH) can be used to improve the MH measurement. Specifically herein, vertical profiles of the mean horizontal wind and RCI are used to refine the measurement of the MH. Large gradients of these quantities are often apparent at the interface of the well-mixed layer and the free troposphere. Additionally, cleaner and drier air being entrained into the mixing layer frequently results in a large
A Haar wavelet (Haar 1910) covariance transform on a vertical profile can be used to detect sharp changes in a given quantity. Haar wavelet covariance transforms have been extensively applied to backscatter profiles from lidars to determine the MH during convective conditions (e.g., Cohn and Angevine 2000; Davis et al. 2000; Brooks 2003). Similarly, a Haar wavelet transform is applied to the profiles of RCI here to detect gradients in the aerosol content at the MH. The dilation of the Haar wavelet used here is 200 m. A wavelet transform can also be employed on profiles of u and υ to detect changes at the top of a well-mixed layer. An example of u, υ, and the vector-summed Haar wavelet (dilation = 200 m, as well) transform operated on profiles of each component separately is shown in Figs. 6a,b. In the wavelet transform of the wind profile, pronounced peaks are apparent both at the MH (1250 m) and near the surface, where friction causes the wind speed to sharply decrease near the ground. These peaks in the wavelet transform of both u, υ, and RCI are used to refine the measurement of the MH.
The location of up to the five largest local peaks in the profiles of
The peaks are incorporated into this fuzzy logic technique by forming a second-generation aggregate. In contrast to the membership functions used in section 4c, which are based on the local value of the quantity, membership functions here are dynamically created for each time step considering the location and size of the peaks. This process is done for each type of peak (i.e.,
The second-generation aggregate is produced by taking a weighted mean of the membership values used in the first-generation aggregate and the membership values described above for u, υ,
Similar to how
e. Reliability metrics
Since the algorithm produces continuous measurements of
The uncertainty bounds themselves are subject to the quality of the input measurements. If the observations themselves are affected by rain or by low aerosol loading, then both the
Flags are also produced to indicate whether the measurement of
5. Comparison with in situ measurements
Other field measurements for INFLUX provide occasional opportunities to validate measurements from the Doppler lidar. Occasionally, research aircraft flights are conducted around the Indianapolis area to quantify greenhouse gas emission rates from the urban area (e.g., Heimburger et al. 2017). During some of these flights, the aircraft performs helical ascents and descents over the lidar site, allowing aircraft and lidar profiles to be compared. The aircraft is outfitted with a suite of sensors, including a cavity ring-down spectrometer for in situ measurements of carbon dioxide, methane, and water vapor (Crosson 2008), and a microbead thermistor for temperature observations. Profiles of these measurements can be used to determine the MH, based on where trace gases are well mixed and on the potential temperature
Given the limited dataset, aircraft profile measurements are intercompared with the corresponding Doppler lidar
While a case is presented here to demonstrate the validity of
6. Mixing height statistics in 2016
The diurnal cycle of
7. Discussion
The presented algorithm has many advantages over other individual approaches to determine the MH. This composite technique combines information from all the scan angles, mitigating detection issues when the MH is below the minimum range of a zenith pointed lidar while also maintaining sensitivity to detect a deep MH from the zenith measurements. The fuzzy logic method combines multiple techniques used separately in previous studies to obtain a unified determination of the MH, even though each measurement alone (Haar wavelet on RCI,
Despite these advantages over other traditional approaches to determine the MH, there are still challenges and limitations of this technique that will need to be addressed in the future. The method in which turbulence is measured from the PPI and RHI scans inherently relies on homogeneity in the mean flow (Bonin et al. 2017). While this assumption can be often safely made in Indianapolis, where the terrain is flat, it is often not valid in areas with complex terrain. This heterogeneity leads to inaccurate measures of turbulence and ultimately to poor measurements of
While the results here have been shown only from a Halo Photonics Stream Line XR Doppler lidar, this technique is currently being similarly applied to measurements from a Leosphere Windcube 200S, the high-resolution Doppler lidar (Grund et al. 2001), and a custom-built lidar currently under development. With a similar scanning pattern as used here, this algorithm should be applicable to measurements from Doppler lidar systems as well. As the fuzzy logic technique is applied to the different systems operating with varying parameters (pulse width, accumulation time, pulse repetition frequency, etc.) and scan cycles, the membership functions in Table 3 are adjusted. For example, the upper and lower limits for the membership function for
8. Conclusions
A new fuzzy logic–based composite technique to determine the MH from Doppler lidar data has been presented. The method is able to take advantage of the strengths of each measurement and scan strategy to overcome the limitations of others. For instance, shallow conical scans can be used to take measurements at high vertical resolution near the surface and compliment zenith stares that can take measurements several kilometers into the atmosphere. Thus, the MH can be detected autonomously under a wide variety of conditions, such as when mixing is only a few tens of meters to when it is several kilometers deep. Within the algorithm nonturbulent submeso motions are spectrally identified so that they are not misconstrued as turbulence, leading to an overestimate of the MH.
Measurements collected for INFLUX are used to demonstrate the algorithm. While sample detailed data from only one day are shown here for brevity, time–height cross sections of wind, SNR, and
This algorithm can be and is being adapted to different types of Doppler lidars operating different scanning strategies. Efforts are underway to further validate
We thank Scott Sandberg and Ann Weickmann for their time and effort in deploying, maintaining, and developing supplementary equipment to assist in the automated operation of the lidar in Indianapolis. We thank our hosts at Ivy Tech in Lawrence, Indiana, whose staff generously provided assistance when needed. We also thank James Whetstone for his continued support of INFLUX. Funding for this work was provided by the NIST Greenhouse Gas Measurements Research Program via Interagency Agreement (IAA) M121271 and NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory.
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