1. Introduction
The pattern of surface warming from radiative forcing robustly peaks in the Arctic in future projections of Earth’s climate and the Southern Hemisphere warming is expected to be amplified in high latitudes in equilibrium climate states. This polar-amplified pattern of warming can arise from multiple factors. A canonical explanation for polar amplification (PA) is that it arises from surface albedo feedback that results from a loss of sea ice or a decrease in snow. However, in comprehensive climate change simulations, there are also substantial changes on the longwave radiation side of the top-of-the-atmosphere (TOA) energy budget in the Arctic (Winton 2006; Pithan and Mauritsen 2014), consistent with an increase in poleward atmosphere–ocean energy transport (Zelinka and Hartmann 2012; Huang and Zhang 2014). Increased convergence of energy transport provides a means of enhanced Arctic warming (e.g., Solomon 2006), and this alternate avenue to PA can help explain why climate model simulations that do not include temperature-dependent surface albedo still simulate PA (Alexeev 2003; Hall 2004). Here, we use simple estimates to quantify the PA that arises from increased energy transport under warming with the goal of understanding what controls the PA’s order of magnitude in the idealized case that does not include surface albedo changes.
Diffusive energy balance models (EBMs) have provided an important idealized framework to address a variety of climate change questions (Sellers 1969; North 1975; North et al. 1981; Flannery 1984; Frierson et al. 2007; Kang et al. 2009; Hwang et al. 2011; Rose et al. 2014; Merlis 2014; Roe et al. 2015). The typical thermodynamic variable used in these models to determine energy transport is temperature (dry EBMs; e.g., Sellers 1969; North et al. 1981). With this choice, PA can only occur if there is spatial inhomogeneity in the radiative forcing or radiative feedbacks that tends to produce it. Replacing temperature diffusion with moist static energy (MSE) diffusion (moist EBMs) allows for the latent component of the energy transport to increase with temperature (Flannery 1984) in a way that is similar to the behavior of general circulation models (GCMs; e.g., Frierson et al. 2007; Caballero and Hanley 2012). Moist diffusive EBMs produce polar-amplified warming even in the absence of spatially varying radiative forcing or feedbacks as the result of the increase in energy transport with warming (Flannery 1984; Rose et al. 2014). These simulations have a factor of 1.5–2.7 more warming at the pole than at the equator (Rose et al. 2014; Roe et al. 2015), which is comparable to comprehensive climate change simulations in the Arctic (Collins et al. 2013). We note that the destabilizing lapse rate change in the Arctic also contributes to enhanced surface warming in both comprehensive and idealized GCM simulations of climate change (Pithan and Mauritsen 2014; Feldl and Roe 2013; Henry and Merlis 2018, manuscript submitted to J. Climate) and that the typical formulation of moist EBMs—including those described here—does not include this lapse rate change (although it can be prescribed through the longwave feedback parameter; e.g., Rose et al. 2014). Also, while diffusive EBMs can capture the downgradient transport of transient extratropical eddies, there may also be an important role for other dynamical mechanisms, like stationary waves, to enhance Arctic warming (Lee 2014).
There is a significant body of research on dry EBM theory; that is, EBM solutions that do not rely on numerical integration of the governing equation (North 1975; North et al. 1981; Rose et al. 2017). In contrast, moist EBMs have only been numerically solved to date. Given the similarity of the pattern of warming to that of substantially more comprehensive models, we believe it is worthwhile to examine simple estimates that attempt to capture the moist EBM behavior without resorting to a numerical solution of the moist EBM governing equation. We provide two simple estimates to capture the effect of an increase in energy transport and a concomitant polar-amplified warming pattern. One simple estimate is that of the temperature change from a spatially uniform increase in MSE with warming [inspired by Byrne and O’Gorman (2013b)]. For the other estimate, we adapt the truncated-spectral solution described by North (1975) for dry EBMs to the case of the moist EBM. In our approach, the addition of moisture has two effects on the truncated solution. First, it is analogous to diffusing temperature, albeit with a spatially inhomogeneous diffusivity, for which we can use existing approaches to solve spectrally truncated versions of the dry EBM (North 1975). Second, it gives rise to the addition of a latent energy flux convergence term for perturbed climates that appears in the solution as a “forcing” term, like absorbed solar radiation.
In the next section, we describe the moist EBM formulation and present the results of numerical solutions (section 2). Then, we present simple estimates (section 3) and compare the changes in the temperature, MSE, and the TOA budget of the estimates to those of the numerical moist EBM solutions. The comparison of the estimates to the EBM results provides physical insight into the origin of the magnitude of the PA in this idealized framework. We therefore discuss both estimates, even though the first of the estimates produces substantially more PA than the EBM and more of the discussion is devoted to our newly formulated spectral truncation of the moist EBM equation that successfully captures the warming pattern of the numerical EBM. We subsequently apply the spectral truncation to a wide range of climates to shed light on how the estimate depends on the climatology of temperature and apply it to obtain a GCM-free estimate of “residual” polar warming in solar radiation management geoengineered climate states (section 4). Last, we discuss the application of the simple estimates to Earth’s climate and conclude (section 5).
2. Moist EBM
For the shortwave radiation, we follow North et al. (1981) and use the insolation structure function S(x) = 1 − γP2, with γ = 0.482 and the second Legendre polynomial P2 = 1/2(3x2 − 1). This is a time-independent insolation that is representative of Earth’s annual mean. The coalbedo is given by a(x) = a0 + a2P2, with a0 = 0.68 and a2 = −0.2 (North et al. 1981). This captures the climatological variations in surface albedo and shortwave cloud radiative effects: the planetary albedo increases toward the pole. However, a(x) does not have any temperature dependence, which eliminates the surface albedo and shortwave cloud radiative feedbacks.
We use a longwave feedback parameter that is spatially uniform with a value of B = 1.8 W m−2 K−1. In section 3, we consider the case of spatially uniform forcing
The EBM equation is numerically integrated with a second-order finite-difference discretization for the diffusion operator and a fourth-order Runge–Kutta time-stepping scheme [similar to Merlis (2014) and Wagner and Eisenman (2015)] over a domain that spans both hemispheres with 180 grid points spaced uniformly in x. All numerical EBM results are integrated to steady states. The value of
Legendre polynomial expansion of the surface temperature (
Given that we use constant coefficient EBM parameter values (B,
The simulated pattern of temperature change in the moist EBM is shown in Fig. 1a. Consistent with previous results (Flannery 1984; Rose et al. 2014), this configuration results in PA with about 2.3 times the polar warming as the tropical warming in the absence of destabilizing high-latitude feedbacks. This is smaller than the observed Arctic warming in the last half century, which has roughly 3 times as much zonal-mean Arctic warming compared to tropical warming (according to the GISTEMP dataset; Hansen et al. 2010).
As we will consider spectrally truncated solutions in what follows, we also plot the temperature change pattern truncated at the second Legendre polynomial component. We use the notation Pn for the nth Legendre polynomial and the coefficients are denoted with the corresponding subscript (e.g., T2 is the second Legendre polynomial coefficient of surface temperature). The odd Pn coefficients are zero because we consider hemispherically symmetric climate states. This spectral truncation—the sum of the change that is ∝x2 = sin2(ϕ) and the global-mean P0 component—is quite close to the full temperature change pattern. It differs by a few percent from the full change (Fig. 1a, dashed line), consistent with the smallness of changes in the higher-order components of the spectral expansion (Table 1). Because the second Legendre polynomial component dominates here, the measure of polar amplification we use can be converted to others. Our measure (ratio of pole-to-equator temperature change) is about 20% larger than the ratio of the more commonly used area average of the temperature change in a polar cap of 60°–90° latitude compared to the tropical belt of 0°–30° latitude for the standard parameter values, although this difference grows larger with increased PA.
Figure 2a shows the simulated pattern of MSE change in the moist EBM (black) together with the MSE change of uniform, radiative warming of
Figure 3a shows components of the perturbation TOA energy budget. The change in the outgoing longwave radiation (OLR), BΔT −
3. Simple estimates for polar amplification
For all simple estimates, we neglect relative humidity changes, consistent with the numerical EBM solutions.
a. Spatially uniform increase in MSE
1) Estimate
The uniform perturbation MSE results in polar-amplified warming because the high-latitude temperatures are sufficiently low that the latent energy makes a negligible contribution ΔT(ϕ = 90°) ≈ Δh. In contrast, latent energy is a significant contribution to the energy content of low-latitude air. For T ≈ 300 K and
2) Results
Figure 1b shows that this estimate has PA that is too large (~3.4 times more warming at pole than equator) compared to the numerical EBM solution (~2.3 times more warming at pole than equator). This estimate’s change in MSE is uniform by construction (Fig. 2b, magenta). The underlying assumption of the estimate that the change in MSE transport homogenizes the MSE is not realized in the numerical EBM solution (Fig. 2a, black). This is unsurprising given that the control simulation does not have a uniform MSE: diffusion does not succeed in homogenizing it for either the control or perturbation simulation. We note that this estimated warming pattern is not equivalent to numerical EBM solutions in the limit of large diffusivity. In that case, both the control and perturbation simulation are close to isothermal, so the warming is not strongly polar amplified.
The warming pattern of this estimate implies a polar-amplified OLR change (magenta line in Fig. 3b), but the MSE flux should be unchanged according to the downgradient diffusion if the perturbation MSE is uniform (∂xΔh = 0). Therefore, this estimate does not satisfy the local TOA energy budget.
b. Truncated solution to the moist EBM
1) Estimate
The temperature dependence of T2, which leads to PA, arises from the temperature dependence of the humidity that enters in the numerator via the anomalous latent energy flux convergence ΔLE2. The increase of ΔLE2 with warming offsets part of the equator–pole contrast in absorbed solar radiation, some of the additional energy is locally balanced by radiation (about a third with standard values), and the remainder reduces the part of energy transport that is dependent on temperature gradients (6). Therefore, the equator–pole surface temperature contrast must decrease with warming.
This solution is solely a function of the EBM parameters (
2) Results
Using the EBM control
4. Applications of the truncated solution
a. Wide range of climates
We perform a series of numerical EBM calculations with a wide range (50 W m−2) of uniform radiative forcing to examine how PA varies from substantially colder to substantially warmer climates. There is a weak increase in PA over the wide range of forcing (Fig. 4a). As the climate warms, the moist EBM has increased global-mean temperature, which tends to increase the latent energy flux convergence, and decreased equator–pole temperature contrast, which tends to decrease the latent energy flux convergence. These competing changes result in polar amplification’s weak dependence over the range of forcing values.
We use temperatures of the numerical EBM solutions to compute the spectral estimate for each value of radiative forcing. The truncated estimate for PA is broadly similar to the numerical EBM solutions (Fig. 4a). It is slightly larger than the PA of numerical EBM solution in colder climates and slightly smaller in warmer climates, even though in all cases the estimate is within 10% of the numerical EBM solution. For large climate changes, changes in both the latent energy flux convergence ΔLE2 and the effective diffusivity
The truncated estimate can readily be evaluated over a wide range of climatological temperature distributions to examine the controls on the magnitude of polar amplification. Here, we use an idealized second Legendre polynomial formula for
b. Solar versus greenhouse gas forcing
The possibility that the climate system responds differently to solar and greenhouse gas (GHG) radiative forcing has been investigated in GCM simulations (e.g., Govindasamy and Caldeira 2000; Boer and Yu 2003; Hansen et al. 2005; Merlis et al. 2014). Differences across forcing agents would have important implications for solar radiation management (SRM) geoengineering schemes, where the warming from the positive radiative forcing of increased GHG concentration is offset by a negative radiative forcing from, for example, sulfate aerosols in the stratosphere. In idealized geoengineering simulations where the negative radiative forcing is imposed simply by reducing the solar constant, there is residual polar warming (Govindasamy and Caldeira 2000; Kravitz et al. 2013; Russotto and Ackerman 2018). In other words, the temperature change pattern from GHGs is more polar amplified than that of solar forcing. The residual polar warming has been argued to result from differences in radiative forcing (Govindasamy and Caldeira 2000; Kravitz et al. 2013; Russotto and Ackerman 2018), as has also been shown to be important for intertropical convergence zone shifts (Viale and Merlis 2017; Russotto and Ackerman 2018), rather than forcing agent dependence in radiative feedbacks. This suggests that the moist EBM with a specified feedback parameter is a viable minimal framework to address the residual polar warming.
The truncated solution is assessed for the combination of positive GHG forcing and negative solar forcing that has zero global-mean radiative forcing. The radiative forcing of a solar constant change depends on the insolation and planetary albedo
The ensemble mean of GCMs participating in the Geoengineering Model Intercomparison Project (GeoMIP) G1 experiment, which has a quadrupling of carbon dioxide and corresponding decrease in solar constant, has ΔSRMT2 ≈ 0.7 K (Russotto and Ackerman 2018). The higher value of residual polar amplification in the GeoMIP G1 GCM simulations likely results from a robust spatially varying feedback parameter that varies between equator and pole (e.g., surface albedo and lapse rate feedbacks that are zero or stabilizing in low latitudes and are destabilizing in high latitudes) and amplifies the response we obtained analytically with a uniform feedback parameter. Nevertheless, the analytic estimate qualitatively captures the GCM behavior.
5. Conclusions
Moist energy balance models (EBMs) provide an idealized framework to investigate polar amplification (PA). Even with spatially uniform radiative forcing and feedbacks, PA can arise as a consequence of increased energy transport with warming that results from increasing humidity gradients—a consequence of the Clausius–Clapeyron (CC) relation. Moist EBM simulations typically have about a factor of 2 more warming at the pole than the equator (Flannery 1984), although this can be modulated by spatial structure in radiative feedbacks (Roe et al. 2015). To understand the magnitude of PA in moist EBMs, we present two simple estimates and compare their pattern of warming, pattern of change in moist static energy, and TOA budget change to those of numerical moist EBM solutions.
The first estimate (section 3a) is based on converting a uniform change in MSE into a surface temperature change. This is what the anomalous MSE would be if the perturbation energy flux divergence was perfectly efficient at removing the perturbation MSE gradient. Note that Earth-like values of the diffusivity have nonzero gradients in the control climate’s MSE, so one would not expect the perturbation MSE gradient to be zero. This estimate has a factor of 3.4 more warming at the pole than the equator, a substantial overestimate compared to the numerical EBM solution. This estimate also has an inconsistent TOA budget change: there is an increase in polar OLR from the locally enhanced warming, which would need to be balanced by an increased energy flux convergence. However, a uniform MSE perturbation would not alter the energy flux convergence, according to the EBM’s downgradient relationship.
The second estimate (section 3b) is based on truncating the moist EBM at the second Legendre polynomial (P2 ∝ sin2ϕ) component of the solution, which dominates the warming pattern and gives rise to PA. For this, we can adapt the spectral solution techniques of North (1975) that were developed for dry EBMs (where temperature, rather than MSE, is diffused), and cast the modification that arises from including latent energy as a spatially varying diffusivity and, for perturbed climates, a latent energy flux convergence component that offsets the planetary-scale absorbed solar radiation gradient. The increased high-latitude energy convergence is not completely locally balanced by warming sufficient to radiatively rebalance the TOA budget. Rather, there is some of the anomalous latent energy flux convergence (approximately one-third) that is compensated for by a decrease in the temperature-dependent energy transport. This truncated solution captures the numerical EBM simulation results and depends only on the climatological temperature, which is needed to determine the change in latent energy transport, and EBM parameters like the longwave feedback parameter B and diffusivity
What is the physical insight from the estimate that does not agree quantitatively with the numerical EBM solutions? One key result from the uniform MSE perturbation estimate (section 3a) is that the moist EBM’s equilibrium climate states are not in the regime where the downgradient diffusion succeeds at diffusing the anomalous MSE gradient away; rather, these climate states are the result of the competition between the atmosphere’s radiative fluxes and the downgradient diffusion that leads to MSE anomalies that are between the limiting cases of the uniform temperature change’s MSE anomalies and uniform MSE perturbations (Fig. 2). The truncated solution accounts for the partially compensating decrease of the temperature-dependent (dry) energy transport in response to the increase in the latent energy flux, which is estimated by assuming a uniform warming. In short, the successful truncated solution shows that the magnitude of the PA depends on the relative strength of the radiative restoring and the temperature dependence of both dry and moist components of the energy transport changes. We note that partial compensation between changes in dry and latent energy transports in the midlatitudes has been widely discussed in GCM simulations (e.g., Held and Soden 2006; O’Gorman and Schneider 2008), so it is noteworthy that this behavior is present in the much simpler EBM simulations, where we see that the magnitude of the partial compensation is directly connected to the spatial pattern of warming.
The truncated solution can readily be applied to climate change questions and offers a GCM-independent expectation for these changes. We present an application to a wide range of climate states. This sheds light into the dependence of PA on the climatological temperature distribution. First, polar amplification is weak in climate states with weak temperature gradients. Second, climate states that are warmer have more polar amplification, all else equal. These sensitivities are captured in the approximate formula for the change in latent energy flux convergence (13) derived in appendix B. In the moist EBM, the global-mean and equator–pole temperature contrasts covary in a manner that implies limited changes in PA as radiative forcing is successively increased.
We have also evaluated a version of the truncated spectral solution that includes spatial structure in the radiative forcing to assess the magnitude of “residual” polar warming in solar radiation management geoengineering scenarios. Similar to numerical EBM solutions, the estimate suggests approximately 0.3 K of residual polar warming for quadrupled carbon dioxide forcing with an offsetting reduction in the solar constant. This is about half as large as the ensemble mean results of the similarly forced GeoMIP G1 GCM simulations (Russotto and Ackerman 2018), implying an amplifying role for spatially varying feedbacks in GCMs. These two applications of the truncated spectral solution are suggestive of its broader value in addressing climate change problems.
The simple estimates for PA can easily be evaluated in EBMs, where parameters such as the diffusivity are imposed. For Earth’s climate, one could examine the truncated estimate’s change in latent energy flux divergence (section 3b) by applying a simple Clausius–Clapeyron-based multiplicative amplification factor (Held and Soden 2006) to reanalysis estimates of the latent energy flux divergence. In addition, parameters such as the longwave feedback parameter and diffusivity (12) that would also need to be empirically determined. The warming pattern that results in a uniformly increased MSE (section 3a) is readily applied to observational estimates, as it only depends on the climatology of the surface air temperature and relative humidity. This estimate may perform better for Earth’s atmosphere than for the moist EBM because it approximately accounts for the destabilizing high-latitude lapse rate and surface albedo feedbacks that are absent from the EBM simulations presented here. That is, it can be viewed as more than an estimate for the energy transport when the vertical structure of the atmosphere can vary and respond to surface boundary condition changes.
Here, we have presented two simple estimates for PA in the moist EBM with climate-invariant surface albedo. Given the importance of spatially varying feedbacks like the lapse rate and surface albedo feedbacks, an important next step is to revisit the truncated moist EBM solution with prescribed spatially varying radiative feedbacks.
We thank Paul O’Gorman for suggesting the uniform perturbation moist static energy estimate, Nadir Jeevanjee for his encouragement, and Tim Cronin for pointing out that spatially varying feedbacks can be incorporated in the truncated EBM solution. Tim Cronin and two anonymous reviewers provided helpful feedback on the presentation of the results. This work was supported by the Fonds de Recherche du Québec Nature et Technologies (FRQNT) Nouveau Chercheur Award 197873 and Natural Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Grant RGPIN-2014-05416.
Increased MSE Transport from Uniform Warming
An additional estimate for the pattern of warming can be obtained by considering the increase in energy transport from a uniform warming, following Shaw and Voigt’s (2016) examination of general circulation changes in uniform perturbation sea surface temperature GCM simulations. The uniform warming is the temperature change for a locally balanced perturbation radiation budget in the moist EBM, so one can envision the superposition of the uniform warming with the patterned response that arises from the increase in MSE flux divergence (cooling the tropics and warming the poles). Because the uniform warming does not change the temperature gradient (
This estimate excites higher-order spectral components of larger amplitude than in the numerical EBM solutions and also has a substantially larger degree of polar amplification (comparable to the uniform MSE change estimate; section 3a) than in the numerical EBM solutions. This estimate is similar to the truncated spectral solution in that both have an increase in latent energy flux convergence governed by CC. The critical difference is that the truncated solution accounts for the partially compensating decrease of the temperature-dependent (dry) energy transport in response to the increase in the latent energy flux. Mathematically, the larger magnitude PA for the estimate described in this appendix can be understood by considering it as the limit of vanishing diffusivity
Further Approximation to the Change in Latent Energy Flux
For the second-order truncation of the Earth-like control climate (Table 1), ΔLE2 = 8.2 W m−2. Evaluating the approximate formula (13) with
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North (1975) did not include the normalization factor of 6−1 in his equivalent of (8) and wrote the denominator of the inhomogeneous equivalent of (3) as