1. Introduction
With the advancement of satellite altimetry, our knowledge of the upper-ocean circulation variability has increased significantly over the past two decades. In comparison, information about the subthermocline circulation features remains fragmentary. In the tropical North Pacific Ocean of interest to this study (i.e., 8°~25°N), past in situ measurements have sporadically detected eastward flows beneath the wind-driven, westward-flowing, North Equatorial Current (NEC). For example, Toole et al. (1988) presented evidence for subthermocline eastward flows at 10° and 12°N from two hydrographic surveys along 130°E. Based on multiple hydrographic cruises along the same longitude, Hu and Cui (1991) and Wang et al. (1998) observed subthermocline eastward flows at 12° and 18°N. A subthermocline eastward jet was identified to be a time-mean feature at ~10°N by Qiu and Joyce (1992) along 137°E based on long-term repeat hydrographic surveys in 1967–88. In the central Pacific Ocean between Hawaii and Tahiti, year-long repeat hydrographic surveys by Wyrtki and Kilonsky (1984) have observed similar, multicored, eastward subthermocline flows beneath the surface-intensified NEC. In addition to these studies using the hydrographic data, existence of the subthermocline eastward flows is also evident in recent shipboard acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) measurements. Examples of these can be found in Kashino et al. (2009) along 130°E and in Dutrieux (2009) along 130°, 137°, 145°, and 156°E, respectively.
The establishment of the International Argo Program in the early 2000s (Roemmich et al. 2009) now provides us with a novel in situ dataset to explore the middepth circulation features. Utilizing the drift information of consecutive float profiles, Cravatte et al. (2012) have constructed maps of the mean zonal flows in the 12°S–12°N band of the equatorial Pacific at the float parking depths of 1000 and 1500 m (see also Ascani et al. 2010). They found alternating westward and eastward jets with a meridional scale of ~1.5° and speeds of ~5 cm s−1. The jets are generally stronger in the western and central basins and tend to weaken, or disappear, in the eastern basin. Similar equatorial zonal jets have been detected by Ollitrault et al. (2006) in the subthermocline Atlantic Ocean with the use of acoustic RAFOS float data.
By combining the profiling float temperature–salinity data from the International Argo and the Origins of the Kuroshio and Mindanao Current (OKMC) projects, Qiu et al. (2013) quantified recently the middepth mean flow structures across the entire tropical North Pacific basin within 2°–30°N. As summarized in Fig. 1, three well-defined eastward jets are detected beneath the wind-driven, westward-flowing, NEC. Dubbed the North Equatorial Undercurrent (NEUC) jets, these subthermocline jets have a typical core velocity of 2–5 cm s−1 and are spatially coherent from the western boundary to about 120°W across the North Pacific basin. Centered around 9°, 13°, and 18°N in the western basin, the NEUC jet cores tend to migrate northward by several degrees in the eastern basin. Vertically, the cores of the NEUC jets are observed to shoal to lighter density surfaces as they progress eastward.
Exploring the formation mechanisms for the off-equatorial, oceanic zonal jets has a long history and remains an area of active research [see Berloff et al. (2009); Kamenkovich et al. (2009) for reviews and extensive references]. One commonly adopted explanation for the zonal jet formation is the arrest of inverse energy cascade by barotropic Rossby waves in the two-dimensional turbulent ocean (Rhines 1975). Within this theoretical framework, the time-mean, alternating zonal jets are generated spontaneously by β-plane geostrophic turbulence, whose meridional scale is set by the Rhines arrest scale
It is worth emphasizing the NEC along 9°–18°N across the North Pacific basin is a band with relatively low mesoscale eddy activity [see, e.g., Plate 8 in Ducet et al. (2000)]. Dynamically, this is due to the resistance of the NEC system against baroclinic instability (Qiu 1999). With this low level of mesoscale eddy variability related to the intrinsic stability of the NEC, we seek in this study an alternative explanation for the formation of the observed NEUC jets shown in Fig. 1. Specifically, we demonstrate that the NEUC jets derive their energy from the nonlinear eddies generated by triad instability of the wind-forced annual baroclinic Rossby waves in the eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. Within this dynamical framework, the wind-forced annual baroclinic Rossby waves act as the energy-containing primary waves and the meridional scale of the resultant zonal jets is determined by the most unstable, short secondary waves that participate in the nonlinear triad interactions.
The paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we explore the dynamical features of the NEUC jets, such as their vertical structures and temporal persistence, using the output from a global eddy-resolving OGCM simulation. This exploration complements the NEUC jet descriptions based on the float observations and leads us to adopt in section 3 a simpler nonlinear
2. The OFES simulations
To clarify the nature and formation mechanisms of the NEUC jets, we examine first the model results from a multidecadal hindcast run of the OGCM for the Earth Simulator (OFES) (Sasaki et al. 2008). In this section, we explore the model’s realism in comparison with the float-inferred, subthermocline circulation patterns. After this comparison, we will utilize the OFES model output to examine the temporal changes in the NEUC jets. While difficult to extract from the observational data, the time-varying signals, as we will find in this section, are crucial in unraveling the mechanisms responsible for the NEUC jet formation.
The OFES model covers the global domain from 75°S to 75°N; it has an eddy-resolving horizontal resolution of 0.1° and 54 vertical levels. The model code is based on Modular Ocean Model, version 3 (MOM3), modified for optimal performance by the Earth Simulator of Japan. The model was spun up for 50 years with monthly climatological atmospheric forcing from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction–National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCEP–NCAR) reanalysis (Kistler et al. 2001). This climatological run was followed by a 62-yr hindcast integration for the period of 1950–2011 using the NCEP–NCAR reanalysis daily-mean forcing data. In our present study, the model output from the hindcast run was analyzed. For more details on the OFES model, such as its initial/boundary conditions and subgrid-scale eddy parameterizations, readers are referred to Nonaka et al. (2006).
Figure 2a shows the zonal velocity field on the 27.0-σθ density surface averaged in 2001–11 from the OFES hindcast run. This 11-yr duration overlaps with the period of the Argo float measurements, on which the zonal velocity field of Fig. 1a was based. The modeled zonal flow pattern compares favorably to the observed flow field, and this is particularly true for the three NEUC jets appearing along ~9°, ~13°, and ~18°N, respectively. Vertically, the modeled NEUC jets also exhibit features consistent with those detected in the observations. In the western North Pacific basin, for example, both Figs. 1b and 2b show that the NEUC jets exist below the 26.8-σθ surface. In addition, both modeled and observed NEUC jets reveal shoaling to a lighter density surface in the eastern North Pacific basin (cf. Figs. 1c and 2c). While existing in similar latitude bands, the modeled NEUC jets are, in general, 50% weaker in strength than those in the observations.
With the multidecadal OFES simulation results, it is possible to evaluate how persistently the three NEUC jets behave as the time-mean subthermocline features. To do so, we plot in Fig. 3 the zonal flows on the 27.0-σθ density surface averaged from 140°E to 170°W in the western North Pacific basin as a function of time and latitude. To focus on the time-mean signals, zonal flow variations shorter than 5 yr have been filtered out. While there exist low-frequency modulations in their intensities, the three NEUC jets remain, by and large, quasi stationary along ~9°, ~13°, and ~18°N throughout the past six decades.
To examine the temporal variability of the modeled subthermocline circulation further, we plot in Fig. 6 the spatial map of rms velocity values on the 27.0-σθ surface. As with Fig. 4, the 11-yr OFES model output from 2001 to 2011 was used to calculate the rms velocity values. Aside from the western boundary regions of island topography, an elevated rms velocity band appears in the 8°–22°N band that tilts from northeast to southwest. As will be detailed in section 4, this northeast–southwest tilting band is determined by the triad interaction of baroclinic Rossby waves.
Relating to Fig. 6, it is instructive to clarify the frequency content of the variability that gives rise to the rms velocity signals. In Fig. 7, we plot the x–t diagram of the 27.0-σθ surface depth anomalies along 13°N (variability of similar nature occurs along other latitudes in the OFES simulations). Along 13°N, the time-varying depth signals undergo a transition around 135°W. East of this longitude, the anomalous depth signals are by and large dominated by annual-period variations. West of 135°W, on the other hand, the time-varying depth signals become more controlled by mesoscale eddies that possess shorter space–time scales. Reflecting the dominance of the first baroclinic mode dynamics, both the annual and mesoscale depth anomalies in Fig. 7 propagate westward at the first-mode baroclinic Rossby speed of ~16.0 cm s−1 (e.g., Chelton et al. 2011). It is interesting to note that 135°W along 13°N is the location where the rms velocity value increases sharply from east to west in Fig. 6.
3. Zonal jets in a simplified Pacific Ocean model
Guided by the OFES simulation analyses revealing the dominance of the first baroclinic mode signals related to the NEUC jet variability, we adopt in this section a nonlinear
With the surface forcing specified by Eq. (4), we run the model for 30 years. Figure 8a shows the mean zonal velocity distribution averaged for the last 10 years during which the model flow field has reached a statistical equilibrium state (note that this distribution is robust and insensitive to the length of averaging period). Because of the symmetric forcing with respect to the equator, only the Northern Hemisphere model result is presented. Despite the zero time-mean wind forcing, Fig. 8a reveals that the modeled time-mean circulation is nonzero and dominated by alternating zonal jets with a meridional wavelength ~500 km. This wavelength compares well with that of the NEUC jets in the observations and the OFES simulation (Figs. 1 and 2). To gain further insight into the modeled alternating zonal jets, we plot in Fig. 8b a snapshot of the modeled upper-layer thickness (ULT) anomaly field. In the southeastern tropical region shown in Fig. 8b, the ULT anomalies clearly exhibit a sequence of annual baroclinic Rossby waves emanating from the eastern boundary. Because of their faster speed at lower latitudes, the cophase lines of the waves show the characteristic southwest–northeast tilting patterns. At some distance away from the eastern boundary, Fig. 8b reveals that the baroclinic Rossby waves start to break down, forming isolated mesoscale eddies. Farther to the west, the annual baroclinic Rossby wave signals are no longer discernable and the ULT anomaly field is populated with the westward-migrating break-off eddies.
This transition from the stable annual baroclinic Rossby waves to the irregular break-off eddies is demonstrated further in Fig. 9, in which we plot the ULT anomalies along 13°N as a function of longitude and time from the idealized model run. Notice that the transition along this latitude occurs about 40° west of the eastern boundary. Although less prominent than the signals presented in Fig. 9, a similar wave-to-eddy transition is detectable in Fig. 7 at a distance 40° west of the eastern boundary in the OFES model simulation. This correspondence provides indirect evidence that the NEUC jets in the OFES simulation and our idealized model share the same generation mechanism, namely, the breakdown of the wind-driven annual baroclinic Rossby waves in the eastern Pacific basin.
To what extent do the zonal jet structures shown in Fig. 8a depend on the “unrealistic,” meridionally aligned eastern boundary assumed in our idealized model? To address this question, we replace the straight eastern boundary in the base model run with the realistic coastlines of the North and South America continents and repeat the 30-yr model integration. Figure 10 shows the results are in the same format as in Fig. 8 except from this “realistic eastern boundary” model run. While the details differ, the time-mean flow field in Fig. 10a is again dominated by the alternating zonal jets with a meridional wavelength of ~500 km. A similar transition from an annual Rossby wave–controlling eastern domain to an eddy-dominating western domain can be readily inferred from Fig. 10b. In other words, generation of the time-mean zonal jets with ~500 km wavelength is insensitive to the specific eastern boundary geometry adopted in our idealized model.
In the two model runs described above, we have used Ah = 20 m2 s−1 as the horizontal eddy viscosity coefficient. To examine how changing this coefficient may affect the modeled time-mean zonal jets, in particular their meridional scales, we repeat the base model runs with Ah increased to 100 and 200 m2 s−1, respectively. Figure 11a shows the time-mean zonal flow pattern for the case Ah = 100 m2 s−1. Despite the fivefold increase in the Ah value, the time-mean zonal jets in Fig. 11a exhibit a meridional wavelength, ~500 km, similar to that shown in Fig. 8a. The strengths of the zonal jets, as may be expected, are generally weaker in Fig. 11a than in Fig. 8a. When Ah is further increased to 200 m2 s−1, the modeled zonal jet strengths are reduced further, as shown in Fig. 11b (note that the color scale for Fig. 11b is half that for Fig. 11a). The meridional wavelength of the zonal jets, on the other hand, remains more or less the same as in the base case.
It is important to emphasize that the meridional wavelengths of the modeled zonal jets are sensitive to the amplitude of the external wind forcing. If we reduce the external wind forcing amplitude to W0 = 0.021 N m−2 in Eq. (4) (i.e., half the amplitude of the base model run), Fig. 12a shows that the meridional wavelength of the time-mean zonal jets in this case shortens to ~360 km, as compared to ~500 km in Fig. 8a. Relative to the base model run, the wave-to-eddy transition in this “half-amplitude forcing” run occurs at a distance farther to the west from the eastern boundary (instead of 40° in the base model run, for example, the transition in Fig. 12a occurs at 50° west of the eastern boundary along 13°N). When the external wind forcing amplitude is halved further to W0 = 0.0105 N m−2, the meridional wavelength of the time-mean zonal jets is now only ~280 km (see Fig. 12b). In this “quarter-amplitude forcing” run, the location of wave-to-eddy transition also shifts farther to the west.
Questions such as how the eddy viscosity coefficient and external wind forcing amplitude control the meridional scales of the modeled zonal jets are addressed quantitatively in the next section when we explore the jet formation mechanisms from a theoretical point of view.
4. Resonant interaction of annual baroclinic Rossby waves
The analyses of both the state-of-the-art and simplified ocean model results in the preceding sections indicate that the NEUC jets are initiated by the breakdown of wind-driven annual baroclinic Rossby waves emanating from the eastern boundary. To better understand the nature of this breakdown, in particular to determine how the amplitude of the wind-driven annual baroclinic Rossby waves controls the meridional wavelength of the resultant zonal jets, we explore in this section the nonlinear interactions of the baroclinic Rossby waves within the framework of quasigeostrophic (QG) potential vorticity dynamics (Pedlosky 1987).
Once the wind-forced annual Rossby wave (to be called the primary wave below) leaves the eastern boundary, it will be perturbed by secondary baroclinic Rossby waves that satisfy the resonant conditions (10). The dots in Figs. 13b and 13c indicate the possible secondary waves that meet the resonant conditions at locations A and B, respectively. Constrained by the conservation of energy and enstrophy, however, only those secondary waves that satisfy K1 < K2 < K3 are able to extract energy from the primary wave and result in triad instability. In Figs. 13b and 13c, these instability-generating waves are marked by the nonblack dots; specifically, the “long” secondary waves (k1, l1) appear in the first quadrant inside the circle of radius = K2 and the “short” secondary waves (k3, l3) appear in the fourth quadrant outside of the circle.
By evaluating the secondary wave properties at all points along the ray paths of the annual baroclinic Rossby waves, we plot in Figs. 14a and 14b the spatial distributions of λ/A2 and 2π/l3 of the most unstable “short” secondary waves. By and large, the growth rate increases and the meridional wavelength decreases westward, suggesting that the triad interaction tends to be progressively more intense, and dominated by smaller-scale eddies, when the primary wave propagates farther to the west. In reality, as shown in Fig. 8b, the primary waves will break down before entering the western region of more intense triad interactions. Physically, we can expect the breakdown of the primary waves to occur where the e-folding time scale of the triad instability, that is, λ−1, matches the advective time scale of the primary wave, (2π/K2)/cg, where cg = [(∂ω2/∂k2)2 + (∂ω2/∂l2)2]1/2 is the speed of group velocity of the primary wave. If λ−1 > (2π/K2)/cg, the secondary waves will not have sufficient time to extract energy from the primary wave before the properties of the interacting waves alter along the primary wave’s ray paths.
Using the values presented in Fig. 14, we plot by black and white curves in Fig. 15 and Fig. 14b the locations where λ−1 = (2π/K2)/cg for the three model runs in which the wind forcing amplitude W0 is (a) 0.042, (b) 0.021, and (c) 0.0105 N m−2, respectively (recall Figs. 8a, 12a, and 12b). From the model ULT field, the wind-induced primary waves in these three cases have an initial streamfunction amplitude of A2 = (g′/f) × 100 m, (g′/f) × 50 m, and (g′/f) × 25 m, respectively. Also plotted in Fig. 15 are the time-mean zonal flows, or where the nonlinear eddies are, in the three model runs. It is clear that the balance of λ−1 = (2π/K2)/cg reasonably predicts where the primary waves will breakdown because of the triad instability.
In addition to identifying the breakdown locations of the primary waves, λ−1 = (2π/K2)/cg also provides a measure for evaluating the meridional scale of the eddies responsible for generating the time-mean zonal jets. Specifically, based on the white curves in Fig. 14b, the meridional wavelengths 2π/l3 averaged along the λ−1 = (2π/K2)/cg locations are about 490, 350, and 270 km, respectively.2 These theoretically predicted values agree favorably with the wavelengths (about 500, 360, and 280 km) estimated directly from the modeled time-mean zonal flows.
Regarding the breakdown of wind-forced baroclinic Rossby waves, we note that the recent studies by LaCasce and Pedlosky (2004) and Zhang and Pedlosky (2007) have considered their triad interactions with a baroclinic secondary wave and a third barotropic secondary Rossby wave in the context of instability of Rossby basin modes. Their notion that a critical parameter for wave breakdown exists, given by the ratio of the transit time of long Rossby wave to the e-folding time of triad instability, is conceptually similar to the λ−1 = (2π/K3)/cg threshold considered in this study.
This insensitivity of λ on the Ah value also means that the meridional wavelength 2π/l3 for the most unstable secondary wave remains largely independent of the Ah value (see Fig. 16b). This last result explains why the time-mean zonal jets in the model runs with Ah = 100 m2 s−1 and 200 m2 s−1 have a similar meridional wavelength as the base model run with Ah = 20 m2 s−1 (cf. Figs. 8a and 11).
5. Eddy-driven zonal-mean jets
Using the u′ and H′ data from the base model run (i.e., Fig. 8) with primes here denoting the deviations from the last 10-yr model-mean field, we plot in Fig. 17a the
Both the blue and red curves in Fig. 17b indicate the presence of an eastward time-mean zonal jet along the equator. Generation of this equatorial eastward jet can be heuristically understood as follows. When the annually varying wind stress τx(0, t) in Eq. (4) is positive along the equator, a positive u′ is generated along the equatorial band. Since τx(0, t) > 0 induces negative (positive) υ′ to the north (south) of the equator through Ekman convergence, this results in ∂(u′υ′)/∂y < 0 along the equatorial band. When the annually varying τx(0, t) forcing switches to negative, the along-equator u′ becomes negative and Ekman divergence causes a positive υ′ north of the equator and a negative υ′ south of the equator. This, again, results in an eastward momentum flux convergence ∂(u′υ′)/∂y < 0. With
6. Summary
By means of numerical modeling and theoretical examinations, we have in this study explored the formation mechanisms for the recently identified North Equatorial Undercurrent (NEUC) jets in the tropical North Pacific Ocean. Present from the western boundary to about 120°W, the NEUC jets are detected to exist zonally coherently along approximately 9°, 13°, and 18°N. These characteristics of the observed time-mean NEUC jets are favorably captured in the multidecadal hindcast simulations of the eddy-resolving OFES model. Using the OFES hindcast simulation output, we investigated the time-varying signals of the NEUC jets and detected that they are temporally quasi-permanent over the past six decades and exhibit the mode-1 baroclinic vertical structure. An examination into the OFES rms velocity signals on the core layer of the NEUC jets further revealed that a southwest–northeast tilting boundary exists in the eastern Pacific basin, west of which the velocity variance is significantly elevated.
Based on these time-varying features of the NEUC jets in the OFES simulations, we adopted a nonlinear
Simplicity of the
The triad interaction theory reveals that the growth rate of the triad instability is proportional to the amplitude of wind-forced primary waves. As a result, a larger-amplitude primary wave tends to succumb to the triad instability closer to the eastern boundary, generating broader-scale mesoscale eddies and wider resultant time-mean zonal jets. This result was confirmed in our model runs in which the applied wind forcing amplitude was varied parametrically. While dominating in the eastern Pacific basin, the annual-period surface wind forcing does change in its amplitude on interannual and longer time scales. This dependence of the zonal jet’s meridional scale on the amplitude of the external wind forcing, may explain some of the interannual changes in the NEUC jets detected in the long-term OFES simulations (recall Fig. 3).
Although we have focused on the Northern Hemisphere zonal jet features throughout this study, our idealized model results, such as those presented in Fig. 8, are symmetrically valid with respect to the equator for the Southern Hemisphere. Using a coupled atmosphere–ocean general circulation model, Taguchi et al. (2012) have recently found subthermocline zonal jets existing in the tropical central South Pacific Ocean. In accordance with the analysis by Kessler and Gourdeau (2006), Taguchi et al. (2012) demonstrated that these zonal jets are in approximate Sverdrup balance with the collocated, small-scale, surface wind stress curl forcing. A look at the observed zonal jet structures shown in Fig. 2d of Taguchi et al. (2012) reveals that there exist six eastward jets between 5° and 32°S with roughly equal spacing. The geographical locations of these observed eastward jets agree very favorably with the modeled eastward jets shown in Fig. 8a (assuming equatorial symmetry). Given this agreement, we suggest that, like the NEUC jets, the eastward jets observed in the tropical South Pacific Ocean are also generated by nonlinear eddies as a result of breakdown of the wind-forced annual baroclinic Rossby waves owing to triad instability. By affecting the sea surface temperatures and overlying small-scale wind stress curl field (Taguchi et al. 2012), the eddy-induced zonal jets are further enhanced by the small-scale wind stress curls through the linear Sverdrup dynamics.
Using a barotropic quasigeostrophic model, Wang et al. (2012) have recently shown that quasi-zonal jets can be generated by radiating barotropic instability of an unstable eastern boundary current. Although the eastern boundary plays an important role in forming westward-propagating baroclinic Rossby waves in this study, our proposed zonal jet formation mechanism (i.e., the triad instability of the baroclinic Rossby waves) is fundamentally different from the eastern boundary current instability mechanism considered by Wang et al.
Taking the process-oriented modeling approach, we have in this study intentionally excluded the influence of the large-scale circulation driven by the time-mean wind stress curl forcing (e.g., the westward NEC). Both float observations and the OFES simulation reveal that the NEUC jets slant weakly in the southwest–northeast direction (Figs. 1 and 2) and we expect this slanting to be caused by the nonzonal-mean potential vorticity gradient field modified by the presence of the time-mean wind-driven circulation. It will be interesting for future studies to quantify how inclusion of the time-mean wind forcing to Eq. (4) modifies the annual baroclinic Rossby waves, their triad instability, and their subsequent breakdown and formation of multiple cross-basin zonal jets.
This study benefitted from discussions with Francois Ascani, Eric Firing, Richard Greatbatch, Billy Kessler, Roger Lukas, Jay McCreary, Peter Rhines, Dan Rudnick, Bunmei Taguchi, and Yu Zhang. We thank the anonymous reviewers whose detailed comments helped improve an early version of the manuscript. The Argo profiling float data used in this study were provided by the US-GODAE Argo Global Data Assembly Center. This study was supported by the ONR project Origins of the Kuroshio and Mindanao Current (OKMC), N00014-10-1-0267.
Effect of Horizontal Eddy Viscosity on Secondary Wave Growth Rate
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Following the recent theory of bottom pressure decoupling (e.g., Tailleux and McWilliams 2001), we derive the first baroclinic mode profile shown in Fig. 4b by solving the eigenvalue problem: d[(f2/N2)dΦ/dz]/dz − (β/c)Φ = 0, subject to dΦ/dz = 0 at z = 0 and Φ = 0 at z = −H. Here, N2 = −(g/ρ)dρ/dz is squared buoyancy frequency and H is the depth of ocean bottom.
Variations in 2π/l3 along the λ−1 = (2π/K2)/cg curves are relatively small, less than 20% of the along-curve-mean values.