1. Introduction
Sea ice is an important component of the global climate system, providing a dynamic and thermodynamic coupling between the polar oceans and the lower atmosphere. Simple free drift theories to model the dynamics of sea ice were first proposed by Nansen (1902) and Rossby and Montgomery (1935). These were essentially point mass models, which neglected the resistance of the ice floes to compression, with the result that unphysically thick ice was produced in regions of net mean convergence (Semtner 1976). A particularly important feature of the Hibler (1979) sea ice model is that the pack is treated as a two-dimensional continuum with large-scale material properties to represent the net effect of these floe interactions. The similarity of the highly fractured mosaic of ice floes with granular materials suggested that plasticity might be appropriate. A two-dimensional viscous–plastic rheology (Hibler 1979) was therefore developed from an elliptical yield curve (Coon et al. 1974) and associated flow rule. This has since become the classic sea ice model and has been used extensively in ice and coupled ice–ocean studies. In this paper the viscous-plastic sea ice model (Hibler 1979) is shown to change type as it switches from uniaxial convergence to uniaxial divergence, and the implications of this for the linear stability of the system are investigated.
2. Governing equations
3. Uniaxial flow
The normal stress is illustrated as a function of η in Fig. 1. For simplicity uniaxial divergence above the strain rate ηm will be referred to in this paper as divergence, uniaxial convergence below the strain rate −ηm will be referred to as convergence, and strain rates in the range −ηm ⩽ η ⩽ ηm will be referred to as in the viscous creep state. It follows from (13) that ψ is equal to a positive constant ψd in divergent flow and is equal to a negative constant ψc in convergent flow. These two constant states are joined by a linear transition at low strain rates. The sign reversal of the constant ψ between diverging and converging flow is crucial to the analysis that follows.
4. Classification
Quasi-linear systems of partial differential equations can be classified as being of either hyperbolic or elliptic type (Courant and Hilbert 1962). Physically one would expect a time-dependent problem of this form to give rise to a hyperbolic system in which the characteristic curves are well defined. However, it shall be shown here that the type changes as the ice switches from convergence to divergence.
For a strength-hardening material in uniaxial divergent flow there is one real root (28) and a pair of complex conjugate roots (29) and (30) since ψ = ψd > 0. This situation does not satisfy the definition of either totally hyperbolic or elliptic systems. Courant and Hilbert (1962, p. 176) do not formally classify these intermediate types and note that such systems “do not seem to occur in problems of mathematical physics.” Whitham (1974, section 14.2, p. 489) investigated a similar smaller system with two characteristics that are either both real or both imaginary implying either hyperbolic or elliptic type. He notes that “the elliptic case turns out not to be uncommon” although it “leads to ill-posed problems in the wave propagation context” and unstable periodic wave trains. In the viscous-plastic case the system possesses both hyperbolic and elliptic properties in divergence since there is one characteristic direction along each particle trajectory and relative to this Lagrangian framework there is elliptic behavior.
5. Positive feedback, instability, and ill-posedness
The loss of hyperbolicity is synonymous with the ill-posedness of the system, as it is the imaginary wave speeds (29) and (30) that cause the growth rate of the linear instability to increase without bound with increasing wavenumber k. The equations can be integrated until the point when the wave speeds become imaginary and then the predictive capability is lost. The subsequent solution can only be computed when additional higher-order terms are introduced into the theory to make it well posed. It is therefore of importance to understand why the equations are ill posed and to decide whether this represents a model of a physical process taking place in real sea ice packs.
6. Numerical simulations
A total variational diminishing Lax–Friedrich monotone upwind scheme for conservation laws (Yee 1989;Toth and Odstrcil 1996) was used to numerically solve the reduced system (54)–(56) subject to the initial value and boundary conditions (57)–(59). This is a high-resolution shock capturing method that has the advantage that it does not require the use of a Riemann solver and can be applied to any system of conservation laws. A good review of the method is presented by Toth and Odstrcil (1996).
The results of the simulation using an equal grid spacing Δx = 10−2 nondimensional units and a time step Δt = 10−4 nondimensional units are shown in Fig. 2 at six time intervals. The initial concentration is ice free, |x| > 1, and then rises rapidly so that there is a large central region in which the ice concentration is almost constant. At t = 0.1, some slight concentration ripples can be seen. Weak areas, where the concentration is less than in the surrounding ice, develop and grow by the positive feedback mechanism (47). This sends a series of fingers through the ice concentration field, with adjacent regions of high and low concentration ice, that grow in amplitude with increasing time. Eventually the fingers penetrate through the ice sheet, fragmenting it into numerous discrete blocks. The linear instability mechanism selects only the divergent part of the wave train since ψ = ψc < 0 implies linear stability in convergence and the perturbation will decay. The fingers therefore only grow downward and are naturally bounded below by the ice-free state, consistent with the global energy statements of Schulkes (1995) and Dukowicz (1997). The linear stability analysis simply shows that there are large deviations from the uniform state, which is demonstrated numerically here.
The numerical grid and time step resolve the solution to a finite resolution and necessarily filter out the high wavenumber and high-frequency response. However, the growth rate of the linear instability becomes stronger with increasing wavenumber (40), and it is expected that, as the spatial resolution and time step are refined, more of these high growth rate modes will be resolved. Figure 3 shows the results of the simulation on a refined grid with Δx = 2.5 × 10−3 and Δt = 5 × 10−5 at the same time intervals as before. Once again the fingers grow and fragment the ice. The fourfold increase in the resolution also increases the number of fingers by approximately a factor of 4, and by t = 0.5 units they have penetrated farther through the ice than before. The small wavelength and high-frequency perturbations introduced by the numerical discretization and rounding error are amplified by the instability and dominate the numerical solution. This has two important consequences. First, numerical results are not unique as they are dependent on the numerical grid and time step size, and second, the symmetry of a symmetric problem, such as this, is destroyed by the asymmetric rounding and discretization error.
7. Rate-dependent models
The numerical simulations show that it is highly undesirable to have a mixed type ill-posed theory, as it looses its predictive power, and a new theory is required. In this section and the next two new well-posed theories are derived using different approaches. The first is a regularization procedure, which introduces higher-order terms to control the ill-posedness, and the second moves the elliptical yield curve in principal stress space so that the positive feedback mechanism is removed. The two approaches raise a basic physical question about the nature of the sea ice pack: Does the positive feedback mechanism (47) represent realistic behavior or not? The answer is unclear at present. The pack is implicitly assumed to be a highly fractured continuum, so the instability cannot represent the break up of floes in tension. However, it might play an important role in the opening of polynyas in coastal regions.
8. Shift models
The rate-dependent model (60) introduced higher-order derivatives to control the ill-posedness, but the positive feedback mechanism (47) was retained implying that the linear instability still occurs. As it is unclear whether or not this instability actually represents physical behavior in real sea ice packs, it is of interest to see how it can be eliminated completely from the theory.
To demonstrate the behavior of the shifted ellipse model numerical computations for the case, s = 2E + 1, are presented using the nondimensional variables introduced in (53). This implies that
9. Conclusions
In uniaxial flow the viscous–plastic sea ice model (Hibler 1979) reduces to a quasi-linear system of three first-order partial differential equations, which are hyperbolic in convergence and have two imaginary wave speeds in divergence, implying mixed elliptic/hyperbolic properties. The mixed problem cannot be solved as an elliptic boundary value problem as this would violate causality. Instead, it has to be treated as an initial boundary value problem, which has wavelike solutions. These are linearly unstable (Gray and Killworth 1995) and, since the growth rate of a small disturbance increases without bound with increasing wavenumber, the equations are ill posed.
The source of the problem is a subtle unchecked positive feedback loop (47) between the acceleration terms and the strength-hardening law, which sets up a transient dynamic resistance to a divergent motion. Areas of weak ice have less transient resistance and diverge more than the surrounding ice, which further reduces their strength, and the weakness grows. As the wavelength of this instability tends to zero, its growth rate tends to infinity, implying that the problem is ill posed. Numerical simulations show that fingers are generated by the instability, which propagate through the ice and eventually fragment it. The numerical results are not unique. As the grid size and time step are refined, the smallest wavelength and highest-frequency responses are amplified by the instability and dominate the numerical solution. That is, the fingers have a shorter wavelength and grow faster as the resolution increases as shown in Figs. 2 and 3.
This demonstrates that it is highly undesirable to have a mixed type ill-posed theory as the systems predictive capability is lost. A new well-posed theory is therefore required, and two new models have been proposed. The first model retains the positive feedback mechanism (47) by introducing rate-dependent higher-order derivatives to regularize the theory and suppress the unbounded grow rate of the instability. The second eliminates the positive feedback loop, and hence the instability, by moving the elliptical yield curve into the third quadrant of principal stress space. This theory is totally hyperbolic and a numerical simulation demonstrates that it remains stable as the ice diverges (see Fig. 6). These two approaches raise a fundamental question as to the physical properties of real sea ice packs: Does the positive feedback mechanism (47) exist or not, and, if so what physical process does it represent? The answer is unclear at present.
Many sea ice simulations use the Hibler (1979) code to produce numerical results. Usually the equations are uncoupled from one another and solved sequentially with updates once a day. Such long time steps are sufficient for the ice to be very close to steady state and the transient resistance, and hence the positive feedback loop, in divergence, are not resolved. The results that are generated are not solutions of the underlying system of partial differential equations that claim to be solved since the high-frequency and small wavelength signals, which have a large effect, are filtered out. This paper demonstrates that as both grid sizes and time steps are reduced in size, the numerical results do not converge to a solution.
This research was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft through the SFB 298 project “Deformation und Versagen bei metallischen und granularen Strukturen.”
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