1. Introduction
The comments by Bennis and Ardhuin (2011, hereinafter BA11) are partially correct but, for the most part, are incorrect.
2. Discussion
Thus, if the surface of a flow is wavy then there must be a surface contribution to the phase-averaged momentum equation due to the wave’s intrinsic surface pressure field. This effect is missing in the solution labeled “exact” in BA11’s Fig. 3, which, therefore, is incorrect in my opinion. A more thorough discussion of the representation of wave-induced pressure is in Mellor (2011).
The existence of a concentrated surface forcing term in the momentum equation does dictate a realistic need to include a subsurface viscous or eddy viscosity stress term. Note that such forcing acts similar to a surface wind stress, which also requires a subsurface viscous or eddy viscosity term. Thus, instead of the exact solution, the long-dashed curve in BA11’s Fig. 3 may be correct, although I have no knowledge as to upstream and downstream boundary conditions and other details.
A question does arise as to whether the U in Eq. (3b) should include or exclude the Stokes drift in contrast to U terms in Eq. (3a), which do include Stokes drift. I hope to answer that question in a paper now in progress.
BA11 seem to suggest that models such as those that are based on Eq. (3) and some form of Sαβ that is based on Airy wave solution are not valid. Their position seems to be that a full Laplacian-type solution involving 10 vertical modes is needed. I disagree with that doomsday speculation.
Another question concerns the validity of Eqs. (3) and (1) in shallow water with a bottom slope; the question is, how shallow or how steep is the slope? Let k, a, and h be wavenumber, amplitude, and water depth, respectively. Whereas, in the development of Eqs. (3) and (1), terms of O(ka)2 were retained and terms of O(ka)4 were discarded, it can be shown (details available on request) that terms of O[ka(∂h/∂x)/sinh(kh)]2 should be less than or equal to O(ka)4; that is, (∂h/∂x)/sinh(kh) should be small: comparable to or less than the wave slope (ka).
3. Summary
The BA11 criticism of Mellor (2008) is correct and is partially the subject of the recently published corrigendum to Mellor (2003).
Their generalized definition of a Dirac delta function is incorrect, does not conform to standard usage (Lighthill 1958; Greenberg 1978) or my interpretation, and leads to an erroneous conclusion.
BA11 object to the existence of a surface-trapped, wave-related pressure contribution to the momentum balance. It is, however, implicit in the derivations of Longuet-Higgins and Stewart (1964) and Phillips (1977) and is explicitly part of their vertically integrated wave radiation stress.
The basis of BA11’s skepticism as to the utility of schemes that are based on a wave radiation stress term to couple wave dynamics to general circulation dynamics is unclear to me.
Bennis, A.-C., and F. Ardhuin, 2011: Comments on “The depth-dependent current and wave interaction equations: A revision.” J. Phys. Oceanogr., 41, 2008–2012.
Greenberg, M. D., 1978. Foundations of Applied Mathematics. Prentice Hall, 636 pp.
Lighthill, M. J., 1958: Introduction to Fourier Analysis and Generalized Functions. Cambridge University Press, 79 pp.
Longuet-Higgins, M. S., and R. W. Stewart, 1964: Radiation stresses in water waves; a physical discussion with applications. Deep-Sea Res., 11, 529–562.
Mellor, G. L., 2003: The three-dimensional current and surface wave equations. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 33, 1978–1989; Corrigendum, 41, 1417–1418.
Mellor, G. L., 2005: Some consequences of the three-dimensional current and surface wave equations. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 35, 2291–2298.
Mellor, G. L., 2008: The depth-dependent current and wave interaction equations: A revision. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 38, 2587–2596.
Mellor, G. L., 2011: Wave radiation stress. Ocean Dyn., 61, 563–568.
Phillips, O. M., 1977: The Dynamics of the Upper Ocean. Cambridge University Press, 336 pp.
Smith, J. A., 2006: Wave–current interactions in finite depth. J. Phys. Oceanogr., 36, 1403–1419.