1. Introduction
The meridional gradients in insolation and in longwave optical depth (due to gradients in water vapor) play central roles in Earth’s climate. Together, these gradients are responsible for the equator-to-pole temperature difference that drives the large-scale dynamics of Earth’s atmosphere: the Hadley circulation in the tropics and the baroclinic turbulence that characterizes atmospheric circulation in the midlatitudes (e.g., Held 2000; Vallis 2006). The equator-to-pole temperature difference also plays an important role in driving the circulation of the oceans, both directly through differential heating of the ocean surface, and indirectly by driving the atmospheric surface winds that force oceanic motions. However, the relative contributions of the meridional gradients in insolation and in longwave optical depth to the equator-to-pole temperature difference, and to Earth’s climate in general, are currently unknown, and are the subject of investigation here.
Many previous studies have investigated Earth-like climates with varied equator-to-pole temperature differences. For example, this temperature difference has been varied in idealized general circulation models (GCMs) to develop and test scaling laws for midlatitude dynamics (e.g., Schneider and Walker 2006; O’Gorman and Schneider 2008a; Zurita-Gotor and Vallis 2011) and to investigate the properties of tropical stationary waves (e.g., Arnold et al. 2012; Lutsko 2018). A separate line of research has examined warmer climates than today with reduced equator-to-pole temperature gradients, such as were experienced at past times in Earth’s history and may reappear in extreme future climate change scenarios (e.g., Huber and Sloan 2001; Abbot and Tziperman 2008; Caballero and Huber 2013; Popp et al. 2016).
There has also been much interest recently in simulations with comprehensive climate models with uniform sea surface temperatures, creating global radiative–convective equilibrium (RCE) worlds. These simulations, which have been performed with both prescribed surface temperatures and with slab oceans, and typically without rotation, are taken as global analogs for the tropical atmosphere. Recent studies have focused on convective organization and related phenomena such as the Madden–Julian oscillation in this configuration (e.g., Coppin and Bony 2015; Reed et al. 2015; Pendergrass et al. 2016), the internal variability of these systems (Arnold and Randall 2015; Coppin and Bony 2017), and the response of global RCE simulations to increased CO2 concentrations (Popke et al. 2013). Global RCE simulations with rotation have recently been used to study tropical cyclones (Shi and Bretherton 2014; Merlis et al. 2016), and several studies have investigated the structure of the intertropical convergence zone (ITCZ) in global, rotating RCE simulations (Sumi 1992; Kirtman and Schneider 2000; Chao and Chen 2004).
None of these studies has addressed how the meridional gradients in insolation and in longwave optical depth combine to create the equator-to-pole temperature gradient seen on Earth, however. We address this basic question here by performing simulations with a gray radiation GCM in which the gradients in insolation and in longwave optical depth are eliminated individually or jointly. Gray radiation GCMs have been shown to reproduce the main features of the atmospheric circulation on Earth (Frierson et al. 2006) and are therefore powerful tools for studying changes in the basic climate and in the large-scale circulation. Moreover, the radiation can be precisely controlled in these models. An example of this, which is relevant for our study, is that longwave optical depths are prescribed, making it simple to eliminate this gradient. Conventionally, these models also do not include clouds, further simplifying the analysis. Many topics have been investigated in gray radiation models, including atmospheric eddy length scales, meridional energy transports, eddy kinetic energy, tropical precipitation, the Hadley circulation, and the dynamics of the ITCZ (e.g., Frierson et al. 2006, 2007; O’Gorman and Schneider 2008a,b; Schneider et al. 2010; Levine and Schneider 2015; Bischoff and Schneider 2016).
We consider the effects of eliminating each of the gradients separately and of eliminating both gradients simultaneously, which produces an RCE world (rotation is still included), and focus on the temperature structure of these simulations. By comparing with an Earth-like control simulation, these simulations provide insight into the roles these two gradients play in setting up the climate that is experienced on Earth. The RCE simulation also provides context for interpreting the relevance of global RCE simulations with more comprehensive climate models for the real Earth. In addition, we test how the GCM’s response to global warming-like forcings is affected by eliminating these gradients. Comparing the tropical responses to these forcings with the high-latitude responses helps reveal the mechanisms responsible for the polar amplification of warming in this type of model. Finally, we note that our simulations are also potentially relevant for understanding the atmospheres of exoplanets, with high obliquity for instance, as well as for understanding the atmosphere of a snowball Earth, which would contain very little water vapor and so would have a much weaker longwave optical depth gradient (e.g., Pierrehumbert 2005).
In the following section we provide details on the model we have used and the experiments we have performed. After this the impacts of eliminating the gradients on the global-mean temperature of the model are discussed in section 3 and we then investigate the zonal-mean temperature structure in section 4. In section 5 we describe how the different configurations respond to global warming–like perturbations, before ending with a summary and conclusions (section 6).
2. Model and experiments
The GCM is the idealized model first described by Frierson et al. (2006), which solves the primitive equations on the sphere and is forced by a gray radiation scheme. The GCM is coupled to a slab ocean of depth 1 m, with no representation of ocean dynamics or sea ice, and the model includes the simplified Betts–Miller (SBM) convection scheme of Frierson (2007). A mixed layer depth of 1 m was used so that the model would spin up quickly, while leaving the resulting mean climate the same as for larger mixed layer depths. We show results using a convective relaxation time scale
The insolation is constant in time (i.e., there are no seasons), and we will focus on experiments that do not include atmospheric absorption of solar radiation in order to simplify the analysis. We have repeated some experiments with the model configuration of O’Gorman and Schneider (2008b), which includes the absorption of solar radiation by the atmosphere. This is done by calculating the downward shortwave flux at a given pressure level as
We consider four configurations of the model. The “control” (Earth-like) simulation used the same parameters as listed in Table 1 of Frierson et al. (2006), with
To estimate the radiative forcing due to these perturbations, we have repeated the perturbation experiments, but kept the SSTs fixed at their time- and zonal-mean values from the control run. The changes in the net TOA imbalance from the control simulation then define the troposphere-adjusted radiative forcings
3. Global-mean temperature
We begin by discussing how the perturbations affect the global-mean surface temperature
an all-troposphere atmosphere,
an atmosphere with a troposphere and an isothermal stratosphere, and
an atmosphere with a troposphere and a stratosphere that are in local radiative equilibrium.
a. All-troposphere atmosphere
The dependence of
b. Isothermal stratosphere
The dependence of
c. Stratosphere in radiative equilibrium
The new dependence of
d. Simulation results
In the GCM the global-mean surface temperature increases by 2.4 K when τ is set uniform, by 4.3 K when
List of model configurations, with corresponding values of global-mean surface temperature (GMST) and equator-to-pole temperature difference in the control and perturbation experiments, as well as the global-mean surface temperature response to increasing τ everywhere by 30%.
Our theoretical analysis indicates that these warmings are due to increases in the lapse rate and/or to changes in the height of the tropopause. In Fig. 3
The right panel of Fig. 4 demonstrates the extent to which the tropospheric lapse rates increase1 in the perturbation experiments, with the largest increase (up to about −4 K km−1) in the RCE experiment and the smallest increase (~−1 K km−1) in the uniform τ experiment, matching the increases in
e. Tropopause height
The global-mean height of the tropopause
As discussed in the previous section, the lapse rates increase in the perturbation experiments, and so N decreases as the troposphere becomes more unstable (middle panel of Fig. 5). At the same time, Q increases in the upper troposphere of the perturbation experiments (i.e., the radiative cooling is weaker; left panel of Fig. 5). Since the global-mean optical depth profiles are the same in the four experiments, the changes in Q result from differences in the structures of the temperature profiles: as the lapse rates increase, more of the net column radiative cooling comes from the lower troposphere. Compared with the control experiment, Q increases more in the upper troposphere of the uniform
4. Meridional temperature structure
a. Emission temperature
The bottom panel of Fig. 6 shows the OLR as a function of latitude for the control experiment and the three perturbation experiments. In the uniform τ case the meridional OLR gradient increases, as the tropics emit more OLR and the high latitudes emit less OLR. In the uniform
In the uniform
b. Surface temperature
1) Diagnostic analysis
The equator-to-pole surface temperature difference is largest in the control experiment (~54 K), decreases to about 32 K in the uniform τ experiment and to 15 K in the uniform
To estimate the Planck feedback we use the GCM’s radiation scheme to calculate the difference in OLR between the equilibrated temperature field in the control simulation
To understand how the different terms contribute to the total surface temperature change at each latitude, we have calculated what the surface temperature change would be if various terms were eliminated from Eq. (12). For instance, the magenta dash-dotted lines in Fig. 7 show the temperature changes that would result if
In the uniform τ case the Planck feedback alone underestimates the magnitude of the extratropical response (which is positive) by about half and overestimates the magnitude of the tropical response (which is negative) by a factor of about 2 (magenta line in the top panel of Fig. 7). The change in the MSE flux divergence counteracts this, as less MSE is exported from the tropics to the extratropics, reducing the temperature change at all latitudes (cyan line in the top panel of Fig. 7). Finally the lapse-rate feedback is weak in the tropics but positive and large in the extratropics, contributing to a polar amplification of the response.
In the uniform
2) A prognostic model
The first assumption we make is that F is proportional to the surface temperature difference
The bottom-left panel of Fig. 9 compares estimates of
Assuming a single global-mean value of γ (i.e.,
Given zonal-mean profiles of insolation and longwave optical depth then, the key factors determining zonal-mean surface temperatures are the energy flux from the tropics to the extratropics and the global-mean lapse rate.
c. Lapse-rate changes
As discussed in section 3d, the global-mean tropospheric lapse rate increases (becomes more negative when measured in kelvins per kilometer) as the gradients are eliminated, with the increase being weakest in the uniform τ case and strongest in the RCE experiment (Fig. 8). In the tropics this increase is easily understood because convection sets tropical temperatures in all of the experiments (Fig. 10) and so the temperature profiles move to colder moist adiabats as the size of the perturbation increases.
The changes in the extratropics are more complex. The largest lapse rates in the control case are in midlatitudes, between about 30° and 60° with weak lapse rates at high latitudes (~−2 K km−1 in the polar midtroposphere). In the uniform τ case the high-latitude lapse rates increase significantly, and the largest lapse rates are now near the poles. Figure 10 shows that in both of these experiments the high latitudes are in “radiative–advective equilibrium” (RAE; Payne et al. 2015; Cronin and Jansen 2016), with horizontal energy fluxes balancing radiative cooling. The high-latitude lapse rates increase further in the uniform
The round markers on the left panel indicate the values of ε and
That these cases are in RAE means that they are stable to convection and hence we would expect the lapse rates to be higher in the uniform
Comparing with the left panel confirms that the critical temperature difference in the uniform
5. Temperature response to forcings
As mentioned in section 2, we also performed experiments with each of the four configurations in which τ was increased by 30%, which mimics the effects of increased CO2 concentrations in this GCM. We note again that although the global-mean change in τ is the same in all of the configurations, in the control setup and the uniform τ setup the forcing is larger in the tropics than in the extratropics, whereas in the uniform
Interestingly, the global-mean temperature change is insensitive to the base state, as in all four cases
The other panels in Fig. 12 explore the reasons for these responses, using the diagnostic framework of Eq. (12). The top-right panel shows that the forcing and Planck feedback alone result in a tropically amplified warming in the control setup (black curve). The forcing decreases away from the equator (bottom panel of Fig. 1), as does the magnitude of the Planck feedback parameter (not shown). Close to the tropics these changes cancel out so that
The reason for the positive lapse-rate feedback at high latitudes can be seen from the left panel of Fig. 11: increasing the optical depth increases the lapse rate in RAE, although this is countered somewhat by the increased meridional heat flux. We refer the reader to Payne et al. (2015), Cronin and Jansen (2016), and Henry and Merlis (2017, manuscript submitted to J. Climate) for more in-depth investigations of why the lapse-rate feedback is positive at high latitudes and negative at low latitudes for Earth-like gray radiation models. Pithan and Mauristen (2014) also found a strong polar amplification of warming due to the lapse-rate feedback in an analysis of CMIP5 models.
The terms are similar in the uniform τ setup except that each term contributes less polar amplification. For instance, while the forcing is less tropically amplified than in the control case,
In the uniform
The strongly negative lapse-rate feedbacks in the uniform
6. Summary and conclusions
In this study we have investigated the response of a moist, idealized GCM to eliminating the meridional gradients in insolation and in longwave optical depth. We have performed experiments in which these gradients were eliminated separately (the uniform τ and uniform
Our first main result is that eliminating these gradients causes the global-mean surface temperature of the model to increase. A one-dimensional system consisting of an all-troposphere atmosphere with temperature proportional to pressure captures the temperature changes across these simulations, demonstrating that the increased lapse rates in the perturbation experiments are primarily responsible for the increased surface temperatures. The lapse rates increase at all latitudes in the perturbation experiments, but for a variety of reasons. In the tropics, the lapse rates increase because the tropics cool and so tropospheric temperatures move to colder moist adiabats. In the uniform τ experiment the extratropical lapse rates increase because of the increased high-latitude optical depths, whereas in the uniform
In the global mean, the tropopause descends in the uniform
Moving on to regional changes, the OLR increases in the tropics and decreases in the extratropics in the uniform τ experiment compared with the control. In the uniform
A linear feedback analysis shows that the Planck feedback causes a strong polar amplification of the response in all of the perturbation experiments, when compared to the control. This is damped somewhat by a reduction in the meridional moist static energy flux, while the lapse-rate feedbacks are large and positive in the extratropics and weakly positive in the tropics, contributing to the polar amplification of the responses. Complementing this diagnostic analysis, we have also presented a prognostic model of zonal surface temperatures in this GCM, which accurately predicts the tropical and extratropical temperatures across the eight simulations (the control simulation, the three perturbation experiments, and the four global warming experiments). The success of this model demonstrates that, given zonal-mean profiles of insolation and longwave optical depth, the energy flux from the tropics to the extratropics and the global-mean lapse rate are the main factors controlling zonal-mean surface temperatures. Similar box models for the temperature structures of tidally locked, rocky planets have been developed by Yang and Abbot (2014) and Koll and Abbot (2016) and provide some suggestions for how clouds could be added to our model.
To summarize these results, relative to the RCE case, adding the meridional gradient in longwave optical depth (the uniform
The global-mean surface temperature response to increasing the optical depth by 30% is the same in all four configurations; however, the effective forcing is significantly larger in the uniform
Our study is an important first step for understanding the roles the meridional gradients of insolation and longwave optical depth play in setting up Earth’s climate, and future studies with comprehensive models will be able to build off the insights obtained here. The experiments with solar absorption by the atmosphere included gave qualitatively similar results to our main suite of experiments, although the quantitative agreement with our theoretical models is not as good (the magenta squares and line in Fig. 3 are an example). It is also worth noting that the coefficient of shortwave absorption is fixed in latitude and height in these experiments (see section 2) and so it does not include the effects of latitudinal variations in atmospheric water vapor (or ozone) concentrations.
This leaves clouds and the water vapor feedback as the main atmospheric processes still to be accounted for, as well as the dynamics of ice sheets, the ocean, and land surface processes [Winton (2003) explored the climate response to eliminating meridional ocean heat transport in two coupled climate models]. Our model also did not include a seasonal cycle, which would affect the mean climate states of our different configurations. For instance, winter inversions could develop at the high latitudes of planets whose insolation is globally uniform in the annual mean, insulating the surface climate there from the overlying atmosphere and inhibiting high-latitude convection. In a model capable of simulating low-level stratocumulus clouds this would likely cause a substantial cooling of high-latitude surface temperatures (Abbot 2014).
Comparing simulations with more comprehensive models to our idealized GCM results will allow the effects of these different factors to be isolated, while the simple conceptual models we have developed and used here provide a useful framework for developing a complete understanding of how Earth’s climate would be affected by eliminating the gradients in insolation and/or in longwave optical depth.
We thank Daniel Koll, Levi Silvers, and Tim Cronin for helpful discussions and for comments on earlier versions of this manuscript. We also thank Dorian Abbot, Nadir Jeevanjee, and an anonymous reviewer for thorough readings of the manuscript and productive comments. Nicholas Lutsko was partly supported by NSF Grant AGS-1623218, “Collaborative Research: Using a Hierarchy of Models to Constrain the Temperature Dependence of Climate Sensitivity.”
Derivations of Eqs. (6)–(8)
a. All-troposphere atmosphere
b. Isothermal stratosphere
c. Stratosphere in radiative equilibrium
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We will refer to lapse rates as “increasing” when they become more negative when using height coordinates.
The lapse-rate feedback
We will refer to this model as “prognostic” despite tuning it with the perturbation experiments in order to differentiate it from the diagnostic framework of the previous section. The model presented in this section could be used to make predictions for other perturbations, such as damping the insolation gradient rather than reducing it. A tuning based solely on the control experiment could also be attempted.