1. Introduction
The coupled ocean–atmosphere system transports ~5 PW (1 PW = 1015 W) of energy poleward in the atmosphere and ocean combined (Stone 1978a; Trenberth and Caron 2001; Wunsch 2005). Despite their critical roles in maintaining our climate, the responses of atmospheric heat transport (AHT) and oceanic heat transport (OHT) to climate forcing have remained poorly understood. Many previous studies in coupled general circulation models (CGCMs) have shown a robust compensation of heat transport responses between AHT and OHT anomalies (e.g., Broccoli et al. 2006; Held and Soden 2006; Kang et al. 2008; Zelinka and Hartmann 2012; Rose and Ferreira 2013; Marshall et al. 2014; Farneti and Vallis 2013) in the so-called Bjerknes compensation response (Bjerknes 1964), or called simply the “compensation” response here. However, in recent CGCM experiments to high-latitude climate forcing, AHT and OHT are found to respond in collaboration with the response in the same direction (Deser et al. 2015; Hawcroft et al. 2016; Haywood et al. 2016; Kay et al. 2016; Green and Marshall 2017) in what we call here a “collaboration” response. These seemingly contradictory studies raise a fundamental question. What is the mechanism determining the responses of the meridional heat transports in the atmosphere and ocean?
To understand the mechanism of the Bjerknes response, conceptual models like energy balance models (EBM) or box models have been used in previous works [see reviews in Liu et al. (2016) and Yang et al. (2016)]. Most recently, we have studied the mechanism for Bjerknes compensation in an EBM (Liu et al. 2016) and a box model (Yang et al. 2016) to a perturbation OHT systematically. Our studies suggest that, in response to a change of OHT, AHT always changes in the opposite direction, or in the compensation response, as long as the overall climate feedback is negative through the top of the atmosphere (TOA) so that the climate system is stable. Furthermore, our studies suggest that, in the case of local positive feedback, the AHT response magnitude can exceed that of the perturbation OHT forcing in a so-called overcompensation response. These previous works nevertheless have left important questions on heat transport responses unanswered. Here, we are concerned with two questions.
Question 1: What is the coupled response of AHT and OHT to a general climate forcing, such as a radiative forcing?
Question 2: What is the remote response of the coupled heat transport to a local perturbation forcing?
Here, we extend Liu et al. (2016) and Yang et al. (2016) to address these two questions by using a coupled EBM with active OHT. Our study predicts a compensation response to a surface heat flux forcing but a collaboration response to a net heat flux into the coupled system. Furthermore, the remote response tends to be dominated by the collaboration response because of the effective propagation of an energy transport mode, unless the oceanic thermohaline circulation is perturbed significantly. The paper is arranged as follows. Section 2 presents our model. The local response and remote responses of AHT and OHT are discussed in sections 3 and 4, respectively. In section 5 we discuss the heat transport response to global warming forcing. A summary and further discussion are given in section 6.
2. The coupled model
3. Forced response
To understand these responses, we start with the response to OHT, which always exhibits a compensation response
Now, we study the responses to general climate forcing. The general responses in Eqs. (3a)–(3d) show a clear pattern of heat transport responses: a compensation response is forced by a surface heat flux forcing, related to either
Our analytical solution further enables us to derive the BJC ratio under each forcing quantitatively. It is interesting that the BJC ratios are exactly the same for all three surface forcings—
One may note a difference in the magnitude of the BJC ratios between the responses to
In summary, the compensation response in Eqs. (3a)–(3d) gives a clear heat transport response for each individual forcing, with surface flux forcing compensation and TOA net flux forcing collaboration. It should be noted, however, that the response is usually not so clean in more realistic scenarios. A realistic forcing, such as that for global warming, dust loading, or cloud change, usually perturbs both the surface and TOA fluxes. Therefore, the ultimate heat transport response would depend on the competition between surface and TOA forcing. One example of such mixed forcing is the global warming case and will be discussed later in section 5.
4. Remote response
The very weak damping of the collaboration mode implies that the remote climate response tends to be dominated by the collaboration response, rather than the compensation response, regardless of the initial generation mechanism. Physically, this collaboration response can be associated with, for example, the coupled response of the atmospheric Hadley circulation and the upper-ocean wind-driven subtropical cell (Held 2001; Vallis and Farneti 2009; Green and Marshall 2017). The dominance of the collaboration response in the remote region can be demonstrated in two examples in our EBM.
Figures 4a–d show an example of climate response to a reduction in TOA IR parameter B in the SH high latitudes [
Figure 5 shows a more interesting example in which the remote climate response is initially a compensation response but is later reversed to a collaboration response in the far field. Now, the forcing is induced by the parameter
Our theoretical result here may offer an explanation of the robust remote collaboration response in the tropical–subtropical region across recent CGCM experiments in response to perturbation climate forcing at high latitudes (Deser et al. 2015; Hawcroft et al. 2016; Haywood et al. 2016; Kay et al. 2016; Green and Marshall 2017). In these experiments, the perturbation forcing does not cause significant change in the thermohaline circulation. As a result, the energy transport signal likely propagates mainly in the coupled collaboration mode and compensation mode. Since the compensation mode is strongly damped, the remote response is dominated by the collaboration mode as a collaboration response.
Our theory implies that active upper-ocean dynamic heat transport and, in turn, the coupled modes are essential for the remote collaboration response. The upper-ocean wind-driven dynamics is crucial for the damped compensation response in the remote region (Green and Marshall 2017). In a slab ocean without ocean dynamics (e.g., Kang et al. 2008; Green and Marshall 2017), the coupled model can generate a robust compensation response globally. One obvious reason is that in these experiments, the OHT forcing is prescribed across the globe and therefore can force an AHT response everywhere. The other reason, which is not very obvious, is the small damping rate for the coupled mode. This can be seen in our coupled EBM, which becomes effectively a coupled atmosphere–slab ocean after setting
In summary, the remote response is determined mainly by the energy propagation in coupled modes and tends to be dominated by the weakly damped collaboration mode. If, however, the thermohaline circulation is perturbed significantly, then an effective teleconnection tunnel of OHT can still transport heat and, in turn, generate a remote compensation response.
5. Response to global warming
We now return to the forced response with a more “realistic” and complex forcing that consists of both surface and TOA fluxes. This is the case of global warming induced by an increased atmospheric concentration of CO2. Since global warming perturbs both the surface and TOA longwave fluxes, the final heat transport response depends on the competition between the surface and TOA forcing and, furthermore, the subtler balance with additional factors that are not considered in our EBM discussion above.
First of all, a large atmospheric heat transport
Here, we further point out that this downward IR forcing mechanism alone is insufficient to produce the polar amplification of
The reversal of OHT, and in turn the compensation response, with the increased
A further factor in producing a compensation response could be the reduced AMOC. This may be represented crudely in our model [Eqs. (1a) and (1b) or Eqs. (3a) and (3b)] with a dependence of the oceanic diffusivity, which can be thought as proportional to the magnitude of the AMOC transport, to atmospheric emissivity as
In short, the global warming scenario represents a more complex case of mixed forcing perturbation in the surface and TOA fluxes, the variable feedback parameters with space, and the potential change of the AMOC. A strong atmospheric heat transport coefficient
6. Summary and discussion
Using a coupled EBM, we addressed two questions on the heat transport responses: What is the coupled response of AHT and OHT to a general climate forcing, and what is the remote response of the coupled heat transport to a local perturbation forcing? First, we show that the responses of AHT and OHT depend critically on the nature of the forcing. If the thermohaline circulation is not altered significantly, then a surface forcing, whether directly by radiation or indirectly by OHT or AHT convergence, tends to force a compensation response; in contrast, a net TOA radiative forcing tends to force a collaboration response. A change of the thermohaline circulation tends to produce a compensation response because it first induces an OHT change, which then forces the coupled system as an effective surface heat flux forcing. Second, the coupled system has two coupled energy transport modes: a compensation mode that is strongly damped by negative air–sea interaction and a collaboration mode that is only weakly damped by the TOA climate feedback. As such, the remote response tends to be dominated by the weakly damped collaboration mode. If, however, the thermohaline circulation is perturbed significantly, it can generate a remote compensation response through its deep ocean teleconnection tunnel of OHT.
Our model is highly idealized and many further studies are needed. Its idealized nature also limits its application to more complex models, or the real world. In particular, regarding the forced response, our theory shows a clearly different compensation response in response to surface and TOA forcing [Eqs. (3a)–(3d)]. But in more realistic cases or the real world, a perturbation forcing usually induces both the surface and TOA forcing. Therefore, the final response depends on the competition between the two types of forcing. When the two forcing effects are nearly balanced, the response becomes dependent on additional factors, such as the spatial variation of the feedback strength and forcing. This point has been seen in the example of global warming response in section 5. Therefore, without a detailed analysis of the induced perturbation forcing, our theory cannot explain the coupled heat transport responses in the global warming experiments in more complex models, such as those in Hwang and Frierson (2010) and Zelinka and Hartmann (2012).
In the meantime, some of our conclusions depend on more robust physical mechanisms. In particular, we believe that our conclusion on the remote response should be more robust. This is because the physical mechanisms behind the two coupled energy transport modes are simple and robust. Regardless of the details of the model, air–sea interaction is strongly negative, because of the strong turbulent heat flux sensitivity at the air–sea interface. In comparison, the negative feedback on TOA is weak because it is dominated by the longwave radiation at TOA. This difference of the feedback strength determines the damping nature of the two modes: the compensation mode involves strong surface heat flux activity and therefore should be strongly damped, while the collaboration mode does not involve strong surface flux activity and therefore should be weakly damped by the TOA damping only. This suggests that our conclusion on the remote response should be applicable qualitatively to the coupled response in more complex climate models. This is confirmed in a preliminary test isn a CGCM that exhibits a dominant remote collaboration response, when the thermohaline is not affected significantly (see the appendix). We speculate that our theoretical results may offer an explanation for the seemingly controversial results across CGCMs. With high-latitude perturbation, if the AMOC is altered significantly, then the climate response tends to exhibit a compensation response. This is consistent with many coupled model studies that show a compensation response induced by the change of AMOC (e.g., Vellinga and Wu 2008; Zhang and Delworth 2005; Zhang et al. 2010; Farneti and Vallis 2013) or a prescribed OHT forcing over the globe that can simulate the thermohaline forcing (e.g., Kang et al. 2008). Otherwise, the remote response is dominated by a collaboration response that is associated with the coupled atmosphere–upper ocean wind-driven circulation system when the AMOC is not perturbed significantly. This seems to be consistent with recent CGCM simulations of remote collaboration responses, when the AMOC is not perturbed significantly (Deser et al. 2015; Hawcroft et al. 2016; Haywood et al. 2016; Kay et al. 2016; Green and Marshall 2017).
We thank three anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments. This work is supported by Chinese Minister of Science and Education (MOSTSQ2017YFJC050038), Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC41630527), National Science Foundation (NSF1656907), and Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology through a graduate fellowship. We thank Dr. M. Cai for the many discussions on the mechanism of global warming response.
A CGCM Example of Remote Heat Transport Responses
As a preliminary test of our theory on the remote response, we analyzed perturbation simulations in a CGCM: the Fast Ocean Atmosphere Model (FOAM) (Jacob 1997). These experiments are originally designed to study the extratropical impact on tropical climate (Lu et al. 2017). The model design nature also allows us to examine the remote climate response of heat transports here. We will discuss two sets of experiments. In the first set (Fig. A1a), present observations of SST from 1948 to 2015 are assimilated into the ocean model south of 20°S using a coupled ensemble filter. A climate response is derived as the difference from the control experiment in which no observation is assimilated. The forced response south of 20°S is artificial because data assimilation distorts energy conservation. Therefore, here, we will examine only the remote response north of 20°S, which is energetically consistent in the coupled system. At the boundary of the forcing region of 20°S, both the AHT and OHT anomalies are negative. This collaboration response is then seen to propagate northward into the tropics. This is in contrast to the second case, which is forced by assimilating atmospheric temperature and winds, instead of SST, south of 20°S (Fig. A1b). Now, at ~20°S, the response happens to exhibit a strong compensation response, with a positive AHT and a negative OHT. This compensation response, however, decays rapidly northward. The AHT response reverses southward into the deep tropics, leaving a collaboration response. Thus, despite the opposite responses initially at 20°S, both of the remote responses into the tropics are collaboration responses. Similar results have been produced in additional experiments, with the data assimilation boundary pushed back to, say, 28°S (not shown). This remote collaboration response in the tropics is consistent with our theory of the propagation of the collaboration mode and the damping of the compensation mode. We note that the OHT becomes slightly positive north of 30°N in both cases, making the heat transports a slightly compensation response. This OHT signal may be related to a change of the model thermohaline circulation that is found confined in the North Atlantic region. Furthermore, the collaboration response should be most robust in the tropic–subtropics, where the coupled Hadley circulation–subtropical cell provides a robust collaboration mechanism (Held 2001; Green and Marshall 2017).
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