1. Introduction
Mode-1 nonlinear internal waves (NLIWs) are often seen in the ocean, and a growing number of studies have also observed mode-2 waves in shallower ocean regions. These include observations in the northern South China Sea (Yang et al. 2009), the New Jersey shelf (Shroyer et al. 2010), and the Mascarene Ridge (da Silva et al. 2015). Mode-2 NLIWs have also been observed in Lakes Biwa and Kinneret (Boegman et al. 2003). Mode-2 NLIWs are characterized by either locally diverging isotherms forming a bulge or locally converging isotherms forming a contraction. The isotherms thus have either a locally convex or concave appearance to an observer in the upper water column (Yang et al. 2010) and hence the terms convex or concave waveforms. Mode-2 NLIWs are of particular interest as they can potentially create ocean conditions susceptible to higher rates of local dissipation and vertical mixing in the pycnocline. Furthermore, they can more easily form recirculating cores that efficiently transport tracers over large horizontal distances in the pycnocline (e.g., Deepwell and Stastna 2016).
Mode-2 waves lead to enhanced mixing through a combination of both shear and kinematic instability mechanisms [see, e.g., Helfrich and Melville (2006) and Thorpe (2018) for reviews on the topic of internal wave stability]. By virtue of their smaller horizontal and vertical wavenumber, mode-2 NLIWs create higher vertical shear S and wave steepness than mode-1 waves of equal amplitude. This, in turn, creates lower gradient Richardson numbers (Ri), where
As well as breaking, mode-2 waves can also interact with other waves and lose energy. Stastna et al. (2015) studied the interaction between mode-1 and mode-2 NLIWs using a fully nonlinear numerical solution of the Euler equations. They show that large-amplitude mode-2 waves [with
Several generation mechanisms for mode-2 NLIWs have been proposed in the literature (see the review by Yang et al. 2009). Many of these mechanisms involve mode-1 NLIWs interacting with topography and either scattering or breaking. Another mode-2 generation mechanism is the release of a density front into a pycnocline, and this mechanism is often used to generate mode-2 waves in the laboratory and direct numerical studies (e.g., Brandt and Shipley 2014; Deepwell and Stastna 2016). Grisouard et al. (2011) proposed another mechanism, which they name local generation, where internal beams hit a sharp pycnocline and directly trigger a high-mode (mode-2 and greater) solitary wave train. This mechanism is dependent on the geometry of the beam and the pycnocline thickness.
The two main goals of this study are, first, to characterize the occurrence and variability of mode-2 (and mode-1) NLIWs on the continental shelf of Northern Australia and, second, to identify the relevant environmental conditions that led to large-amplitude waves forming. Additionally, we will characterize the wave properties of some of the larger-amplitude events. In section 2 we outline the weakly nonlinear wave theory and the concept of the nonlinear steepening length that will be used to interpret the observations. An overview of the study site, numerical modeling results, and the field experiment is given in section 3, while section 4 outlines the analysis techniques applied to the observations. In section 5, new observations of mode-1 and mode-2 NLIWs are presented along with details of the environmental parameters. In section 6 we discuss the relationship between the steepening length and large-amplitude internal wave occurrence in the region and how these results can be applied to other regions. Finally, a nonlinear model is used to demonstrate the mode-2 generation mechanism.
2. Weakly nonlinear theory
Under WNL theory, the wave amplitude function is related to the two-dimensional (2D) velocity and buoyancy fields by multiplying it with the vertical structure functions and adding nonlinear terms in an asymptotic fashion. Velocity fields are derived from continuity and using the 2D streamfunction ψ, where
There are various limitations of the WNL theory that should be noted. First, it is only applicable for small-amplitude perturbations, defined to be when
3. Location and observations overview
a. Field experiment overview
The field site was situated on a broad section of the northern portion of the Australian North West shelf known as the Browse Basin (Fig. 1). The moorings were deployed in 250-m-deep water, and the surrounding region was relatively flat with an average topographic slope of roughly 0.2% for at least a 40-km radius around the site. The barotropic tidal ellipse, calculated from the measurements, was oriented in a northwest (NW)–southeast (SE) direction and had a peak amplitude of approximately 0.40 m s−1. Previously, Rayson et al. (2012) presented observations of significant mode-1 and mode-2 internal tides at a 550-m-deep mooring roughly 150 km southwest (SW) of the current site.
Three through-water-column moorings (NP250, WP250, and SP250) were deployed in a triangular configuration with a horizontal spacing of roughly 600 m (Fig. 1). The choice of horizontal spacing was based on initial estimates of a wavelength of 1.2 km for the mode-1 internal solitary wave using numerical solutions to the KdV equation [Eq. (1)] with representative environmental conditions. The moorings were deployed from 2 April to 22 May 2017, although reliable data were obtained for the first 5 weeks only. All three moorings were configured to sample water temperature [Seabird Electronics (SBE) 56 and 39 models] at roughly 10-m vertical spacing from the seabed to 20 m below the free surface. Velocity was measured using either 75-, 150-, or 300-kHz Teledyne RDI acoustic Doppler current profilers (ADCPs) configured to sample at 4–4.5-m vertical resolution and to cover most of the water column. Additional pressure sensors (SBE39-TP) were attached to each mooring to measure knockdown. Four conductivity sensors (SBE37) were spaced through the water column on NP250 to measure salinity. Temporal sampling resolutions were 0.5, 10, and 25 s for the SBE 56, 39, and 37 instruments, respectively. ADCPs were all configured to sample at 60 s and collected data in beam coordinates. Additionally, turbulence packages were mounted onto SP250, and a bottom-mounted frame instrumented to measure boundary layer turbulence was deployed during the experiment (SP250-Lander), but these measurements are discussed elsewhere. See Fig. 2 for details of the instrument layouts and sampling duration for each mooring.
b. Regional internal tide
A three-dimensional hydrodynamic model, the Stanford Unstructured Nonhydrostatic Terrain-Following Adaptive Navier–Stokes Solver (SUNTANS; Fringer et al. 2006), was run in hydrostatic mode to provide insight into the regional internal tide dynamics. We used an unstructured mesh and forced with realistic tides and representative density stratification for April [see Rayson et al. (2018) for details of the model configuration and validation]. The model was run for the period 23 March–10 April, and model variables from the spring tide period, 1–3 April, were harmonically decomposed into M2, M4, and M6 tidal frequency components. We then computed internal tide energy quantities in harmonic form to extract the mean energy density and energy flux magnitude and direction (see Rayson et al. 2018). The minimum horizontal resolution was 1 km, and the model solved the hydrostatic momentum equations only. In section 6, we use a 2D, 50-m resolution, nonhydrostatic scenario to investigate the nonlinear internal wave generation and evolution processes over a representative shelf region.
The numerical solution identified several steep topographic features on the shelf that generated large-amplitude internal tides (Fig. 3a). To the south of the measurement site, a northward-facing bank rapidly drops from 100- to 200-m water depth, emitting northward-propagating internal waves. The continental slope edge, indicated by the 400-m isobath, is approximately 75 km NW of the site and was also an internal tide generation region owing to the incident angle of the barotropic tide on the local slope. There is thus a complicated three-dimensional internal tide climatology (standing wave-like pattern) resulting from the various generation sites within the region (Rayson et al. 2011) making it unclear a priori from which direction nonlinear wave trains would arrive at the mooring site. Last, note that a vertical slice of the vertical velocity divergence field from the numerical model indicated that high-mode internal tides (internal beams) were generated at the offshore shelf break (Fig. 3b). In section 6, we apply the same code, but with the nonhydrostatic pressure solver, to a two-dimensional idealized cross section to demonstrate a mechanism for high-mode nonlinear wave generation at a shelfbreak region.
4. Analysis techniques
a. Stratification
Calculating the environmental parameters α and β in Eq. (1) requires full-water column background density information. Moored temperature data were first converted to density using a nonlinear equation of state assuming a constant salinity (34.6 psu). Four CTDs deployed on NP250 showed that salinity was 34.6 ± 0.1 psu at all depths over the duration of the mooring deployment. Density data were then mapped from the moving pressure coordinates to fixed vertical levels via spline interpolation, where the average depth of each instrument was chosen as a representative fixed depth. We then fitted an analytical profile to the background density profiles to give smooth, monotonic, full-water column background density profiles.
b. Modal amplitude fitting
c. Internal tide identification
While an internal tide is broadly defined as an internal wave with tidal frequency, in practice this definition does not capture the fact the tide is composed of multiple frequencies and also that internal tide phases are modulated (Doppler shifted) by the background flow and temporally evolving stratification. Furthermore, nonlinear steepening causes the internal tide to evolve into higher harmonics prior to solitary wave train formation.
To capture the nonstationary effects of steepening and Doppler shifting in the interpretation of the internal tide from our observations, we adopt the approach of least squares fitting a semidiurnal frequency plus its first two harmonics (i.e., M2, M4, and M6) to 2-day segments of each amplitude record with a 50% overlap. We define the amplitude
d. Wave speed and direction detection
5. Results
a. Internal tide amplitude
The mode-1 internal tide amplitude
The mode-2 internal tide amplitude showed little correlation with the barotropic tidal forcing. The short-time harmonic fit to the buoyancy amplitude derived from NP250 captured 84% of the mode-1 variance but only 36% of the mode-2 variance. Stationary tidal harmonic fitting using eight tidal constituents (M2, S2, N2, K2, K1, O1, P1, Q1) applied to the full time record (34 days) captured 71% of the mode-1 but only 18% of the mode-two variance (see Fig. 5 for a visual depiction of the fit quality for both mode-1 and mode-2 amplitude signals). This suggests that the mode-1 response was predominantly due to linear internal tides, whereas the mode-2 response was predominantly due to NLIWs.
b. Mode-2 NLIWs
Large-amplitude mode-2 NLIWs were seen throughout the observation period with amplitudes
The first example of a large mode-2 NLIW event (18 April 2017) had a 20–30-m amplitude leading wave with a weak trailing wave signal. Amplitudes of the leading wave were roughly equal at all moorings for this event. The second example (30 April) was characterized by a smaller leading wave and larger-amplitude trailing waves at both NP250 and SP250. Visually, this event had the greatest spatial variability with a 45-m amplitude disturbance observed at NP250 and only a 25-m maximum at SP250. Isotherm overturning was observed in the core of the large-amplitude trailing wave at both NP250 and SP250. The largest-amplitude mode-2 NLIW was observed on 6 May 2017 with an amplitude of 50 m (Fig. 6l). This event had a large leading wave followed by three to four smaller-amplitude trailing waves. This event passed NP250 and WP250 first and then reached SP250 roughly 15 min later.
The 6 May event had the largest isotherm displacement amplitude and also some of the strongest horizontal velocities observed at the site with u = 0.80 m s−1 measured at SP250 (Fig. 7a). Vertical velocities during this event were up to 0.25 m s−1 (Fig. 7b). High-frequency (>N) temperature oscillations, detected with the SBE56 thermistors sampling at 2 Hz, were also evident in the core of this mode-2 wave, as well as isotherm overturning, for example, at 0747 UTC around a depth of 140 m. Other cases of isotherm overturning in the core of mode-2 waves were observed during smaller-amplitude waves as well, for example, on 20 April 2017 (Fig. 8). In both cases, overturning occurred in the rear core of the wave and super-N frequency isotherm oscillations persisted for about 10 min after the passage of the core at 120–150-m depth within the pycnocline. These high-frequency oscillations indicate a midwater column region of enhanced turbulent dissipation and vertical mixing likely driven by internal wave breaking.
c. Mode-1 NLIWs
A small number of large-amplitude mode-1 waves of depression were observed between 2 and 5 April 2017. The three largest events were characterized by an initial depression with amplitude
d. Environmental (KdV) parameters
The moorings were deployed during the summer to winter (monsoon to dry season) transition period, and the vertical density profile transitioned from having a double thermocline structure at 50 and 175 m around the beginning of April, to a deeper and sharper single thermocline by 30 April (Fig. 10a and Fig. 11a). The corresponding buoyancy frequency profile had a double peak around 3 April (N = 0.015 s−1) and a single peak around 30 April (N = 0.022 s−1) or buoyancy periods of 7 and 5 min, respectively (Fig. 10b and Fig. 11a). Linear mode-1 phase speeds increased from 1.16 to 1.28 m s−1 owing to the sharpening thermocline, while the linear mode-2 phase speed decreased from 0.58 to 0.48 m s−1 (Fig. 11b).
Thermocline deepening toward late April 2017 resulted in deeper peaks for both the mode-1 and mode-2 vertical structure functions, and importantly this changed both the sign and magnitude of the nonlinear steepening parameter [according to Eq. (2)]. The depth of the mode-1 structure function peak deepened from slightly shallower than 125 m (middepth) to 140 m by the end of April, while the depth of the mode-2 structure function peak deepened from 60 to 80 m over the corresponding period (Figs. 10c and 10d, respectively). Over the entire period, the mode-1 nonlinearity parameter α thus changed sign from
e. Background shear effect
The influence of background shear on the environmental parameters was assessed using moored ADCP velocity measurements and computing the first-order nonlinear coefficient with shear (see appendix). ADCP measurements from the SP250 75-kHz RDI Long Ranger were low-pass filtered, similar to density, and then rotated into a plane along the approximate direction of wave propagation (−50° from east as shown below). Velocity data were smoothed and suitably extrapolated near the boundaries by fitting fourth-order Chebychev polynomials and mapping onto the same vertical grid as
The mode-1 and mode-2 nonlinear coefficients (
f. Nonlinear wave speed and direction
Using the lagged correlation to determine the arrival time at each of the three moorings (section 4d), we were able to estimate the phase speed
Internal wave propagation speed
The deviation between the nonlinear and linear phase speed
Wave steepness
An important implication of the finding that waves were directed in a SE direction is that the internal tides generated at the shelf break south-southwest of the site did not evolve into detectable nonlinear wave trains by the time they reached the observation site (see Fig. 3). Both mode-1 and mode-2 nonlinear internal waves thus originated from a direction that was different from the primary time-averaged energy propagation direction as predicted by the 3D hydrostatic numerical model. We argue that the differences in steepening length scale explain this observation.
6. Discussion
a. Steepening length scale calculation
A goal of this study was to identify the background conditions that promote an increased likelihood of occurrence of large-amplitude NLIWs. Key to this is determining the steepening length scale, influenced by the initial wave amplitude and wavenumber, phase speed, and steepening parameter, and these latter quantities are strongly dependent on the background density stratification in the domain. We assumed
Mode-2 waves typically had a shorter steepening length scale than the mode-1 waves. Mode-2 waves followed an inverse relationship with the largest-amplitude NLIWs (
Mode-1 waves of depression typically had a longer steepening length scale than mode-2 waves with only the very largest waves having
While shear effects could potentially be included in the determination of
b. Spatial variability of the steepening length
We used the 3D SUNTANS numerical model solution to examine the spatial variability of the steepening length scale. The internal tide amplitude
The largest predicted mode-1 internal tide had an initial amplitude of
In the 200–500-m shelf region, the mode-1 steepening length scale
c. Fully nonlinear numerical simulations
Parameter values used to initialize and force the fully nonlinear 2D shelf model.
The model time step was 5 s, while the horizontal and vertical grid resolutions were 50 and 10 m, respectively. The horizontal resolution satisfied the criteria for the model nonhydrostatic dispersion of nonlinear internal waves to be greater than numerical grid-induced dispersion as outlined in Vitousek and Fringer (2011). A free-slip bottom boundary condition was applied, while sponge conditions were applied to the horizontal momentum equation at the lateral boundaries to absorb baroclinic motions. The horizontal and vertical eddy viscosity were set to 1.0 and 1 × 10−4 m2 s−1, respectively. The simulation was run for 10 tidal cycles.
Mode-2 NLIWs evolved in the isopycnal field over a tidal cycle across the shelf region (Fig. 15). A virtual mooring at a distance of 110 km shows a time series of isopycnal displacement with a mode-2 NLIW evident at the start and toward the end of the tidal cycle (Fig. 15a; time = 5.5 and 17.5 h, respectively). This wave train evolved from a linear mode-2 wave that was generated near the shelf break and was most pronounced at a distance of 83 km (Fig. 15b; mode-2 waves are characterized by a middepth peak in the vertical velocity divergence
This fully nonlinear numerical solution, with its relatively simple forcing and topography, demonstrates not only the generation of a mode-2 NLIW but also the complex interactions between different modes in the ocean. The shape of the mode-2 shock stretched and contracted as a mode-1 internal wave passed through it (Figs. 15e–g) (mode-1 waves are characterized by reversing
d. Necessary conditions for mode-2 NLIWs
Note that Eq. (16) is a linear excitation mechanism and the steepening length determined from WNL theory is still necessary to determine whether a wave has enough time to steepen by the time it passes a given observation point. The possibilities for high-mode excitation increase with a double pycnocline like Eq. (8), suggesting that the stratification-dependent evolution, not just the initial generation, can be an important factor for determining mode-2 NLIW occurrence.
The only comparable ocean site where mode-2 waves have been reported in the literature is the continental shelf region of the northern South China Sea (SCS), which also has a relatively wide shelf section with intermediate water depths between 200 and 500 m (Yang et al. 2009, 2010). Yang et al. (2009) observed both convex and concave mode-2 waves at a mooring in 300 m deep water, with the former occurring more regularly. On the Australian North West shelf (NWS), we mainly observed convex waves during our 5-week experiment.
Subsequent modeling studies in the SCS using a three-layer stratification revealed that the middle layer had to be thicker than half the water depth to support concave waves (Yang et al. 2010). For continuous stratification, the nonlinear parameter
The last condition necessary for mode-2 waves to be identified is that they cannot have already decayed in amplitude due to turbulent dissipation (e.g., Shroyer et al. 2010) or due to wave–wave interactions (e.g., Stastna et al. 2015). Shroyer et al. (2010) reported a turbulent dissipation time scale of
This work was supported by the Australian Research Council Industrial Transformation Research Hub for Offshore Floating Facilities (IH140100012). Ship time was partly funded through the Indian Ocean Marine Research Centre partners: the University of Western Australia, Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, and the Australian Institute of Marine Science (AIMS). We are grateful to the captain and crew of the R/V Solander plus John Luetchford and Simon Spagnol from AIMS for their assistance in the deployment and recovery of the moorings. Cynthia Bluteau and Andrew Zulberti designed the moorings, and we thank them plus other UWA staff and students for their efforts at sea. Observational data are archived on the UWA library research repository (https://doi.org/10.4225/23/5afbf8fc55ed1).
Background Shear Equations
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