1. Introduction
Many atmospheric phenomena important for the low-frequency variability (periods longer than 10 days) are characterized by planetary spatial scales (i.e., scales on the order of Earth's radius ≈ 6 × 103 km). Such phenomena are the orographically and thermally induced quasi-stationary Rossby waves, eddy-driven teleconnection patterns such as the northern and southern annular modes (NAM and SAM), Pacific–North America pattern (PNA) or the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO), large-scale ultralong persistent blockings, and the polar/subtropical jet. On the other hand, the synoptic eddies, which are responsible for the variability with periods of 2–6 days, have as a characteristic length scale the internal Rossby deformation radius (Pedlosky 1987), which is around 1000 km. Although the spatial and temporal separation between the planetary- and synoptic-scale atmospheric motion is not so pronounced as in the ocean, the different scales are evident in spectral analyses of tropospheric data: observations (e.g., Blackmon 1976; Fraedrich and Böttger 1978; Fraedrich and Kietzig 1983) as well as simulations (e.g., Gall 1976; Hayashi and Golder 1977) show the presence of isolated peaks in the wavenumber–frequency domain. Figure 1 [taken from Fraedrich and Böttger (1978)] displays three such peaks in the spectrum of the meridional geostrophic wind. There is a maximum associated with the quasi-stationary Rossby waves with zonal wavenumber k = 1–4 and with periods larger than 20 days. The other two maxima at k = 5–6 and at k = 7–8 result from the synoptic waves. These are eastward-propagating long and short waves associated with different background stratifications (Fraedrich and Böttger 1978). The overall picture of three maxima persists during the different seasons for the Northern Hemisphere, indicating a separation between the planetary and synoptic scales. However, the interactions between the two scales are of great relevance to the atmospheric dynamics as stressed in many studies (e.g., Hoskins et al. 1983).
The fast growth of computational resources in atmospheric sciences over the last decades leads to a huge increase of complexity in atmospheric models. This becomes apparent if one considers the development of the comprehensive general circulation models (GCMs). However, as simulations with those models become closer and closer to observations, the interpretation of the results with regard to improving the models as well as the understanding of the climate system becomes more difficult. This stresses the importance of simplified models, utilized for studies of many aspects of the circulation, such as instability, wave propagation, and interaction. As discussed by Held (2005), the development of a hierarchy of reduced models provides a tool for systematic improvement of the comprehensive models and thereby contributes to our understanding of the climate system.
One prominent example (if not the most prominent) of simplified model equations is the quasigeostrophic (QG) theory (Charney 1948), which describes the baroclinic generation and evolution of the synoptic-scale eddies. This theory is derived under the assumption of a horizontally uniform background stratification and small variations of the Coriolis parameter (Pedlosky 1987)—an assumption that is often violated if one considers motions on a planetary scale (such as the phenomena mentioned in the first paragraph). Reduced model equations, which do not make use of the latter assumption and model planetary-scale motions, are the planetary geostrophic equations (PGEs; Robinson and Stommel 1959; Welander 1959; Phillips 1963). The PGEs describe balanced dynamics; however, the relative vorticity advection is absent in the potential vorticity (PV) equation (the consequences of which we will discuss later). Much effort has been made to develop simplified models valid for the planetary and synoptic scale and for the interactions between the two scales. Pedlosky (1984) proposed a two-scale model for the ocean circulation, where the dynamics on the large scale is governed by the PGEs and the dynamics on the small scale by a modified QG equation, which is influenced by the large scale. Mak (1991) incorporated in the QG model effects due to spherical geometry of Earth by considering higher-order terms. Vallis (1996) introduced the geostrophic PV model, which can be reduced to QG or to PG model by imposing an appropriate scaling. Numerical simulations (Mundt et al. 1997) with the geostrophic PV model showed that this model improves the circulation patterns over the latter classical models. Luo developed multiscale models for planetary–synoptic interaction and applied them for studies of blockings (Luo et al. 2001; Luo 2005) and NAO dynamics (Luo et al. 2007).
In a previous paper (Dolaptchiev and Klein 2009, hereafter DK) we presented reduced model equations valid for one particular regime of planetary-scale atmospheric motions; we refer to this regime as the planetary regime (PR). In the PR we consider the planetary horizontal scales and a corresponding advective time scale of 7 days (see Fig. 2). The PR model includes the PGEs and a novel evolution equation for the barotropic flow. As discussed in DK, in applications to the atmosphere of the PGEs the barotropic flow has to be specified because there is no advection of relative vorticity in the PGEs. The novel evolution equation in the PR provides a prognostic alternative relative to temperature-based diagnostic closures for the barotropic flow adopted in reduced-complexity planetary models (Petoukhov et al. 2000). The PR model takes into account large variations of the background stratification and of the Coriolis parameter, but it does not describe the synoptic eddies. This limitation motivates an extension of the validity region of the single-scale PR model to the synoptic spatial and temporal scales (see Fig. 2). In this paper we apply the same asymptotic approach from DK, but utilizing now a two-scale expansion resolving both the planetary and the synoptic scales. In doing so we can take into account in a systematic manner the interactions between the planetary and the synoptic scales with particular attention paid to the barotropic component of the background flow. Part of the derived model equations can be regarded as the anelastic analogon of Pedlosky's two-scale model for the large-scale ocean circulation (Pedlosky 1984). But whereas the latter model describes only interaction from the planetary to the synoptic scale, in the present model there is an additional planetary-scale evolution equation for the vertically averaged pressure that provides a reverse interaction (from the synoptic- to the planetary-scale dynamics) in the form of momentum fluxes due to the synoptic-scale velocity field. This type of feedback on the planetary scale differs from the one recently proposed by Grooms et al. (2011), where the PGEs are influenced by the synoptic scale through eddy buoyancy fluxes. We have to point out that momentum fluxes due to synoptic eddies are commonly considered as an interaction mechanism acting on atmospheric planetary-scale barotropic flow (e.g., Luo 2005; Luo et al. 2007)—however, to our knowledge, not in the context of PGEs.
The outline of this paper is as follows. In section 2 we briefly discuss the asymptotic method applied for the derivation of the two-scale model. Key steps in the derivation are presented in section 3. The asymptotic model equations are summarized and discussed in section 4. We compare the results from the asymptotic analysis with numerical simulations with a primitive equations model in section 5. A concluding discussion can be found in section 6.
2. Asymptotic approach for the derivation of reduced models for the planetary and synoptic scales
a. Asymptotic representation of the governing equations
We utilize the multiple scales asymptotic method of Klein (2000, 2004, 2008). It has been applied in the development of reduced models—for example, for the tropical dynamics (Majda and Klein 2003), deep mesoscale convection (Klein and Majda 2006), moist boundary layer dynamics (Owinoh et al. 2011), and concentrated atmospheric vortices (Päschke et al. 2012).
b. Coordinates scaling for the two-scale planetary regime
The coordinates resolving the planetary and synoptic time and spatial scales are summarized in Table 1. The planetary coordinates λP and φP are suitable for the description of horizontal variations on the order of a*. The corresponding planetary advective time scale is about 7 days and is resolved by tP. The synoptic-scale variables λS, φS, and tS describe motions with characteristic length scales of 1000 km (~ɛa*) and with a time scale of about 1 day. For z no scaling is required. Since this coordinate was nondimensionalized using hsc, it describes motions spreading through the full depth of the troposphere. A more detailed discussion of the scaling can be found in DK; the validity range of the two-scale planetary regime is sketched in Fig. 2.
Scaling for the planetary and synoptic coordinates.
c. Sublinear growth condition
d. Assumptions for the background stratification
3. Derivation of the planetary regime with synoptic-scale interactions
a. Asymptotic expansion
1) Notation
2) Key steps of the expansion
We substitute the ansatz (9) into the governing equations (2)–(7) and collect terms of the same order in ɛ. Following DK, we assume a radiative heating rate of about 1 K day−1; this implies for the diabatic source term Sθ ~
(i) Vertical momentum balance
(ii) Horizontal momentum balance
(iii) Continuity equation
(iv) Potential temperature equation
b. Vorticity equation for the two-scale PR
c. Averaging over the synoptic scales
4. Summary and discussion of the two-scale PR model
Using a two-scale asymptotic ansatz, we extended in a systematic way the region of validity of the planetary-scale model from DK to the synoptic spatial and temporal scales. The model presented here relies on the assumption that the variations of the background stratification are comparable in magnitude with those adopted in the classical QG theory. The model equations are summarized below; for convenience of notation the superscripts indicating asymptotic expansion orders are dropped.
- Planetary-scale model:
- Synoptic-scale model:
Equations (40)–(43) describe the planetary-scale dynamics and (44) and (45) describe the synoptic-scale dynamics. The model equations include two advection equations in (40) and (44) for a PV-type quantity and an evolution equation for the barotropic component of the background pressure in (41), derived after applying the sublinear growth condition.
If we leave the planetary-scale dependence of the variables out, (40) and (41) reduce trivially and the underlined terms in (44) vanish. In this case (44) is the classical PV equation from the QG theory. On the other hand, if we assume that the variables do not depend on the synoptic scales, the interaction terms in (41) and (42) vanish and (40) remains unchanged: thus we have the single-scale planetary model from DK.
In the general case, when both synoptic and planetary scales are included, (40), (41), and (44) provide the planetary-scale structure of Θ,
The two underlined terms in (44) describe interactions between the planetary and the synoptic scales, or more precisely the influence of the planetary-scale variations of the background pressure/temperature distribution on the synoptic-scale PV field. The first term can be interpreted as the advection of synoptic-scale PV by the planetary-scale velocity field and the second as the interaction of synoptic velocities with PV gradient afforded by the planetary-scale field. It is important to note that the latter PV includes only a stretching vorticity part, since the contribution from the relative vorticity (due to planetary-scale velocity field) is an order of magnitude smaller in the asymptotic analysis. We observe that the barotropic model of Luo (2005) contains such additional interaction term [see (2b) in Luo (2005)]. We speculate that this results from the fact that the latter author starts his asymptotic analysis from the equivalent barotropic vorticity equation, which itself is derived under the quasigeostrophic scaling. We observe further that the model for the synoptic dynamics in (44) reduces to the model of Pedlosky (1984) if we set ρ0 to one and consider plane geometry.
It is important to note that from the equations describing the planetary-scale dynamics only (41), but not (40), contains a feedback from the synoptic scale [see the underlined terms in (42)]. We consider the first underlined term in (42): after applying the chain rule, it will give rise in (41) to a term of the form
5. Balances on the planetary and synoptic scales in numerical experiments
In this section we address the question how closely the reduced planetary–synoptic asymptotic model captures the dynamics of a more complete fluid–dynamical model of the atmosphere. For that purpose we perform simulations with a model based on the primitive equations (PEs). Since the PEs are derived from the full compressible-flow equations by assuming only a small aspect ratio of the vertical to horizontal length scale and the traditional approximation, these equations are much more comprehensive than the asymptotic model and apply to a wider range of scales. From the simulations with the PEs model we study the balances in the vorticity transport on the planetary and synoptic scale and compare them with the reduced asymptotic equations.
a. Model description
We performed simulations with realistic orography as well as with an aquaplanet as lower-boundary condition. The model was run at a T21 horizontal resolution, with 10 vertical σ levels and with a time step of 30 min. For the analysis an output over 11 yr with 12-h time increment was used, the first 1 yr is ignored so as to not misinterpret any spinup effects. We used the default value of 70 K for the equator-to-pole temperature difference in the restoration temperature profile and the seasonal cycle in the model was switched off.
The inspection of the orography run shows that PUMA is able to produce key features of the atmospheric circulation reasonably well for a simplified atmospheric model. At midlatitudes a pronounced wavenumber-6, 7 structure with a period of about 8 days is visible over most of the simulation time. This wave implies a characteristic length scale of about 2000 km for the individual synoptic eddies; its time period is overestimated compared with the real atmosphere where the maximum of the synoptic activity lies around 4 days (Fig. 1). The time-mean 500-hPa geopotential height shows that the model reproduces the trough over eastern Asia, but it shifts the trough over Canada to Greenland. The weak trough over western Asia is absent in the model but a weak minimum over the Aleutian Islands is visible. In the real atmosphere the depression over these islands is confined to the lower troposphere only. An explanation of these discrepancies can be the absence of land–sea thermal forcing in the model.
b. The two-scale PR in simulations
1) Synoptic-scale dynamics
The power spectral density of various terms in the model equation (48) as a function of zonal wavenumber and frequency is presented in Figs. 3 and 4. From the plots it is visible that the terms
To compare the magnitude of different terms in the vorticity balance on the synoptic scale, we computed the cumulative spectral density (sum over spectral density for some wavenumber/period interval) for zonal wavenumbers 4 ≤ k ≤ 8 and periods 7 ≤ T ≤ 10 days. The results for three different pressure levels are shown in Table 2. Overall, it can be stated that first the terms
Cumulative power spectral density for various terms in the vorticity equation (48) and at three different pressure levels. Shown is the sum over power density for zonal wavenumbers 4 ≤ k ≤ 8 and periods 7 ≤ T ≤ 10 days at 50°N and in units of Ω4. The following abbreviation is used: Ffr for the Rayleigh friction and hyperdiffusion terms,
The next order vorticity balance (50) from the PR suggests that terms including vorticity tendency, relative vorticity advection, planetary vorticity advection, and horizontal divergence (multiplied by f) are next in importance in the vorticity transport. Indeed, Table 2 shows that
Table 3 shows that the spectral properties discussed so far are observed at different latitudes as well.
2) Planetary-scale dynamics
Figures 5a and 5b depict the normalized standard deviation of the spectral coefficients for ∇ · uζ as a function of n, where the normalization factor is given by the mean over the standard deviation of the terms
The averaging operator in (52) includes, in addition to a spatial averaging, an averaging over the synoptic time scales as well. Because of this we applied a low-pass filter to the data (Blackmon 1976), filtering out the synoptic time scales and all other time scales with periods smaller than 10 days. The results for the normalized standard deviation of ∇ · uζ are shown in Figs. 5c and 5d. The time filtering shifts the position of the maximum with roughly one total wavenumber to the left and reduces the standard deviation at higher n. However, for lower wavenumbers nearly no changes are observed compared to the unfiltered data, indicating that the large-scale spatial modes are dominated by long-period variations.
From (51) we expect that the divergence of planetary vorticity flux vanishes on the planetary spatial scales. This balance differs from the leading-order result on the synoptic scale (49), which states that f times the divergence of the wind vanishes. Figures 6a and 6b display the normalized standard deviation of ∇ · fu and f∇ · u for different total wavenumbers n. The term ∇ · fu has similar distribution as the term ∇ · uζ from Fig. 5: as n increases it increases monotonically up to a maximum and then declines; the smallest values correspond again to small n. The term f∇ · u has a different behavior: it decreases at the beginning until it saturates around some low, constant value. The saturation is reached around n = 5 and n = 6 for the 200- and 500-hPa pressure levels, respectively. At this wavenumber the synoptic-scale balance (49) is reached. From the graph of the ∇ · fu term, it appears that the balance on the planetary scale (51) is satisfied for n = 1, 2 where the smallest values are reached and the curve is below the one for f∇ · u. As in the case of ∇ · uζ, the transition between the planetary and synoptic regime in ∇ · fu and f∇ · u is smooth.
Figures 6c and 6d show that the application of a low-pass filter to the data does not change qualitatively the behavior of ∇ · fu and f∇ · u. The results reported in this section were also observed in an aquaplanet simulation.
6. Conclusions and outlook
Using a two-scale asymptotic ansatz, we extended in a systematic way the region of validity of the planetary-scale model from DK to the synoptic spatial and temporal scales. The resulting multiscale model is summarized in (40)–(45). Already Mak (1991) incorporated in the QG model spherical geometry by considering higher-order terms, but his model is valid for motions characterized by length scales smaller than the planetary scale. The model presented here consists of two coupled parts—for the planetary and for the synoptic dynamics. This is different from the geostrophic potential vorticity model of Vallis (Vallis 1996; Mundt et al. 1997), which consists of a single PV equation valid on the planetary and on the synoptic scales. The latter model is derived by choosing an appropriate scaling, which allows both the limit for the QG model and the limit for the PGEs, whereas here we have applied a multiscale asymptotic derivation. The two-scale wave models of Luo (2005) and Luo et al. (2007) assume a scale separation between planetary and synoptic motion only in zonal direction; here, we considered a horizontally isotropic planetary scaling. A study with the asymptotic approach, as applied here, of anisotropic motions with planetary zonal scale, but meridionally confined to the synoptic scale, reveals a model that describes a coupling between the planetary evolution of the leading QG PV and the synoptic evolution of the first-order PV corrections from the QG+1 model of Muraki et al. (1999) [details of this regime can be found in Dolaptchiev (2009)]. The anisotropic multiscale ocean model of Grooms et al. (2011) is another example for an anisotropic scaling of the large-scale coordinates (here the planetary coordinates): the meridional coordinate in this model resolves a planetary length scale, whereas the large-scale zonal coordinate resolves a scale between the planetary and the synoptic spatial scales. In the context of the atmosphere, the external Rossby deformation radius (Obukhov scale) might be a natural choice for an intermediate large-scale length scale between the planetary and synoptic scales. Such scale is relevant for atmospheric blockings and within the present asymptotic approach it can be accessed in a systematic way.
Equations (40) and (44) represent the anelastic analogon of Pedlosky's two-scale model for the large-scale oceanic circulation (Pedlosky 1984). In his study Pedlosky (1984) applied an asymptotic expansion in two small parameters: one is the Rossby number and the other is the ratio between the synoptic and the planetary length scales. For the derivation of his model, he considered the case when the ratio between the two small parameters is of the order one. Expressing in terms of ɛ Pedlosky's expansion parameters for our setup, it can be shown that their ratio is again one, which means that we have considered the same distinguished limit. The analysis of Pedlosky starts from the incompressible equations on a plane; here, we study the compressible ones on a sphere. Nevertheless, the model PV transport equations have the same structure and are identical if we set ρ0 in (40) and (44) to one and neglect the effects due to the spherical geometry. A fundamental difference is the absence of a counterpart to the barotropic vorticity equation (41) in Pedlosky's model. In the ocean the barotropic component of the planetary-scale flow is determined, for example, by prescribing the surface wind or by including some additional friction in the leading-order momentum equation. This is not applicable to the atmosphere, since the surface winds should be a part of the solution and the frictional effects are much smaller than in the ocean.
The additional evolution equation for the barotropic component of the flow [see (41)] provides the only feedback from the synoptic-scale processes to the planetary-scale flow in the form of momentum fluxes. No such feedback is contained in Pedlosky's model. This type of feedback mechanism on the planetary scale differs from the one recently proposed by Grooms et al. (2011), where the planetary-scale motion is influenced by the synoptic scale through eddy buoyancy fluxes.
One possible application of the two-scale PR model presented here is its implementation in the atmospheric module of an earth system model of intermediate complexity (EMIC; Claussen et al. 2002). The Climate and Biosphere (CLIMBER) EMIC (Petoukhov et al. 2000) solves a type of the PGEs (40) and (43), but it uses a temperature-based diagnostic closure for the barotropic component of the flow. Here (41) represents a prognostic alternative, which may provide for more realistic increased large-scale, low-frequency variability in future implementations.
In EMICs the synoptic fluxes are often parameterized as a macroturbulent diffusion. In this context the model for the synoptic-scale dynamics (44) can be regarded as a higher-order closure. The solution of the additional evolution equation for the synoptic scales might be avoided by applying a stochastic mode reduction strategy (Majda et al. 2003; Franzke et al. 2005; Franzke and Majda 2006; Dolaptchiev et al. 2012). Using this strategy one can derive stochastic differential equations for some “slow” variables taking into account in a systematic manner the interactions from the “fast” variables. In the case of the two-scale PR model, we have a natural separation between fast (synoptic) and slow (planetary) modes. Thus one might apply a stochastic mode reduction procedure to the reduced two-scale model and derive a stochastic parameterization for the synoptic correlation terms in (41), which is consistent with the synoptic-scale model (44). An alternative approach avoiding synoptic-scale parameterization is followed by Luo (2005) and Luo et al. (2007) in studies of blockings and NAO dynamics. The latter phenomena are considered as nonlinear initial value problems of planetary-synoptic interactions; this allows one to assume a synoptic eddy forcing prior to the evolution of the planetary-scale motion.
The reduced barotropic vorticity equation has the potential to provide a diagnostic tool for studying planetary-scale low-frequency dynamics in GCM or in observations. A number of studies (Cai and van den Dool 1994; Feldstein 1998, 2002; Franzke 2002) on the life cycle of atmospheric low-frequency anomalies utilize budget analysis with the streamfunction tendency equation. In particular, with such an analysis the importance of different interaction terms (e.g., interactions with the time-mean flow or high- and low-frequency transients) can be assessed systematically. In this context, the asymptotic analysis presented here stresses the importance of the barotropic, zonally symmetric component of the flow for the low-frequency dynamics. Further, it identifies terms containing zonally and vertically averaged synoptic-scale momentum fluxes (or planetary meridional gradients of such fluxes) as relevant planetary–synoptic interactions. Those terms can be evaluated from observational data or GCM simulations and might be used as a diagnostic tool in interaction studies. Thus, the reduced planetary-scale barotropic vorticity equation provides an alternative framework to apply a budget analysis when the growth and decay of zonally symmetric anomalies with a planetary meridional scale (e.g., NAM and SAM) are investigated. Such a model might give new insights in the interactions between the different spatial scales. Those spatial interactions are studied in the literature (Cai and van den Dool 1994; Feldstein 1998, 2002; Franzke 2002) by splitting the flow into zonal average and its deviation, whereas in the present approach the planetary and synoptic scales are associated with different ranges in wavenumber space. Another application of the present model is to use it as a data-driven planetary-scale model in a way similar to Feldstein (2002). In such a model the synoptic fluxes are prescribed from GCM simulation or observation and the effect on the planetary-scale dynamics can be studied by solving the reduced model equations.
The analysis from section 5 of numerical simulations with a primitive equations model showed that the leading-order balances in the vorticity transport are consistent with the two-scale asymptotic model. In particular, we find that for modes with planetary spatial scales (modes corresponding to spherical harmonics with a total wavenumber ≤ 2) the horizontal fluxes of relative and planetary vorticity are nearly divergence free. However, the transition between a planetary and a synoptic regime is smooth in the primitive equations model. The comparison between the numerical experiments and the asymptotic models can be extended in the present framework by considering the thermodynamic equation or higher-order balances on the planetary and synoptic scales. The asymptotic analysis revealed that some higher-order terms involve corrections to the leading-order wind. These corrections can be calculated from the model output by considering the divergent part of the wind.
In the future we plan to solve the two-scale PR model numerically. This raises the question about the model behavior in the tropics where f tends to zero. If no frictional effects are considered, the geostrophically balanced leading-order wind has a singularity at the equator. However, the asymptotic analysis of Majda and Klein (2003) showed that the background temperature field in the tropics is horizontally uniform (also known as the weak temperature gradient approximation). This condition on the temperature implies a vanishing pressure gradient that compensates the growth due to f. In the case of the two-scale PR model, further analysis is required; this model should be matched in a systematic way to the intraseasonal planetary equatorial synoptic-scale model of Majda and Klein (2003).
The authors thank the reviewers for their comments and suggestions, which helped to improve the draft version of the manuscript. S. D. is thankful to U. Achatz for useful discussions. This contribution is partially supported by Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Grant KL 611/14.
PV Formulation of the Two-Scale Model
Evolution Equation for the Barotropic Component of the Pressure
As discussed in DK, the planetary-scale PV equation (A7) requires a closure for the vertically averaged pressure p(2) (barotropic component). Here we derive an evolution equation for that component in the two-scale setup form section 2b. To see the net effect from the synoptic scales on the planetary-scale pressure distribution, we have to average first the asymptotic equations from section 3 over the synoptic variables.
a. Averaging over the synoptic scales
1) Continuity equation
2) Potential temperature equation
b. Derivation of the evolution equation for the planetary-scale barotropic pressure
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