1. Introduction
It is well known that forecast models are not perfect. The model error should be taken into account if a sophisticated data assimilation method is to be developed. In Kalman filter theory the solution to the problem of including the model error is well established and forms an integral part of the Kalman filter itself. However, due to limited computer power and insufficient observations, only crude approximations to this complex problem have been considered so far. For example, there are studies dealing with one-dimensional models (Ghil et al. 1981; Cohn et al. 1981; Dee et al. 1985) or two-dimensional shallow-water models (Cohn and Parrish 1991; Boutier 1993; Todling and Ghil 1994; Cohn et al. 1994). There are also some other simplified versions of the Kalman filter, applicable to more complex models, such as the extended Kalman filter (e.g., Ghil 1989; Gautier et al. 1993) or simplified dynamics filter (Dee 1991, 1995). The possibility of employing an ensemble-prediction approach in the Kalman filter technique in order to make it more suitable for realistic (nonlinear) forecast models has been examined recently, but using an idealized quasigeostrophic model (e.g., Evensen 1994; Evensen and van Leeuwen 1996). Even though the aforementioned papers provide a very useful theoretical background for a sophisticated data assimilation system, the common problem that has not been addressed yet is how to make this theory applicable to the state-of-the-art forecast models.
An approach to take the model deficiency into account when designing a sophisticated data assimilation system was considered recently in the framework of ensemble prediction by Houtekamer et al. (1996). In this “Monte Carlo” study, the ensemble members are obtained by perturbing both the observations and the forecast model in order to generate appropriate forecast errorstatistics. This is a valid approach that has the advantage of being applicable to nonlinear forecast models. The computational cost, however, being determined by the number of the necessary ensemble members, might be a limiting factor.
Another promising method, the four-dimensional variational (4DVAR) data assimilation method, while becoming increasingly applicable to realistic primitive equation models (Navon et al. 1992; Thepaut et al. 1993) and the most complex diabatic and mesoscale forecast models (e.g., Zou et al. 1993; Zou et al. 1995; D. Zupanski 1993; Tsuyuki 1996), has not paid enough attention so far to the treatment of model error. In order to account for the model error in 4DVAR methods, one should apply the forecast model as a weak constraint, rather than as a strong constraint, as was pointed out long ago by Sasaki (1970). This approach is, however, difficult to apply in realistic 4DVAR data assimilation systems because of the requirements for tremendous computer resources. Thus, a straightforward application of the theory would require storage of the model error term every time step of the integration period, which, for a complex model, would require an error vector of size N = 108–109 and a model error covariance matrix of the size N × N. Obviously, these tremendous requirements are far from being fulfilled in realistic data assimilation experiments and remain a big obstacle for both the Kalman filter and 4DVAR method. However, as was argued by Dee (1995), even in the case of having available much more powerful computers, the amount of information that is available (observations, prior knowledge about the model error) is clearly insufficient to describe the complex behavior of the model error. Consequently, only crude approximations have to be considered. It is our hope, however, that a better knowledge about the model error can be obtained in the future and the situation may improve.
The model deficiency was first accounted for in a 4DVAR method through the definition of a systematic error term by Derber (1989). Later, this idea was further examined using a shallow-water model (Wergen 1992), in a barotropic hurricane track model (DeMaria and Jones 1993), and in a complex 4DVAR data assimilation system (M. Zupanski 1993a). The results of these studies show a considerable positive effect on the forecast, even with this approximate definition of the model error. More recently, a weak constraint was defined through a more general error term, including both the systematic and the random error parts, and applied to data assimilation for a barotropic (Bennett et al. 1993) and a complex primitive equation model (Bennett et al. 1996). These results, even with simple error covariance models, and without physical parameterizations included in the adjoint model, show an encouraging benefit of applying the forecast model as a weak constraint in a 4DVAR data assimilation method. A study by Menard and Daley (1996), where the equivalence between the fixed-interval Kalman smoother and the weak constraint 4DVAR optimization method (in their formulation Pontryagin optimization) was employed, also indicated the importance of the weak constraint assumption in the 4DVAR method.
In this paper we propose a general weak constraint (including both systematic and random error parts) applicable to the most complex 4DVAR data assimilation systems and in operational practice. The plan of the paper is as follows. In section 2 we presentthe theoretical background. In section 3 some problems that need special attention, such as minimization and preconditioning, are addressed. The model and data used in this study are described in section 4. The experimental design is given in section 5, the results in section 6, and finally, in section 7, the summary and conclusions are presented.
2. Theoretical background
a. The functional
The first two terms in (2.6) represent a variation of J with respect to the initial conditions
The gradient with respect to the model error includes also the model error covariance terms (the “
By examining (2.8), we immediately conclude that, for the case of neglecting the effect of the
b. The model error
it is a serially (and spatially) correlated error, where the value at time m depends only on the value from a previous time step, m − 1;
the model error defined by (2.9) automatically includes error at the boundaries of the model integration domain in the case of a limited area model;
given the initial value of the model error (Φ0), the control variable of the minimization includes only a random error part (rN), which considerably reduces the size of the problem;
- the model bias at any time is a function of the initial model bias, defined as(in our experiments we assume Φ0 = 0, as a reasonable choice, since its effect diminishes exponentially with time, but it is also possible to optimize it along with rN); and
the model error covariance matrix is fully nondiagonal in space and time but dependent only on the diagonal in time random error covariance matrix (the derivation given is in the appendix B).
To further simplify the problem, we assume that the random error covariance matrix is stationary and denote it by
3. Minimization and preconditioning
A serious practical difficulty associated with a weak constraint is that the minimization problem can become increasingly ill conditioned when the model error terms are considered as control variables. One possible solution is to define the minimization part of the data assimilation problem in the observational space (e.g., Bennett et al. 1993; Bennett et al. 1996). This approach can simplify the preconditioning problem in the case where the size of the observational vector is considerably smaller than the size of the model error vector. Our experience, however, is that the preconditioning can be handled well and the minimization can converge very fast, even with the control variables kept in the model space. One reason might be that we have greatly reduced the number of degrees of freedom, owing to the coarse time resolution of the random error term (rN). The size of the control variable in our experiments is 0.6 × 106 (initial conditions) + Nmax × 0.6 × 106 (model error and boundary conditions) ≤ 3 × 106, Nmax being the maximum number of the random error terms (Nmax ≤ 4, for a 12-h period). This is a substantial reduction compared to a general case, where the size would be equal to 0.6 × 106 (initial conditions) + M × 0.6 × 106 (model error and boundary conditions) = 1.3 × 108, M being the maximum number of model time steps (M = 217, for a 12-h period), assuming the same resolution model (80 km/17 layers) is used in both cases. The difference in the number of degrees of freedom between the most general and our approach is even more dramatic when measured by the dimensionality of the error covariance space. It is dim(
4. Model and data
The regional National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Eta Forecast Model (Mesinger et al. 1988; Janjic 1990, 1994; Janjic et al. 1995; Black 1994) with steplike mountains and the η vertical coordinate is used in this study. The model’s free atmosphere turbulence is simulated by the Mellor–Yamada level 2.5 (Mellor and Yamada 1982) scheme, implemented as in Janjic (1990). The turbulent exchange between the model lowest layer and the earth’s surface is parameterized using Mellor–Yamada level 2 scheme with the simplified second-order closure model defined in Lobocki (1993). A viscous sublayer is defined over water (Janjic 1994, and referencestherein). The moist processes are described by the smooth (Zupanski and Mesinger 1995) Betts–Miller–Janjic (Betts 1986; Betts and Miller 1986; Janjic 1994; Betts and Miller 1992) cumulus convection scheme and large-scale condensation and evaporation (Janjic 1990). In the smooth cumulus convection scheme we eliminated only those on–off switches with the most serious negative effect on the minimization, as explained in D. Zupanski (1993) and Zupanski and Mesinger (1995). Many other discontinuous switches are kept as in the original model. The effect of these discontinuities was negligible in our experiments. The remaining physical processes include radiation (Lacis and Hansen 1974; Schwarzkopf and Fels 1991), surface processes, and second-order horizontal diffusion (Janjic 1990, and references therein). The integration domain of the model covers the North American continent and a part of each of the adjacent oceans. The horizontal resolution is approximately 80 km, and there are 17 layers in the vertical with the top at 50 hPa. The time step is 200 s for the fastest processes, 400 s for the advection and large-scale precipitation, and 800 s for the remaining physical processes other than radiation (convection, turbulence, and surface processes). The radiation is calculated at larger time intervals, but its contributions are added at every time step.
The adjoint model includes all the processes of the forecast model, except radiation. The integration domain, space resolution, and time resolution, are the same as in the forecast model. The basic state used to define adjoint operators is updated every fourth time step.
In this study we use all the observations (radiosonde, surface, aircraft, satellite profiles, etc.) as used in the operational Eta Data Assimilation System (EDAS, Rogers et al. 1995). The observations of T, u, v, hs (surface height derived from the surface pressure observations) and q are used in the experiments. The synoptic situation chosen is the 8–10 May 1995 case with severe weather developing over the central United States and moving to the east. Figure 1 shows the NCEP’s subjectively analyzed sea level pressure map valid at 1200 UTC 10 May 1995.
5. Experimental design
a. Data assimilation experiments
1) Basic definitions
2) Error covariances
The observation error (co)variance matrix
It should be noted that the observation error covariance matrix used in our experiments is a very crude approximation to the real covariance matrix. First of all, the errors for the TIROS (Television Infrared Observation Satellite) Operational Vertical Sounder (TOVS) soundings seem to be too small. Also, some important correlations were neglected. Thus, the correlation in the vertical for the radiosonde observations, as well as horizontal and serial correlations for satellite observations, should be taken into account. As discussed in Daley (1992), there is a possibility that the error of some measurement instruments is correlated with the signal, which would make the observation error serially correlated. On the other hand, since the observational network is not fixed (in time), the assumption of stationarity of
The random error covariance matrix
3) The experiments
Since the model errors are time correlated, they are more predictable than the pure white noise. Thus, the length of the correlation timescale, defined by the random error time interval in our experiments, would have an impact on the predictability of the model error. For longer correlation time periods, the effect of the systematic error becomes more dominant, which results in the more predictable model error, and vice versa. To examine the effects of different correlation timescales, as well as the effect of neglecting the model error, we define these data assimilation experiments:
ERROR 12, with a 12-h correlation timescale (only one random error term is included);
ERROR 03, with a 3-h correlation timescale (four random error terms during a 12-h data assimilation period); and
NO ERROR, where no model error term is included (a strong constraint assumption).
b. Forecast experiments
We perform the forecast experiments using the initial conditions defined at the end of 12-h data assimilation period. As in the data assimilation experiments, we also define two 4DVAR experiments with a weak constraint (ERROR 12 and ERROR 03) and one 4DVAR experiment with a strong constraint (NO ERROR). As a control experiment when examining the effects of the 4DVAR data assimilation method, we use the optimal interpolation experiment (OI EXP), where the optimal interpolation analyses are created as in operational EDAS system (except for different space resolution). In this experiment we define the same data assimilation period and assimilate the same data as in the 4DVAR experiments. The only difference between the 4DVAR and OI experiments is in the definition of
The same model, without the model error term, is used in all the experiments. The verification of the forecasts is performed by calculating the rms differences between the forecast and all available observations every 12 h over a 48-h forecast period. The rms differences are calculated as mean values on 20 pressure levels starting from 1000 hPa with the pressure increments of −50 hPa.
6. Results
a. Data assimilation experiments
As was pointed out in section 3, one serious problem that needs special attention when dealing with a weak constraint in the 4DVAR framework is the preconditioning of the Hessian matrix. A common experience is that the minimization of the functional converges very slowly (the number of iterations measured in hundreds, converging not necessarily to the true minimum) due to ill conditioning of the 4DVAR problem, unless special care is taken to precondition the Hessian matrix. This problem becomes even worse in the case of a 4DVAR with a weak constraint. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to the convergence of the minimization in the data assimilation experiments with the model error. In Fig. 2 we present the value of the functional J (excluding the model error covariance “
We also present for experiment ERROR 03 the total functional decrease along with the background and
It is important to note that in all the experiments presented only 10 iterations of minimization were performed. We did not run more iterations simply for reasons of economy. Our experience with continuing the minimization process (figure not included) is that the functional decreases further by several percent and probably 20–30 iterations would be necessary to reach the true minimum [by the criterion as in M. Zupanski (1996)]. The effect of further decreasing the functional is also reflected in a further (but small) improvement in the subsequent forecast.
One of the differences between the presented 4DVAR method and the Kalman filter method is an explicit calculation of the optimal model error term in the 4DVAR method. In the following figures we present the model error fields as yet another important component of the data assimilation experiments. In Figs. 5a–d the surface pressure component of the 3-h random error term, obtained after 10 iterations of the minimization process, is presented (experiment ERROR 03). We also present the 12-h random error term (experiment ERROR 12) in Fig. 6. By comparing the 3- and 12-h random error terms, we can see that the 3-h random error allows for more variability in time and space. For example, the locations of the maximum values change from one time level to another in the 3-h random error case, while the 12-h random error case is dominated by the two maxima (off the Yucatan Peninsula, and in the central United States) over the whole data assimilation period.
Figures 7, 8, and 9 show the “optimal” perturbations to the surface pressure initial conditions obtained after 10 iterations of the minimization from experiments ERROR 03, ERROR 12, and NO ERROR, respectively. From the results presented in Figs. 7–9 we can learn more about another important aspect of the weak constraint that may have a relevance to the sensitivity studies. By examining the figures, we notice that the initial conditions perturbations are substantially different in the three experiments. The differences are even larger than it may seem at first sight, because in Fig. 9 (NO ERROR) we doubled the contouring interval. Obviously, in experiment NO ERROR, the calculated optimal perturbation to the initial conditions takes into account not only the initial conditions error, but the model error as well. The consequence is that, when attempting to find the origin of the forecast error, using the model as a strong constraint, as is done in some sensitivity studies, misleading conclusions may result.
By comparing the model error terms (Figs. 5 and 6) with the initial conditions perturbations (Figs. 7–9), we can immediately see that the magnitude of the model error term is rather small. It is between one and two orders of magnitude smaller than the average initial condition perturbations. The effect of the model error, however, is better seen by comparing the two forecasts: with and without the model error term. This integral effect of the model error on the forecast is quite substantial and comparable to the effect of the initial conditions error, as can be seen later in the text.
Even though the presented data assimilation results indicate the importance of the weak constraint and are in agreement with the theory that requires a weak constraint formulation in order to get a full benefit of a 4DVAR method, some caution should be taken when making conclusions about the effects of the model error. First, we use a very crude approximation to the model error covariance, by deriving it from the background error covariance. This might have, to some extent, limited the benefits of the weak constraint assumption. It was argued by Dee (1995), using an idealized model and data, that a misrepresentation of the model error covariance matrix can considerably deteriorate the data assimilation results. Second, it is important to note that the model error definition given by (2.9) is an approximation to the Markov process variable, because of the coarser timescale used for the random error term. In fact, we use an average random error term during a time interval (3 h or more in our experiments), rather than an instantaneous one. At this point it is not clear how much the results are sensitive to these assumptions. Even though the answer to this question cannot be obtained before the experiments with the less crude assumptions are conducted, the forecast experiments presented in the following section will, at least, contribute to a better understanding of the model error effects.
b. Forecast experiments
In the figures below we present the forecast results (0–48-h forecasts initiated at the end of the data assimilation period at 1200 UTC 8 May 1995). We compare the results of different data assimilation approaches using scatter diagrams. Figures 10 and 11 show scatter diagrams, experiment ERROR 12 versus ERROR 03, for temperature and wind rms errors, respectively. By examining the figures, we notice that there is a benefit of using a finer-resolution random error term in the 4DVAR method. The majority of the points show smaller rms errors in experiment ERROR 03 than in experiment ERROR 12. The difference between the two experiments is rather small in the temperature and it is more pronounced in the wind field. It is not clear why this is so. For clarification, we ran the 4DVAR experiments in several different synoptic situations. The results showed that, generally after the 4DVAR data assimilation, there is a slight trend in the direction of having a better forecast for the wind field as compared to the other fields. This is not due to a better performance of the minimization for this variable, because the functional decreases similarly for all components of the control variable. It is more likely that, at present, our 4DVAR system is somewhat better tuned to wind than to mass field. For example, we know that in the mass field, especially in the lowest eta layers, there is a rather crude definition of the interpolation operator H. Also, there are some indications that the observational error (co)variances for the surface heights are less accurate than for the other fields, which can also hurt the mass field. This problem will be further examined in the future.
In order to see the impact of the weak constraint we compare experiments ERROR 03 and NO ERROR. In Figs. 12 and 13we present the scatter diagrams, NO ERROR versus ERROR 03, for temperature and wind rms errors, respectively. As we see, a great majority of the points lie on one side of the diagram, indicating a substantial improvement in the forecast when using the 4DVAR method with a weak constraint to define the initial conditions. It is even more pronounced with the longer data assimilation periods (e.g., 4DVAR data assimilation over a 24-h period; figures not presented). A consistent improvement is also found in all other fields, such as surface pressure, humidity, precipitation, etc. As mentioned before, the assumptions made in the present 4DVAR system might have limited, to some extent, the capability of the 4DVAR system. Therefore, any further improvement, such as using a more realistic model error covariance, should lead to even better performance of the 4DVAR method with a weak constraint. By comparing Figs. 12 and 13 with the previous figures (Figs. 10 and 11), we conclude that it is indeed important to apply the forecast model as a weak constraint, and even by accounting for the systematic error only (ERROR 12 in our case) one can significantly improve the results. Evidence that a systematic error term can substantially improve the 4DVAR results is also shown in M. Zupanski (1993).
The importance of a weak constraint can also be verified when comparing the results of the 4DVAR experiments with the OI experiments. In Figs. 14 and 15 the scatter diagrams for experiments OI versus ERROR 03 are presented. By comparing these figures with the rms errors in the previous scatter diagrams, we can immediately see that the weak constraint was the factor that made it possible for the 4DVAR to slightly outperform the OI method. These results indicate that, for 12-h and longer data assimilation periods, the model error is, at least, equally, or even more important component of a 4DVAR system, compared to the initial conditions.
By examining specific forecast fields, we also found a considerable difference between different data assimilation approaches. To illustrate this, we show the plots of the 48-h forecast of the sea level pressure fields for experiments OI, ERROR 03, and NO ERROR, respectively, in Figs. 16, 17, and 18. The verification is given in Fig. 1, where the NCEP surface weather map valid at the same time (1200 UTC 10 MAY 1995) is presented. By comparing Figs. 16 and 17 with the verification, we see that the quality of the two forecasts is comparable. However, one important difference can be seen: the center of the cyclone over the central United States is too deep and the size of the low pressure system is too large in the OI experiment, as compared to the verification map and the weak constraint experiment (ERROR 03). The result of the third experiment, NO ERROR (strong constraint), is inferior to the other two experiments because of the positioning of the center of the cyclone too far in the southwest direction, and the cyclone being too shallow. Obviously, in this case, as in the previous results, the weak constraint was a factor that critically improved the 4DVAR forecast.
c. Computer power requirements
It is also important to asses the feasibility of the proposed weak constraint 4DVAR method from the aspect of the computational cost. As it is well known, the 4DVAR method is very expensive, concerning both computational space and time, even using only a strong constraint formulation. Because of this, only approximations toa general 4DVAR method should be considered as possible solutions for operational work, at this time. As compared to the strong constraint formulation, the weak constraint 4DVAR presented here adds a negligible amount of the computational time (needed to add the model error term to the model equations) for each time step. Concerning the computational space, the increase in the size of the control variable is considerable: from 0.6 × 106, in the strong constraint, to 3 × 106, in the weak constraint formulation, and this difference to the power of 2, to store the error covariances, as explained in section 3. These requirements, however, can be reduced to a great extent by using additional disk space, instead of central processor space, by processing one vector at a time.
7. Summary and conclusions
We have presented a technique for applying the forecast model as a general weak constraint in a complex variational algorithm, such as NCEP’s regional 4DVAR data assimilation system. The proposed definition of the model error has a flexible time resolution for the random error term and has the potential for operational application, because the coarse time resolution and a diagonal in time random error covariance matrix
The results presented in this study strongly indicate the need for a weak constraint (as opposed to a strong constraint formulation) in order to get a full benefit of a 4DVAR method. The inclusion of the model error term, even with the largest correlation timescale (12 h), gives a main contribution to the capability of the 4DVAR method to outperform the OI method. Reducing the correlation timescale to 3 h further improves the results, but less substantially, as our results indicate. This is not surprising, because the random perturbations tend, to some extent, to cancel each other out. Also, there is a possibility that the method might not get the full benefit from the complex model error due to the poor definition of the random error covariance matrix
Our results also indicate that the optimal initial conditions perturbation can be very different depending on the choice of the constraint (strong or weak) assumed for the forecast model. This is very important for sensitivity studies because, when determining the origin of the forecast error, the strong constraint assumption might be misleading.
In this study we have presented the results from a single synoptic case. Our experience from several different synoptic situations is very similar and indicates that the 4DVAR method with a weak constraint works well and that not more then 10 iterations of the minimization may be enough to considerably improve the forecast compared with OI results. Also, when running the 4DVAR data assimilation in a cycled mode (the results from the previous data assimilation cycle are used in the current cycle, as it is normally done in operational data assimilation systems), the number of iterations can be further reduced, because the initial state is closer to the minimum in that case [e.g., experiments in Zupanski and Zupanski (1996) showed that 3–5iterations in a cycled mode would give the results similar to 10 iterations of a noncycled data assimilation]. This is very encouraging for NCEP’s plans for operational implementation in the near future.
Further improvements are also possible and should be expected. As mentioned above, the 4DVAR method can improve itself by using the actual data assimilation results to estimate background and model error statistics. (This statistical knowledge about the model error can be beneficial not only in 4DVAR, but in Kalman filter studies as well.) Other possible improvements of the 4DVAR method can be obtained by using observations such as precipitation, precipitable water, and clouds in a way consistent with the model dynamics. The ability to use observations not directly related to the model variables, such as satellite radiances and radar reflectivities, represents yet another advantage of the 4DVAR (and 3DVAR) system, as compared to OI data assimilation system. As explained in section 5a, the observation error covariance matrix should be correlated in time and in space, for some types of observations. These improvements will be considered in our future work.
I would like to thank M. Zupanski for many valuable discussions during this study and for providing the algorithm to calculate the background error correlation. The constructive comments by J. Purser and D. Parrish are very much appreciated. I am very thankful to R. McPherson, E. Kalnay, and J. Purser for thoughtful reviews of the manuscript. Special thanks go to J. Purser for correcting the English errors. My gratitude is extended to E. Rogers for help in preparing the observations and the EDAS analyses. Very thoughtful remarks made by Dr. Carl Hagelberg and an anonymous reviewer are greatly appreciated. This research was financially supported by the UCAR/NCEP Visiting Research Program.
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Derivation of Eq. (2.6)
Model Error Covariance Matrix
Model error definition
Let us now derive the relevant components of the model error covariance matrix. We first start with the covariances on the coarse timescale 〈XN
Model error covariances on the coarse timescale
In the above equations a stationarity in 〈rN
As we can see from (B.6), the model error correlations between different times decay exponentially with time. For α ≈ 0.7 and Mmax ≥ 50, as in our experiments, these correlation are practically negligible.
Model error covariances on the fine timescale
On the fine timescale, the model error covariance matrix includes two different types of components: 1) 〈Φm(N)Φk(N)T〉, where both model error components belong to the same random time interval N; and 2) 〈Φm(N)Φk(K)T〉, where the model error components belong to different random time intervals N and K.
Derivation of 〈Φm(N)Φk(N)T〉
Derivation of 〈Φm(N)Φk(K)T〉
As in the case of a coarse timescale, the correlations decay exponentially with time. For m = k = Mmax (B.14) reduces to (B.6). The model error covariance
Observation errors.