1. Introduction
In regions of large-scale subsidence over the tropical oceans, such as the trades, shallow convection is ubiquitous. These shallow clouds vary little in their cloud-base height and rain frequently although not heavily (e.g., Riehl et al. 1951; Nuijens et al. 2014). There is growing evidence that shallow cumulus clouds are often accompanied by shallow circulations, which are confined to the lower 2–3 km of the troposphere but are larger than the individual cloud scale and thought to enhance the organization of shallow clouds into patches, clusters, or bands (Bony et al. 2017; Bretherton and Blossey 2017). In this study, we derive a simple conceptual model to assess how the boundary layer (BL) structure is modified by the presence of moist convection, shallow circulations, and their interaction. The derived model shows that a shallow circulation driven by radiative differences can suppress convection in its descending branch and enhance convection in its neighboring ascending branch, resembling patterns of organized convection.
The trade wind cumulus regime, which is dominated by shallow clouds and large-scale subsidence, shows moderate subsidence throughout most of the troposphere (Figs. 1a,b; see caption for method and data origin). In regions of low liquid water path (LWP), subsidence increases with height above the surface, maximizing near 850 hPa. In regions of high LWP mean ascending motion prevails below 800 hPa and is associated with active shallow convection and higher low-level cloud fraction. This vertical velocity pattern is associated with horizontal convergence at 800 hPa in low-LWP regions and divergence at 800 hPa in high-LWP regions. At the surface, regions of low LWP are dominated by divergence and regions of high LWP are dominated by convergence. Together these patterns depict a shallow mesoscale circulation with increasing low-level subsidence in regions of low convective activity, mean ascending motion in regions of active shallow convection, a shallow outflow from convective to nonconvective regions around 800 hPa, and an inflow at the surface (Stevens et al. 2001; Bretherton and Blossey 2017).
The causes of these shallow mesoscale circulations are still a matter of some debate. Idealized studies show that to cause a shallow circulation instead of a deep circulation a heating needs to be placed within the BL instead of above it (Nicholls et al. 1991; Wu et al. 2000; Wu 2003; Bellon et al. 2017; Stevens et al. 2017). In an influential paper, Lindzen and Nigam (1987) proposed that surface winds are driven by sea surface temperature (SST) differences through baroclinic pressure gradients that develop as the SST imprints its temperature on the BL. This sea-breeze-like mechanism has been confirmed by many studies (e.g., Emanuel et al. 1994; Sobel and Neelin 2006; Nolan et al. 2007). However, typical SST gradients for subsidence-dominated shallow cumulus regimes are rather low, around 0.3 K (100 km)−1 (Fig. 1d). Besides SST differences, spatial differences in low-level radiative cooling are expected to drive shallow circulations (Nigam 1997; Wang et al. 2005; Nishant et al. 2016; Naumann et al. 2017). In subsidence regions with a dry free troposphere and a moist BL, low-level radiative cooling is strong because the moist and warm BL strongly emits longwave radiation but relatively little returns to the BL top from the dry layer above (Fig. 1c). For a weaker humidity inversion due to moister air above the BL, the radiative BL cooling is considerably weaker. Also, the presence of shallow cumulus clouds modifies the radiative profile and tends to weaken radiative cooling at cloud base. A typical value of a difference of radiative cooling averaged over the BL depth between dry and moist regions is around 3 K day−1 but might vary, mostly as a function of the moisture content above the inversion (Mapes and Zuidema 1996; Stevens et al. 2017). Differential low-level radiative cooling affects the BL temperature structure, which in turn causes a pressure-driven flow. Therefore differential low-level radiative cooling is a potential candidate to drive a shallow circulation.
In addition to the subsidence regime dominated by shallow convection, shallow circulations have also been found in connection with deep convection such as in the vicinity of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ; e.g., Trenberth et al. 2000; Zhang et al. 2008; Back and Bretherton 2009; Fläschner et al. 2018; Schulz and Stevens 2018) and in idealized simulation of radiative–convective equilibrium (RCE; e.g., Bretherton et al. 2005; Muller and Held 2012; Wing and Emanuel 2013). Although there might be driving mechanisms common to shallow circulations in subsidence regimes and shallow circulations in regimes of deep convection, the latter are not the motivation of this study and results may not be directly transferable as we expect the cloud layer to play a more active role in connection with deep convection.
The formulation of bulk conceptual models to describe the tropical atmosphere has a long tradition in atmospheric science, both for describing the interaction of deep and shallow convection in the tropics via a deep circulation but also focusing on a particular regime such as shallow convection in a homogeneous setup (e.g., Lilly 1968; Tennekes 1973; Sarachik 1978; Albrecht et al. 1979; Betts 1985; Betts and Ridgway 1989; Nilsson and Emanuel 1999; Betts 2000; Stevens 2006). Apart from the recent study by Naumann et al. (2017), which only explores the dry case, these bulk conceptual models have not been applied to investigate the behavior of radiatively driven shallow circulations.
In this paper, we focus on the structure of the shallow cumulus–topped BL and on shallow circulations that are situated entirely in a region of steady subsidence and are driven either by spatial differences in radiative BL cooling or by spatial differences in SST. The goal of the study is to develop a conceptual understanding of the interaction between moisture and convection, surface forcing, BL properties, and shallow circulations in a trade wind–like regime. A prerequisite for a conceptual model that can represent heterogeneities (in radiative cooling or SST) and hence a shallow circulation is a conceptual model that can represent the response of the atmosphere to a homogeneous forcing. It turns out that the homogeneous setup of the model we introduce is able to explain interesting aspects of the shallow cumulus–topped BL, such as the omnipresence of a cumulus mass flux over the ocean or the little variation in cloud-base height, and thereby confirms and complements pioneering studies from Albrecht et al. (1979) and Betts and Ridgway (1989).
It is therefore worthwhile to analyze the homogeneous setup for its own sake, and as a reference for the heterogeneous model to be able to isolate the effect of the shallow circulation on the BL and on convection. Doing so, we ask the following questions: How does the effect of moisture and convection modify the BL structure? How effective are gradients in radiative cooling in driving convection and shallow circulations? Is the strength of a shallow circulation driven by differences in radiative BL cooling comparable to the strength of a shallow circulation driven by differences in SST?
To answer these questions, we extend a conceptual model for a dry BL (Naumann et al. 2017) to include, in the simplest possible way, effects of moisture and shallow convection. The bulk conceptual model applies the weak temperature gradient assumption in the free troposphere and formulates budget equations for the BL height, the BL temperature, and the BL humidity and a momentum equation for the BL flow. To represent the effect of shallow convection, a simple formulation for the convective mass flux is used, which relaxes the BL height to the lifting condensation level and ventilates the BL. In the bulk conceptual model, boundary conditions prescribe differences in radiative BL cooling or differences in SST according to those typically found in subsidence-dominated regions with shallow clouds (Figs. 1c,d).
This manuscript has two parts: First in section 2, we formulate a homogeneous (one-column) model to assess the BL properties and the effect of moisture and convection in the absence of a shallow circulation. The second part, section 3, addresses a two-column setup, where differential radiative cooling or SST differences cause a pressure-driven shallow circulation, which couples the cold and the warm column dynamically.
2. Homogeneous setup
The conceptual model developed in this section is an extension of a homogeneous, one-column, dry conceptual model (Naumann et al. 2017) but includes the effects of moisture and a simple formulation of a convective mass flux that ventilates BL air to the free troposphere (FT) above. The model is representative for a region dominated by shallow convection and large-scale subsidence. In the planetary BL conserved variables are well mixed. Subsidence dries the air above the BL and vigorous mixing in the BL sharpens the BL inversion from below, which allows for strong radiative cooling at the BL top (Fig. 1c). In this section we analyze how increasing radiative BL cooling affects the homogeneous BL. In particular we show that the inclusion of moisture yields a distinct BL response as the convective mass flux strongly regulates the BL properties and balance.
a. Formulation of a moist conceptual model
Prescribed parameters used in this study if not explicitly stated otherwise.
Equation (1) describes the BL budget of
Equation (7) expresses that h is determined by a balance of the large-scale subsidence velocity
Equations (8) and (9) follow from the definition of the virtual potential temperature,
A simple formulation of
Compared to the dry conceptual model and in addition to τ, the moist model contains a second additional, prescribed parameter:
In the conceptual model, a radiative BL cooling rate
As initial conditions for the homogeneous moist conceptual model, we use the equilibrium solution of the dry BL by solving Eq. (1) to Eq. (10) with
b. Characteristics of the observed trade wind regime
Integrating the three prognostic equations [Eqs. (1), (4), and (10)] to stationarity allows us to analyze the equilibrium state of the moist conceptual model and to compare it to observations from the trades: In the conceptual model, the LCL is located roughly between 400 and 1000 m for different large-scale conditions (Fig. 3; see also Fig. 4). This agrees well with the mean cloud-base height of active shallow clouds at the Barbados Cloud Observatory (Stevens et al. 2016), which is rather invariable around a mean of 740 ± 340 m (±2σ, O. Tessiot 2018, personal communication), and with earlier conceptual models, which apply a more complex cloud layer (Albrecht et al. 1979; Betts and Ridgway 1989). The near-surface relative humidity in the conceptual model is between 72% and 85% for the cases shown in Fig. 3, while it is uniformly found between 70% and 90% in observations at Barbados (Lonitz et al. 2015; Klingebiel et al. 2019). Assuming no lateral inflow or outflow, the equilibrium surface precipitation in the moist conceptual model can be estimated from the surface moisture flux and is found to be 3.5–3.9 mm day−1 for the cases shown in Fig. 3. A typical area-averaged surface precipitation rate in a field of shallow cumulus in the trades is around 1–3 mm day−1 (Rauber et al. 2007; Seifert et al. 2015). We therefore conclude that the conceptual model is able to reproduce key characteristics of the observed trade wind shallow cumulus regime.
c. Linear solution for a radiative perturbation around a given state
We can interpret the linearized model as follows: Perturbing the system by increasing the radiative BL cooling leads to a decrease in
d. Convective mass flux and its role for the velocity balance
The main effect of moisture on the BL structure is in the ventilation of the moist BL through the convective mass flux, which must be balanced by inversion entrainment: Quite different from the case of the moist BL, the equilibrium balance of vertical velocities at the BL top in the dry case is given by a direct balance of
The minor role of
The increase in
Because in equilibrium
e. Sensitivities to other parameters
The conceptual model provides a framework for exploring how the BL structure and the convective mass flux depend on other parameters, such as stability, or the dryness of the free troposphere. For the control case, a surface temperature of 301 K and a humidity inversion jump of 3 g kg−1 are prescribed (Table 1). To explore the sensitivity, we either increase
An increase in
The conceptual model also helps us to understand why, in the absence of cloud organization, there are very rarely no clouds in the trades. In the moist model, neither a completely dry FT
3. Two-column moist conceptual model with a shallow circulation
Classical mixed-layer models have often been used to study the growth of the mixed layer or the properties of an equilibrium mixed layer without horizontal heterogeneities. In this section we represent a heterogeneity in the form of two neighboring columns, which differ in the prescribed radiative BL cooling or SST. By allowing those two columns to interact via a shallow circulation, we study how the BL equilibrium changes when being coupled dynamically.
a. Formulation of a coupled conceptual model
To analyze the circulation caused by differences in radiative BL cooling and its effect on the BL properties, we formulate a moist two-column model by analogy with the dry two-column model (Naumann et al. 2017) but based on the moist equations [Eqs. (1)–(10)]. The two columns differ from one another in that the radiative BL cooling in column 1
b. Shallow circulations driven by radiative BL cooling differences
Coupling two radiatively different columns by a pressure-driven circulation causes a BL flow from the cold and moist column (column 1) to the warm and dry column (column 2). This BL flow translates into an additional subsidence term
In the moist two-column model, the pressure difference
The virtual effect is, however, overcompensated by a second contribution to
As in the dry case, also in the moist case, the strength of the BL flow is insensitive to stronger radiative BL cooling differences above a threshold (Fig. 6). In the moist BL, a BL flow of 3.5 m s−1 develops for a radiative cooling difference as small as 1 K day−1 and the BL flow saturates at 4.0 m s−1 for a radiative cooling difference of 2 K day−1 and more. For a stronger radiative BL cooling difference,
For the moist case,
c. Shallow circulations driven by SST differences
Instead of being driven by a horizontal difference in radiative BL cooling, a shallow circulation can also be caused by a horizontal difference in SST. Radiative cooling and SST anomalies are likely coupled; that is, they reinforce each other. By prescribing a homogeneous radiative cooling (i.e.,
Differences between an SST-driven shallow circulation and a radiatively driven shallow circulation in terms of their BL properties are overall small and the same physical mechanisms apply (cf. Figs. 6 and 7; section 3b): with increasing difference in SST or with increasing radiative BL cooling difference, the difference between the two columns in terms of h,
A difference is found for the dependence of
Another difference to the radiatively driven two-column model is that for low
Similar to the radiatively driven model, the SST-driven two-column model is not sensitive to an increase in the moisture inversion strength (Fig. 7). For a stronger moisture inversion strength, the BL is somewhat deeper but the strength of the BL flow and all other variables are almost unchanged. In analogy with the radiatively driven model, an increase in the SST in both columns (retaining the SST difference between column 1 and 2) increases the strength of the BL flow also in the SST-driven two-column model.
4. Conclusions
In this study, we analyze how moisture and convection modify the BL structure and a shallow circulation driven by differential radiative BL cooling or SST gradients. For this purpose, we extend a dry conceptual model (Naumann et al. 2017) to include a prognostic equation for BL moisture and a simple formulation of convective mass flux that is based on the LCL and ventilates the BL.
In the homogeneous, uncoupled setup of this conceptual model [Eqs. (1)–(10)], we are interested in the equilibrium of the BL, its difference to the dry case, and how this equilibrium changes if the prescribed radiative cooling rates are modified. A linearized solution of the system shows an insensitivity of the BL water vapor mixing ratio and inversion entrainment to radiative BL cooling. This insensitivity arises from a reduction of the BL temperature in response to stronger radiative BL cooling, which requires a shallowing of the BL as the LCL lowers with cooling. Thereby, convection acts as a moisture valve to the BL varying the BL height while keeping BL water vapor mixing ratio roughly constant. By this mechanism the conceptual model can explain the observed range of BL height and near-surface relative humidity in the trades, which vary moderately between 400 and 1000 m and 70%–90%, respectively (O. Tessiot 2018, personal communication; Lonitz et al. 2015; Klingebiel et al. 2019).
Compared to a completely dry BL, moisture leads to a warming of the BL and a weakening of the inversion jump. Both of these features can be explained by the convective mass flux in the moist case, which enhances the entrainment at the inversion. The enhanced entrainment warms the BL and generates the need for a small inversion strength in order for the BL temperature to stabilize. In this way the convective mass flux dictates the behavior of the BL.
To analyze how a shallow circulation that is driven by differential radiative cooling is modified by moisture, we formulate a two-column model [Eqs. (B1)–(B11)]. By applying a stronger radiative BL cooling in one column than in the other column, a pressure difference develops between the columns, which drives a BL flow from the cold and moist to the warm and dry column and couples the columns dynamically through a shallow circulation. A BL flow of 3.5 m s−1 develops for a radiative cooling difference of 1 K day−1 and the BL flow saturates at 4.0 m s−1 for a radiative cooling difference of 2 K day−1 and more. The pressure difference and hence the BL flow is stronger in the moist case than in the dry case
The moist BL reacts in a similar way to a shallow circulation driven by differential radiative BL cooling as it behaves for a shallow circulation driven by differential SST. Unlike the strength of the shallow circulation driven by differential radiative BL cooling, which is independent of an increase in radiative BL cooling difference, the strength of the shallow circulation driven by differential SST decreases with decreasing SST difference. Over the subsidence-dominated shallow convective areas of the tropical Atlantic typical gradients in SST are around 0.6 K (200 km)−1 (Fig. 1). In the moist conceptual model such an SST gradient results in a BL flow of
To reduce the degrees of freedom, the conceptual model assumes a fixed humidity inversion strength; that is, the humidity inversion strength is not coupled, for example, to the convective mass flux. In the two-column model more radiative BL cooling decreases the convective mass flux. We speculate that less convective mass flux out of the BL leads to more drying aloft and hence increases radiative cooling at the BL top. Likewise the warmer column sees more convective mass flux, which would increase moisture aloft and lead to less radiative cooling. If cloud radiative effects are small compared to the radiative effect of moistening and drying above the cloud layer, one might expect these dynamics to be self-amplifying. Another mechanism for self-amplification could be the onset of precipitation in the warmer column, which might heat the cloud layer and drive adjacent subsidence in the colder column. Although this study is limited to shallow convection the buildup of moisture and increased convergence within the warm column could, through the self-amplification mechanisms, also help precondition deep convection.
In the conceptual model the velocity balance at the BL top is quite different between the dry and the moist case as well as between an uncoupled and a coupled setup: In the homogeneous uncoupled dry case, the entrainment velocity at the inversion is strictly balanced by large-scale subsidence, which is prescribed by the FT temperature gradient and the FT radiative cooling
In the coupled two-column setup the shallow circulation effectively suppresses convection in the descending part of the shallow circulation. Independent of whether moisture is considered or not, the main balance in the descending part is between the shallow circulation and the entrainment velocity. Hence, the shallow circulation is more efficient in controlling the BL height than is convection. In the ascending part of the shallow circulation the convective mass flux is about twice as strong as in the uncoupled moist case and the balance is between the convective mass flux and the entrainment velocity. Therefore the dynamical coupling between two areas with different radiative BL cooling or SST significantly modifies the BL balance and its properties, a mechanism that is not considered in classical uncoupled bulk conceptual models. In particular, the shallow circulation is able to suppress convection in colder areas and enhance convection in warmer areas. We hypothesize that over the subsidence-dominated tropical oceans this mechanism resembles patterns of convecting and nonconvecting areas in close vicinity to each other, that is, structures of organized shallow convection such as bands with alternating shallow convective and cloud-free areas or mesoscale patches of shallow convection surrounded by cloud-free areas. The model also suggests that shallow organization is as much marked by its cloud-free as by its cloudy properties. Compared to the uncoupled model, the average convective mass flux of two coupled columns is somewhat higher for the same average radiative BL cooling. This implies that besides the importance of heterogeneities for the spatial distribution of the convective mass flux, heterogeneities in connection with a shallow circulation can also increase the average convective mass flux or cloudiness in a region.
We thank Julia Windmiller, Alan Betts, and two anonymous reviewers for their helpful comments on the manuscript and ICDC for providing the Reynolds SST dataset. Primary data and scripts used in the analysis and other supplementary information that may be useful in reproducing the author’s work are archived by the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology and can be obtained by contacting publications@mpimet.mpg.de. This research was carried out as part of the Hans Ertel Centre for Weather Research. This research network of universities, research institutes, and the Deutscher Wetterdienst is funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure (BMVI).
Transient Response of the Homogeneous Model
For the transient response, we use the case of the dry BL as the initial state and solve Eqs. (1)–(10) including the moist components. The moistening time scale of the BL until a new equilibrium is reached is about 3–4 days. Once convections sets in, the adjustment time to equilibrium is about 1 day, which is consistent with Bellon and Stevens (2013). The change in BL height is determined by a balance of
The moist equilibrium BL is warmer than the dry equilibrium BL and more pronounced for strong radiative BL cooling. The transient evolution from the dry to the moist equilibrium shows that
Formulation of a Moist Two-Column Model with a Shallow Circulation
To satisfy the weak temperature gradient assumption, we assume that the FT virtual potential temperature profile in column 1 is set by column 2:
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