1. Introduction
Equatorial waves are atmospheric waves whose amplitude is maximized at the equator and decreases exponentially as the distance of the waves from the equator increases. Their dispersion relation and spatial structure were studied theoretically by Matsuno (1966). He derived eigenmodes of equatorial waves by using a plane-wave assumption in the time and zonal directions on the linear shallow-water equation. The equatorial waves that were discovered by Wallace and Kousky (1968) and Yanai and Maruyama (1966) from radiosonde observation were identified as Kelvin waves and Rossby–gravity waves, respectively.
On the other hand, quasi-biennial and semiannual oscillations (QBO and SAO) of the zonal wind exist in the equatorial stratosphere. Previous studies have shown that these oscillations are driven by atmospheric waves. The relation between the waves and the zonal-mean zonal wind can be diagnosed by the transformed Eulerian mean (TEM) equations that were derived by Andrews and McIntyre (1976, 1978). The residual mean flow is expressed as the sum of the Eulerian mean flow and Stokes drift under the small-amplitude assumption and is approximately equal to the zonal-mean Lagrangian mean flow when the wave is linear, steady, and adiabatic and when no dissipation occurs. The Eliassen–Palm (EP) flux is equal to the product of the group velocity and the wave activity density under the Wentzel–Kramers–Brillouin (WKB) approximation and is a useful physical quantity for describing the wave propagation (Edmon et al. 1980). The residual mean flow and the zonal-mean zonal wind acceleration are related to the divergence of EP flux in the zonal momentum equation. When there are no critical levels, the divergence of the EP flux is zero for linear, steady, and conservative waves. Under such conditions, the waves neither drive the residual mean flow nor accelerate the zonal-mean zonal wind. This is known as the nonacceleration theorem (Eliassen and Palm 1961; Charney and Drazin 1961). In studies using the TEM equations and equatorial wave theory, it was shown that the QBO is mainly driven by gravity waves, equatorial Kelvin waves, and Rossby–gravity waves (e.g., Sato and Dunkerton 1997; Haynes 1998; Baldwin et al. 2001), and it is recognized that the SAO is mainly driven by gravity waves, equatorial Kelvin waves, and extratropical Rossby waves (e.g., Hirota 1980; Holton and Wehrbein 1980; Hitchman and Leovy 1988; Sassi and Garcia 1997; Antonita et al. 2007).
Kawatani et al. (2010) recently investigated the zonal variation of wave forcing associated with the equatorial Kelvin waves and inertia–gravity waves using the 3D wave activity flux derived by Miyahara (2006). They showed that this variation in the stratosphere results from zonal variation of the wave sources and from the vertically sheared zonal winds associated with the Walker circulation, depending on the phase of the QBO.
However, it is not clear whether this 3D wave activity flux can describe the equatorial Kelvin waves correctly because this flux is only applicable to inertia–gravity waves, not to equatorial waves. Although Kinoshita and Sato (2013a,b) newly formulated the 3D wave activity flux on the primitive equations, their formulas are not applicable in the equator region. The present study formulates the 3D residual mean flow and wave activity flux applicable to equatorial waves and shows that these formulas are applicable to the equatorial Kelvin waves.
The paper is arranged as follows. In section 2, the 3D Stokes drift for equatorial waves (EQSD) is derived from its definition for the equatorial beta-plane equations. The 3D wave activity flux for equatorial waves (3D-EQW-flux) is formulated by using the EQSD in section 3. It is shown that the 3D-EQW-flux divergence corresponds to the equatorial wave forcing to the mean flow. It is also shown that the meridional integral of the 3D-EQW-flux accords with a product of the group velocity and the meridional integral of the wave activity density for equatorial waves. Moreover, we investigate the 3D wave energy equation for equatorial waves. A summary and concluding remarks are given in section 4.
2. The time-mean 3D Stokes drift applicable to equatorial waves

In the next section, the EQSD for equatorial Kelvin waves, Rossby–gravity waves, and other types of equatorial waves are formulated from the definition in (2.4).
a. The 3D Stokes drift for equatorial Kelvin waves

b. The 3D Stokes drift for other types of equatorial waves

3. A formulation of the 3D wave activity flux for equatorial waves
a. The 3D residual mean flow and wave activity flux

b. The relation between 3D wave activity flux and group velocity
In the 2D TEM equation system, the meridionally integrated EP flux is equal to a product of the vertical group velocity and the meridionally integrated wave activity density (Andrews et al. 1987). It can be shown that the vertical component of 3D wave activity flux [(3.3c)] satisfies this relation, as in the following.

c. The wave energy equation for equatorial waves
This section examines how the 3D wave activity flux for equatorial waves is related to the wave activity density after the wave energy equation is derived. In this derivation, it is assumed that the time-mean wind shear is negligible.

4. Concluding remarks
In this study, the 3D Stokes drift is formulated from its definition for equatorial beta-plane equations (EQSD) when the slowly varying background field and small-amplitude perturbations are assumed. EQSD is applicable to all equatorial waves. The 3D wave activity flux (3D-EQW-flux) is formulated by substituting the EQSD into the time-mean zonal momentum equation. These expressions are derived using the time mean and are phase independent.
Next, it is shown that the latitudinal integral of 3D-EQW-flux accords with a product of the group velocity and the latitudinally integrated wave activity density in both zonal and vertical directions. This is an extension of the relation for the Eliassen–Palm flux on the 2D TEM equations. The present study also derives the 3D wave energy equation for equatorial waves.
As it is shown that
The EQSD and 3D-EQW-flux are partly different from the 3D Stokes drift and wave activity flux that are applicable to both gravity waves and Rossby waves (Kinoshita and Sato 2013a,b). The difference is due to assumptions of waves. Kinoshita and Sato (2013a,b) assume waves having meridional wavenumbers, and the term
We thank Hisashi Nakamura, Toshiyuki Hibiya, Masaaki Takahashi, Keita Iga, and Koutarou Takaya for their helpful comments and important suggestions. We also thank Rolando R. Garcia, Saburo Miyahara, and an anonymous reviewer for providing constructive comments. This study is supported by Grand-Aid for Research Fellow (22-7125) of the JSPS and by Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (A) 25247075 of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports and Technology, Japan.
Meridional Integral of 3D Wave Activity Flux Applicable to Inertia–Gravity Waves

Another Expression of 

In this section, we introduce another expression of

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