1. Introduction
Investigating causal links between climate forcings and the observed climate evolution over the instrumental era represents a significant part of the research effort on climate. Studies addressing these aspects in the context of climate change have been providing, over the past decades, an ever-increasing level of causal evidence that is important for decision-makers in international discussions on mitigation policy. In particular, these studies have produced far-reaching causal claims; for instance, the latest IPCC report (AR5; IPCC 2014) stated that “It is extremely likely that human influence has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century” (p. 4). An important part of this causal claim, as well as many related others, regards the associated level of uncertainty. More precisely, the expression “extremely likely” in the latter quote has been formally defined by the IPCC (Mastrandrea et al. 2010; see Table 1) to correspond to a probability of 95%. The above quote hence implicitly means that the probability that the observed warming since the mid-twentieth century was not predominantly caused by human influence but by natural factors is roughly 1:20. Based on the current state of knowledge, that means that it is not yet possible to fully rule out that natural factors were the main causes of the observed global warming. This probability of 1:20, as well as all the probabilities associated with the numerous causal claims that can be found in the past and present climate literature and are summarized in AR5, is a critical quantity that is prone to affect the way in which climate change is apprehended by citizens and decision makers, and thereby to affect decisions on the matter. It is thus of interest to examine the method followed to derive these probabilities and, potentially, to improve it.
Correspondence between language and probabilities in IPCC calibrated terminology (Mastrandrea et al. 2010).
Our proposal to tackle this objective is anchored in a coherent theoretical corpus of definitions, concepts, and methods of general applicability that has emerged over the past three decades to address the issue of evidencing causal relationships empirically (Pearl 2009). This general framework is increasingly used in diverse fields (e.g., in epidemiology, economics, and social science) in which investigating causal links based on observations is a central matter. Recently, it has been introduced in climate science for the specific purpose of attributing weather- and climate-related extreme events (Hannart et al. 2016), which we refer to simply as “extreme events” hereafter. The latter article gave a brief overview of causal theory and articulated it with the conventional framework used for the attribution of extreme events, which is also an important topic in climate attribution. In particular, Hannart et al. (2016) showed that the key quantity referred to as the fraction of attributable risk (FAR) (Allen 2003; Stone and Allen 2005), which buttresses most extreme event attribution (EA) studies, can be directly interpreted within causal theory.
However, Hannart et al. (2016) did not address how to extend and adapt this theory in the context of the attribution of climate changes occurring on longer time scales. Yet, a significant advantage of the definitions of causal theory is precisely that they are relevant no matter the temporal and spatial scale. For instance, from the perspective of a paleoclimatologist studying Earth’s climate over the past few hundred millions of years, global warming over the past 150 years can be considered as a climate event. As a matter of fact, the word “event” is used in paleoclimatology to refer to “rapid” changes in the climate system, but ones that may yet last centuries to millennia. Where to draw the line is thus arbitrary: one person’s long-term trend is another person’s short-term event. It should therefore be possible to tackle causal attribution within a unified methodological framework based on shared concepts and definitions of causality. Doing so would allow us to bridge the methodological gap that exists between EA and trend attribution at a fundamental level, thereby covering the full scope of climate attribution studies. Such a unification would present in our view several advantages: enhancing methodological research synergies between D&A topics, improving the shared interpretability of results, and streamlining the communication of causal claims—in particular when it comes to the quantification of uncertainty, that is, of the probability that a given forcing has caused a given observed phenomenon.
Here, we adapt some formal definitions of causality and probability of causation to the context of climate change attribution. Then, we detail technical implementation under standard assumptions used in D&A. The method is finally illustrated on the warming observed over the twentieth century.
2. Causal counterfactual theory
While an overview of causal theory cannot be repeated here, it is necessary for clarity and self-containedness to highlight its key ideas and most relevant concepts for the present discussion.
Let us first recall the so-called counterfactual definition of causality by quoting the eighteenth-century Scottish philosopher David Hume: “We may define a cause to be an object followed by another, where, if the first object had not been, the second never had existed.” In other words, an event E (E stands for effect) is caused by an event C (C stands for cause) if and only if E would not occur were it not for C. Note that the word event is used here in its general, mathematical sense of a subset of a sample space
Each of the three probabilities PS, PN, and PNS has different implications depending on the context. For instance, two perspectives can be considered: (i) the ex post perspective of the plaintiff or the judge who asks “does C bear the responsibility of the event E that did occur?” and (ii) the ex ante perspective of the planner or the policymaker who instead asks “what should be done w.r.t. C to prevent future occurrence of E?”. It is PN that is typically more relevant to context (i) involving legal responsibility, whereas PS has more relevance for context (ii) involving policy elaboration. Both these perspectives could be relevant in the context of climate change, and it thus makes sense to trade them off. Note that PS and PN can be articulated with the conventional definition recalled in introduction. Indeed, the “demonstration that the change is consistent with (…)” implicitly corresponds to the idea of sufficient causation, whereas “(…) is not consistent with (…)” corresponds to that of necessary causation. The conventional definition therefore implicitly requires a high PS and a high PN to attribute a change to a given cause.
PNS may be precisely viewed as a probability that combines necessity and sufficiency. It does so in a conservative way since we have by construction that
3. Probabilities of causation of climate change
We now return to the question of interest: for a given forcing f and an observed evolution of the climate system y, can y be attributed to f? More precisely, what is the probability
a. Counterfactual setting
For the cause event C, a straightforward answer is possible: we can follow the exact same approach as in EA by defining C as “presence of forcing f” (i.e., the factual world that occurred) and
In practice and by definition, the factual runs of course always correspond to the historical experiment (HIST), using the Climate Model Intercomparison Project’s (CMIP) terminology as described by Taylor et al. (2012). The counterfactual runs are obtained from the same setting as historical but switching off the forcing of interest. For instance, if the forcing consists of the anthropogenic forcing then the counterfactual runs correspond to the historicalNat (NAT) experiment, that is,
These definitions of C and
b. Balancing necessity and sufficiency
Let us now consider the question “Did anthropogenic CO2 emissions cause the Argentinian heatwave of December 2013?” (Hannart et al. 2015). Here, the event can be defined as
c. Building an optimal index
In the above example where global warming is the focus of the question, the variable of interest Z to define the event can be considered as implicitly stated in the question, insofar as the term “global warming” implicitly refers to an increasing trend on global temperature. However, in the context of climate change attribution, we often investigate the cause of “an observed change y” with no precise a priori regarding the characteristics of the change that are relevant w.r.t. causal evidencing. Furthermore, y may be a large dimensional space–time vector. Thus the definition of the index Z in this case is more ambiguous.
We argue that in such a case, the physical characteristics of y that are implicitly considered relevant to the causal question are precisely those that best enhance the existence of a causal relationship in a PNS sense. This indeed corresponds to the idea of “fingerprinting” used thus far in climate change attribution studies (as well as in criminal investigations, hence the name): we seek a fingerprint—that is, a distinctive characteristic of y that would never appear in the absence of forcing f (i.e.,
As an illustration, Marvel and Bonfils (2013) focus on the attribution of changes in precipitation, and subsequently address the question “Has anthropogenic forcing caused the observed evolution of precipitation at a global level?”. Arguably, this study illustrates our point in the sense that it addresses the question by defining a fingerprint index Z that aims precisely at reflecting the features of the change in precipitation that are thought to materialize frequently (if not systematically) in the factual world and yet are expected to be rare (if not impossible) in the counterfactual one, based on physical considerations. In practice, the index Z defined by the authors consists of a nondimensional scalar summarizing the main spatial and physical features of precipitation evolution w.r.t. dynamics and thermodynamics. The factual and counterfactual PDFs of Z are then derived from the HIST and NAT runs respectively (Fig. 2c). From these PDFs, one can easily obtain an optimal threshold
4. Implementation under the standard framework
We now turn to the practical aspects of implementing the approach described in section 3 above, based on the observations y and on climate model experiments. We detail these practical aspects in the context of the standard framework briefly recalled in section 1, namely multivariate linear regression under a Gaussian setting. Note that the assumptions underlying the latter conventional framework could be challenged (e.g., pattern scaling description of model error and Gaussianity). However, the purpose of this section is not to challenge these assumptions. It is merely to illustrate in detail how these assumptions can be used within the general causal framework proposed. Furthermore, the details of the mathematical derivation shown in this subsection cannot be covered exhaustively here in order to meet the length constraint. However, some important steps of the derivation are described in appendix A, and the complete details and justification thereof can be found in the references given in the text.
a. Generalities
b. Model description
c. Derivation of the probabilities of causation
d. Reducing computational cost
5. Illustration on temperature change
Our methodological proposal is applied to the observed evolution of Earth’s surface temperature during the twentieth century, with the focus being restrictively on the attribution to anthropogenic forcings. More precisely, y consists of a spatial–temporal vector of size n = 54, which contains the observed surface temperatures averaged over 54 time–space windows. These windows are defined at a coarse resolution: Earth’s surface is divided into six regions of similar size (three in each hemisphere) while the period 1910–2000 is divided into nine decades. The decade 1900–10 is used as a reference period, and all values are converted to anomalies w.r.t. the first decade. The HadCRUT4 observational dataset (Morice et al. 2012) was used to obtain y. With respect to climate simulations, the runs of the IPSL-CM5A-LR model (Dufresne et al. 2013) for the NAT, ANT, HIST, and PIcontrol experiments were used (see appendix C for details) and converted to the same format as y after adequate space–time averaging.
Following the procedure described in section 4, we successively derived the estimated factual response
An assessment of the relative importance of the four components of uncertainty was obtained by deriving the trace of each component (i.e., the sum of diagonal terms) normalized to the trace of the complete covariance. Climate variability is found to be the dominant contribution, followed by model uncertainty, observational uncertainty, and sampling uncertainty (not shown). The split between model and observational uncertainty is to some extent arbitrary as we have no objective way to separate them based only on y; that is, the model could be equivalently formulated as
The optimal vector
6. Discussion
a. Comparison with previous statements
The probabilities of causation obtained by using our proposal may depart from the levels of uncertainty asserted by the latest IPCC report, and/or by previous work. For instance, when y corresponds to the evolution of precipitation observed over the entire globe during the satellite era (1979–2012), we have shown in section 3 that, using the dynamic–thermodynamic index built by Marvel and Bonfils (2013), the associated probability of causation
In contrast with the situation prevailing for precipitation, when y corresponds to the observed evolution of Earth’s surface temperature during the twentieth century, and in spite of using a very coarse spatial resolution, we found a probability of causation
First, the probability of causation defined in our approach is of course sensitive to the assumptions that are made on the various sources of uncertainty, all of which are here built into
Besides the effect of inflating the individual variances, it is important to note that the probability of causation may also be greatly reduced when the correlation coefficients of the covariance
To assess whether or not these theoretical remarks hold in practice, we revisited our illustration and quantified the impact on
b. Counterfactual experiments
Our methodological proposal has an immediate implication w.r.t. the design of standardized CMIP experiments dedicated to D&A: a natural option would be to change the present design “forcing f only” into a counterfactual design “all forcings except f.” Indeed,
c. Benchmarking high probabilities
Section 5 showed that the proposed approach may sometimes yield probabilities of causation that are very close to one. How can we communicate such low levels of uncertainty? This question arises insofar as the term “virtual certainty” applies as soon as PNS exceeds 0.99 under the current IPCC language (Table 1). Thus, this terminology would be unfit to express in words a PNS increase from 0.99 to 0.9999, say—even though such an increase corresponds to a large reduction of uncertainty by a factor of 100. One option to address this issue is to use instead the uncertainty terminology of theoretical physics, in which a probability is translated into an exceedance level under the Gaussian distribution, measured in numbers of σ from the mean (where σ denotes standard deviation), that is,
d. Alternative assumptions
The mathematical developments of section 4 are but an illustration of how our proposed causal approach, as framed in section 3, can be implemented when one uses the conventional assumptions of pattern scaling and Gaussianity associated to the standard linear regression setting. In that sense, section 4 thus shows that the proposed causal framing is perfectly compatible with the conventional linear regression setting: it should be viewed as an extension of, rather than an alternative to, the latter setting. Nevertheless, it is important to underline that the application of the causal framework of section 3 is by no means restricted to the conventional linear regression setting. One may, for instance, challenge some aspects of the latter (e.g., the pattern scaling description of model error) and formulate an alternative parameterization of the covariance
e. Attribution as a classification problem
Last, it should be noted that the maximization of Eq. (7) can be viewed as a binary classification problem. Indeed, as illustrated in Fig. 5, solving Eq. (7) is equivalent to building a function of observations that allows us to optimally discriminate between two “classes”: the factual class and the counterfactual class. Under this perspective, PNS is related to the percent of correct classification decisions made by the classifier and is thus a measure of its skill.
Viewing the fingerprinting index
7. Summary and conclusions
We have introduced an approach for deriving the probability that a forcing has caused a given observed change. The proposed approach is anchored into causal counterfactual theory (Pearl 2009), which has been introduced recently in the context of event attribution (EA). We argued that these concepts are also relevant, and can be straightforwardly extended to the context of climate change attribution. For this purpose, and in agreement with the principle of fingerprinting applied in the conventional detection and attribution (D&A) framework, a trajectory of change is converted into an event occurrence defined by maximizing the causal evidence associated to the forcing under scrutiny. Other key assumptions used in the conventional D&A framework, in particular those related to numerical models error, can also be adapted conveniently to this approach. Our proposal thus allows us to bridge the conventional framework with the standard causal theory, in an attempt to improve the quantification of causal probabilities. Our illustration suggests that our approach is prone to yield a higher estimate of the probability that anthropogenic forcings have caused the observed temperature change, thus supporting more assertive causal claims.
We gratefully acknowledge helpful comments by Aurélien Ribes and three anonymous reviewers. This work was supported by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche grant DADA (AH, PN), and the grants LEFE-INSU-Multirisk, AMERISKA, A2C2, and Extremoscope (PN). The work of PN was completed during his visit at the IMAGE-NCAR group in Boulder, Colorado, United States.
Derivation of the PDF of Y
Optimal Index Derivation
Data Used in Illustration
As in Hannart (2016), observations were obtained from the HADCRUT4 monthly temperature dataset (Morice et al. 2012), while GCM model simulations were obtained from the IPSL CM5A-LR model (Dufresne et al. 2013), downloaded from the CMIP5 database. An ensemble of runs consisting of two sets of forcings was used, the natural set of forcings (NAT) and the anthropogenic set of forcings (ANT) for which three runs are available in each case over the period of interest and from which an ensemble average was derived. On the other hand, a single preindustrial control run of 1000 years is available and was thus split into 10 individual control runs of 100 years. Temperature in both observations and simulations were converted to anomalies by subtracting the time average over the reference period 1960–91. The data were averaged temporally and spatially using a temporal resolution of 10 years. Averaging was performed for both observations and simulations by using restrictive values for which observations were nonmissing, for a like-to-like comparison between observations and simulations.
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The notation