By combining data from multiple sources, Lin et al. (2009, hereafter L09) have lately performed a rather comprehensive comparison of the seasonal differences in several macrophysical properties of marine boundary layer (MBL) clouds observed off the California coast [e.g., cloud fraction, liquid water path (LWP), cloud-top and cloud-base heights, cloud thickness H, inversion strength, lifted condensation level, and the degree of decoupling]. They found that most differences between the summer [June–August (JJA)] and winter [December–February (DJF)] seasons can be explained by the characteristics of lower-tropospheric stability (LTS; Slingo 1980; Klein 1997) and the deepening–warming–decoupling hypothesis proposed in Bretherton and Wyant (1997). Although this work certainly constitutes an excellent contribution to the understanding and parameterization of MBL clouds by considering multiple variables together, it is primarily confined to macrophysical properties, only with a brief mentioning of the cloud droplet effective radius. In this paper, I will demonstrate that credible microphysical information can, in fact, be inferred from the same datasets provided in L09, which further suggests at least equally strong summer–winter differences in microphysical properties and a plausible microphysical effect. Note that here “microphysical” is used in a general sense to denote any variables that can be derived from a local cloud droplet size distribution without involving cloud geometrical properties (e.g., liquid water content, droplet concentration, and effective radius).
It is interesting to note that the totality of the microphysical summer–winter differences inferred from what L09 provided—the summertime cloud has a higher L and N but lower re and P—resembles the majority of the microphysical differences between closed and open convective cells in MBL clouds, and/or between the so-called pockets of open cells (POCs) and their surrounding solid clouds. In search for understanding cellular cloud structure, there have been increasing number of studies on the connection between the cellular structure and microphysics via drizzles (e.g., Stevens et al. 2005; Petters et al. 2006; Sharon et al. 2006; Wood et al. 2008). These studies have reported compelling observational evidence that the microphysical characteristics in solid decks or closed cells differ substantially from those of POCs or open cells, with open cells or POCs being associated with lower N but larger re and P. Numerical simulations (Savic-Jovcic and Stevens 2008; Xue et al. 2008; Wang and Feingold 2009) have confirmed these observations and further suggested that enhanced precipitation plays a critical role in the formation and evolution of open cells, and evaporation of raindrops generate a dynamic response that promotes, organizes, and sustains open-cell structures. Lower cloud condensation nuclei (CCN)/aerosol concentrations have also been found to be associated with open cells and POCs, implying potential aerosol influences. Although it cannot be conclusive without supporting CCN/aerosol data, the remarkable microphysical similarity between the summer–winter microphysical differences inferred from L09 and those between the closed (solid decks) and open cells (POCs) is certainly indicative of a microphysical mechanism for winter clouds that is in action for open cells and POCs. The summer–winter differences in the microphysical properties are also consistent with the dominant mechanisms proposed for aerosol indirect effects: an increase in aerosol loading leads to a higher N but a smaller effective radius (Twomey 1967), and less drizzle but higher L and LWP (Albrecht 1989).
L09 pointed out that the seasonal variations of the macrophysical cloud properties from summer to winter resemble the downstream stratocumulus-to-cumulus transition of MBL clouds, and that the “deepening–warming–decoupling” mechanism proposed by Bretherton and Wyant (1997) can explain the summer–winter cloud differences when the warming of the sea surface temperature is relative to the temperature of the free troposphere. Together with the plausible microphysical mechanism, the question arises as to which mechanism—the macrophysical discussed in L09 or the microphysical mechanism discussed here—is more important in determining the seasonal differences. Of course, macrophysics and microphysics are likely the two sides of the same coin, and the seasonal differences may stem from interwoven actions of both macrophysical and microphysical mechanisms via multiscale interactions/feedbacks.
Responding to my original comment, L09 have performed the microphysical analyses suggested earlier, and their results largely support the expected microphysical differences outlined earlier (see their response for details). Deeper insights can be obtained by examining their new results. Table 1 juxtaposes the main macrophysical and microphysical quantities for the summertime and wintertime clouds and compared their relative differences defined as (summertime − wintertime)/summertime. The six variables that have the largest relative summer–winter differences are P (−255%), cloud-base height (−121%), N (72%), cloud-top height (−72%), L (42%), and re (−28%). Note that the difference in liquid water path (43%) is not listed because it primarily reflects the difference in liquid water content, as the wintertime and summertime clouds have similar cloud thickness. These composite results seem to support joint roles of macrophysics and microphysics via drizzles, as a higher cloud base in the winter cloud tends to associate with lower droplet concentration and liquid water content. An analytical steady-state formulation also confirms the essential role of N in determining P (R. Wood 2009, personal communication).
The new results also indicate that like L, the changes of N, re, and P with the distances from the California coast all exhibit a converging trend. Figure 2 further compares the relative summer–winter differences in the four microphysical properties as a function of the distance away from the California coast. As for the mean discussed earlier, Fig. 2 shows that P and N have the largest seasonal differences from the coast to the ocean, providing additional support for the crucial role of N in determining P. However, it has proven difficult to tell whether a smaller N (aerosols) causes a higher P first or if it is caused by a larger P because of the positive feedback loop between N and P. The converging behaviors of the microphysical differences shed further insight on this issue: The gradual decreases of all the microphysical differences with increasing distances from the California coast suggest the importance of coastal proximity and thus aerosols in shaping the summer–winter differences.
It has been long recognized that MBL clouds are highly coupled systems with complex interactions between thermodynamics, dynamics, radiation, and microphysics, and growing efforts have been recently devoted to understanding the coworkings of macrophysics and microphysics (Kubar et al. 2009; Wood et al. 2009). Nevertheless, a full theoretical framework for such highly coupled systems is still posing a challenge. This is especially true for developing an adequate representation of MBL clouds in climate models where cloud macrophysics (e.g., cloud fraction) and microphysics (e.g., aerosol effects) are often treated separately. More comprehensive analyses and idealized numerical simulations should be essential for addressing these intriguing issues.
This work is supported by the U.S. Department of Energy’s Atmospheric Science Research (ASR) Program and the Earth System Modeling (ESM) Program.
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Summary of quantitative summer–winter differences in main properties.